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  1. Nhóm 9 Accommodation: Ch tr , ch , ch làm The price includes travel and accommodation. Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday. The building plans include much needed new office accommodation. First-class accommodation is available on all flights. • accommodate Analogy: S tương t , s gi ng nhau She draws an analogy between life's events and a game of chance. There are no analogies with any previous legal cases. • analogous Anticipate: Mong ñ i, ch ñ i Our anticipated arrival time is 8.30. They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year I don't anticipate it being a problem. It is anticipated that inflation will stabilize at 3%. • anticipation • anticipatory • unanticipated Assure: Qu quy t, cam ñoan She assured them that she would be all right. She's perfectly safe, I can assure you. I won't let you down, I can assure you of that. • assurance • assured • assuredly • self-assurance • self-assured Attain: (~get) ð t ñư c, ñ t t i She's attained a high level of fitness. Most of our students attained five ‘A’ grades in their exams. • attainable • attainment • unattainable ðinh Nho Hi p – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com -1-
  2. Nhóm 9 Behalf: Thay m t cho, nhân danh On behalf of the department I would like to thank you all. Mr Knight cannot be here, so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf. Bulk: S lư ng l n It's cheaper to buy in bulk. He spends the bulk of his money on rent. • bulky Cease: (~stop) D ng, ng ng, ng t, thôi You never cease to amaze me! They voted to cease strike action immediately. The company ceased trading in June. [+ doing sth] He ordered his men to cease firing. [+ to do sth] Her behaviour never ceases to amaze me. • ceaseless • ceaselessly Coherent: M ch l c, ch t ch A coherent policy for the transport system • coherence • coherently • incoherence • incoherent • incoherently Coincide: Trùng, trùng kh p, x y ra ñ ng th i The band's American tour coincided with the release of their second album. It's a pity our trips to New York don't coincide. The interests of employers and employees do not always coincide. (coincide with something): Her story coincided exactly with her brother's. • coincidence • coincident • coincidental • coincidentally ðinh Nho Hi p – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com -2-
  3. Nhóm 9 Commence: B t ñ u, kh i ñ u (~begin, start) commence with something The day commenced with a welcome from the principal. commence something She commenced her medical career in 1956. commence doing something We commence building next week. commence to do something Operators commenced to build pipelines in 1862. • commencement Compatible (~suitable) Tương thích, phù h p The new system will be compatible with existing equipment. Are measures to protect the environment compatible with economic growth? She found a compatible partner through a computer dating agency. This keyboard is compatible with all of our computers. • compatibility • compatibly • concurrent • incompatibility • incompatible Concurrent: ð ng th i, x y ra ñ ng th i (+with) The prison sentences will run concurrently. (Các b n án tù s …) He was imprisoned for two concurrent terms of 30 months and 18 months. Confine: (~restrict) Gi i h n We know that the illness is not confined to any one group in society. This attitude seems to be confined to the upper classes. (t ng l p thư ng lưu) The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area. Here the river is confined in a narrow channel. • confined • unconfined Controversy: Cu c tranh cãi, cu c lu n chi n There is a lot of controversy over mobile phone towers. The controversy surrounding his latest movie • controversial • controversially • uncontroversial ðinh Nho Hi p – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com -3-
  4. Nhóm 9 Conversely: Ngư c l i, ñ o l i Dark lipsticks make your mouth look smaller. Conversely, light shades make it larger. You can add the fluid to the powder, or, conversely, the powder to the fluid. • converse Device: Thi t b A pager is a small, electronic device for sending messages. This device enables deaf people to communicate by typing messages instead of speaking. Devote: C ng hi n, dâng hi n She devotes most of her free time to charity work. Most of the magazine was devoted to coverage of the royal wedding. I could only devote two hours a day to the work. She devoted herself to her career. • devotion Diminish: (~decrease ) Gi m b t, h b t Your pain should diminish gradually after taking these tablets. His influence has diminished with time. Our efforts were producing diminishing returns (= we achieved less although we spent more time or money). • diminution / • undiminished Distort: Bóp méo, xuyên t c My original statement has been completely distorted by the media. The loudspeaker seemed to distort his voice. • distortion Duration: Th i gian, kho ng th i gian (t n t i c a m t s vi c) A contract of three years' duration The school was used as a hospital for the duration of the war. The singer remained in the hotel for the duration of his stay in the UK. Erode: (~wear away) Xói mòn, ăn mòn The coastline is slowly being eroded by the sea. The rocks have eroded away over time. • erosion ðinh Nho Hi p – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com -4-
