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Why College Football Outpasses, Flat-Out Surpasses the NFL AUSTIN MURPHY To my father, J. Austin Murphy Jr.: former Colgate “end” who also sang in the Thirteen; who never ma de a ba d snap as a single-wing center at St. Joe’s prep in Buffalo, New York, nor missed a n opportunity to remind us of th at fact. Rex, you rule. CONTENTS Prologue 1 1 Irish Eyes 15 2 Here We Come Again! 31 3 This Is the Day, and You Are the Team 47 4 The Brawl in the Royal, or The Blunt Truth 59 5 “We few, we happy few . . .” 79 6 Losin’s Losin’ 95 7 Redeemed 113 8 Meet Me in Frog Alley 127 9 Toomer’s Corner 139 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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