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HOW TO CONTROL YOUR BRAIN AT WILL . Dr. Roger Vittoz Christian H. Godefroy © IAB, 2001. Published by Christian H. Godefroy (2001 Christian H. Godefroy.) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. The first part of this work is a new,revised and updated edition of Dr. Roger Vittoz’s “Treat-ment Of Psycho-Neuroses Through Re-Education of Cerebral Control.” The preface was written by Dr. David Halimi. The sections on practical applications are by Christian H. Godefroy. Manufactured in the United States of America. Contents Page 2 Contents Preface ......................................................................................... 3 Introduction ................................................................................. 6 CHAPTER 1 - Cerebral Control.................................................. 8 CHAPTER 2 - Psychoneurosis.................................................. 17 CHAPTER 3 - Psychological Symptoms .................................. 21 CHAPTER 4 - Necessity for re-educating cerebral control ...... 31 CHAPTER 5 - Treatment .......................................................... 42 CHAPTER 6 - Controlling actions............................................ 44 CHAPTER 7 - Controlling thoughts ......................................... 51 CHAPTER 8 - Concentration.................................................... 56 CHAPTER 9 - Elimination, de-concentration.......................... 69 CHAPTER 10 - Willpower........................................................ 73 CHAPTER 11 - Psychological treatment .................................. 86 CHAPTER 12 - Insomnia........................................................ 103 CHAPTER 13 - Treatment summary....................................... 108 Conclusion............................................................................... 142 Table of Contents..................................................................... 143 Preface Page 3 Preface Preface by Dr. David Halimi In today’s modern world, most human societies are rapidly evolv-ing. This evolution goes hand in hand with scientific discoveries be-ing made in the areas of technology,sociology,human behavior, and... medicine. An unfortunate side effect of all this progress is amarked increase in the level of STRESS. Stress has almost become a dirty word nowa-days! Hans Selye, who coined the term, used it to describe the psy-chological reactions of an organism when adapting to all forms of aggression. He hardly imagined the importance of his discovery. Present day societies are both the authors and hostages of their own evolution, which has become an inexhaustible source of mental de-stabilization. Worry, fear, anxiety, anguish, depression, discomfort -in short a host of forms of physical and mental suffering - are directly related to stress. At the same time as concepts like New Age, New Medicine, New World Order, New Man, and so one are being invented, we must ad-mit that whole sections of the edifice of classic socio-psychology have been shaken and even destroyed. But since the dawn of humanity, we have been posing the same anguished questions about our origins, and the purpose of our lives. We are exposed to them every day, in the course of our normal day to day exchanges. We are constantly being heckled and battered by the Preface Page 4 same doubts, the same anxieties, the same sufferings and the same hopes. We are therefore the inheritors of an immense emotional and energetic deficiency, which binds us to our past, and to our fellow man. And most of us remain more or less unconscious of the pro-gramming we have been conditioned with! By reuniting us with the primary elements of our material being - i.e. the functions and mechanisms of our own brain - the method developed by my colleague, Dr. Roger Vittoz offers a collection of practical exercises aimed precisely at re-establishing that fundamen-tal and existential equilibrium which we have lost. Our understanding of neuro-physiological processes has increased dramatically over the last ten years. Far from contradicting these in-sights, the advice offered by Dr. Vittoz, when skillfully and intelli-gently applied, provides us with the keys for achieving mental con-trol. The mind is difficult to define, situated as it is on the border between the psyche and the body, the organic, the functional and the existential. Based on his day to day therapeutic practice, Dr. R. Vittoz is able to enlighten us by presenting his theories in a comprehensible way, stripped of any arduous intellectualizations, while remaining completely integral and accurate. Feeling good about yourself, being yourself, knowing how to as-sert yourself, fulfilling your own potential, respecting yourself, stay-ing healthy... these are some of the fundamental themes covered by my colleague. Conscious, subconscious, will, desire, imagination, body struc-ture, relationship dynamics... all represent a kind of interface between how we relate to others, how we would like to be ourselves, and how we finally achieve self fulfillment. Preface Page 5 Dr. Vittoz’s book has been completely updated, and presents a body of important information in the form of practical exercises, making it accessible to the greatest number of readers. Even if we do not agree with all the conclusions he has drawn, we must admit that modern neuro-physiology does seem to back them up. We are convinced that anyone who puts these theories into prac-tice, and who perseveres, will be able to overcome any of the psycho-behavioral or organic disorders they are suffering from. And curing physical and mental suffering without having to rely on medication is the challenge which the author of this method has taken on... for the health and happiness of his fellow beings. Dr. David Halimi ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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