  5. Nhóm 9 Ethical: (thu c) ð o ñ c, (thu c) luân lí The book raises some serious ethical questions. Ethical issues/standards/questions • ethic • ethically • unethical • unethically Format: ð nh d ng. This year's event will have a new format. The format of the new quiz show has proved popular. Found: (~establish) Thành l p, ñ t n n móng Her family founded the college in 1895. The town was founded by English settlers in 1790. The company was founded in 1861. • unfounded Inherent: (~intrinsic )V n có, v n thu c v , (thu c) b n ch t The desire for freedom is inherent in all people. Violence is inherent in our society. • inherently Insight: Cái nhìn sáng su t The book provides a fascinating insight into the world of art. With a flash of insight I realized what the dream meant. I hope you have gained some insight into the difficulties we face. • insightful Integral: Quan tr ng, không th thi u, c n thi t Practical experience is integral to the course. Music is an integral part of the school's curriculum. • integrally Intermediate: Trung gian, gi a An intermediate stage/step in a process Liquid crystals are considered to be intermediate between liquid and solid. (L ng gi a khí và r n) ðinh Nho Hi p – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com -5-
  6. Nhóm 9 Manual: (thu c) tay; làm b ng tay Manual and non-manual workers; manual labour/work My camera has manual and automatic functions. • manually Mature: Trư ng thành Sexually mature Mature trees A mature and sensible attitude • immature • immaturity • maturation • maturational • maturely • maturity Mediate: Hòa gi i The Secretary-General was asked to mediate in the dispute. An independent body was brought in to mediate between staff and management. • mediation Medium: Phương ti n truy n thông (s nhi u: media) The Internet has become yet another medium for marketing. The medium of radio/television Electronic/audio-visual media Military: (thu c) quân s We may have to take military action. Military action/service • militarily Minimal: T i thi u, c c kì nh (li ti) The work was carried out at minimal cost. There's only a minimal amount of risk involved. (The) damage to the car was minimal. • minimalism • minimalist • minimally ðinh Nho Hi p – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com -6-
  7. Nhóm 9 Mutual: Chung We met at the home of a mutual friend. They soon discovered a mutual interest in music. Andrew and Jean were introduced to each other by a mutual friend. • mutuality • mutually Norm: Quy t c tiêu chu n, quy ph m [usually plural] cultural/social norms She considered people to be products of the values and norms of the society they lived in. Overlap: Ch ng chéo (lên nhau) A fish's scales overlap each other (v y cá….) Our jobs overlap slightly, which sometimes causes difficulties. (Công vi c c a chúng tôi hơi ch ng chéo…) Passive: Th ñ ng, b ñ ng He played a passive role in the relationship. Women at that time were expected to be passive. (Expect = mong ñ i, d ki n…) She wore a passive expression on her face as if she didn't care what happened. • passively Portion: Ph n, ño n trích ra, ph n chia ra A large portion of their profits go straight back into new projects. (profit = l i nhu n) Only a small portion of the budget is spent on books. (budget = ngân sách) You give this portion of the ticket to the inspector and keep the other. Preliminary: (adj/n) Sơ b , trù b , mào ñ u A preliminary discussion/meeting Research will be needed as a preliminary to taking a decision. I'll skip the usual preliminaries and come straight to the point. Protocol: Giao th c, nghi l , quy t c ngo i giao Royal protocol The protocol of diplomatic visits A breach of protocol (M t hành vi vi ph m giao th c…) ðinh Nho Hi p – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com -7-
  8. Nhóm 9 Qualitative: Ch t lư ng, (thu c) ph m ch t Qualitative analysis/research There are qualitative differences between the two products. • qualitatively Refine: Tinh ch , l c The process of refining oil/sugar • refined • refinement Relaxed: Thư thái, thư giãn She seemed relaxed and in control of the situation. There was a very relaxed atmosphere at the party. He appeared relaxed and confident before the match. I'm feeling more relaxed about the future now. • relax • relaxation • relaxing Restrain: (~prevent, ~stop doing…) C n tr , ngăn c n I had to restrain myself from shouting at him. The prisoner had to be restrained by the police He placed a restraining hand on her arm. I had to restrain her from hitting out at passers-by. • restrained • restraint • unrestrained Revolution: Cu c cách m ng (thay ñ i toàn di n) The French Revolution To start a revolution This discovery caused a revolution in medicine. (cause = make?) A revolution in information technology is taking place. • rev • revolutionary • revolutionize ðinh Nho Hi p – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com -8-
  9. Nhóm 9 Rigid: C ng nh c, c ng r n, c ng (v t th hay ch t) I found the rules a little too rigid. A rigid structure She sat upright, her body rigid with fear. (cô y ng i th ng ñ ng, cơ th c ng lên vì s hãi) • rigidity • rigidly Route: Tuy n ñư ng, ñư ng ñi, l trình Crowds gathered all along the route to watch the race. (ñám ñông t p trung d c tuy n ñư ng…) Scenario: Vi n c nh (trong tương lai) Let me suggest a possible scenario. Sphere: Hình c u, kh i c u, qu c u, m t c u • spherical • spherically Subordinate: C p dư i In many societies women are subordinate to men. • subordination Supplement: Ph n b sung; (ph n ph l c) To take a vitamin supplement A newspaper with a colour supplement Industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding. • supplemental • supplementary • supplementation Suspend: Hoãn l i, ñình ch (officially ) The semi-final was suspended because of bad weather. Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out. She was suspended from school for fighting. • suspension ðinh Nho Hi p – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com -9-
  10. Nhóm 9 Team: Nhóm, ñ i A football/baseball, etc. team The team is/are not playing very well this season. Which team are you on? Temporary: T m th i, ch c lát, lâm th i (>
nguon tai.lieu . vn