Tài liệu miễn phí Du lịch

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Giải pháp phát triển du lịch sinh thái bền vững tại Vườn quốc gia Ba Vì

Nội dung của bài viết trình bày tóm tắt kết quả đánh giá thực trạng hoạt động du lịch sinh thái, trên cơ sở đó đề xuất một số giải pháp nhằm phát triển bền vững du lịch sinh thái tại Vườn quốc gia Ba Vì, đưa ra một số giải pháp nhằm phát triển bền vững các hoạt động du lịch sinh thái trên 3 khía cạnh bền vững về kinh tế, bền vững về môi trường và bền vững về xã hội.

8/30/2018 5:41:10 AM +00:00

Giải pháp phát triển du lịch sinh thái tại Vườn quốc gia Tam Đảo

Nội dung của bài viết trình bày về du lịch sinh thái - một lĩnh vực kinh doanh đầy tiềm năng trên cả góc độ kinh tế và môi trường, dựa trên cơ sở phân tích thực trạng hoạt động kinh doanh du lịch sinh thái tại Vườn quốc gia Tam Đảo, từ đó đề xuất giải pháp phát triển du lịch sinh thái tại Vườn quốc gia Tam Đảo.

8/30/2018 5:41:10 AM +00:00

Nghiên cứu và định hướng phát triển du lịch sinh thái rừng tràm Trà Sư (Study and orientate ecotourism development at Tra Su forest, An Giang province)

Nội dung của bài viết trình bày về rừng tràm Trà sư - một vùng rừng trồng đặc dụng với đầy đủ hệ sinh vật và cảnh quan phong phú, tạo nên một vùng tiểu khí hậu ôn hòa và bầu không khí trong lành, đây là một địa điểm thuận lợi để phát triển du lịch sinh thái, kết nối các điểm du lịch nổi tiếng của tỉnh An Giang, được xem là trạm dừng chân lý tưởng của du khách trong tuyến du lịch về vùng sông nước.

8/30/2018 5:41:09 AM +00:00

Bài thuyết trình về Đà Lạt

Đà lạt là một thành phố trực thuộc Lâm Đồng,nằm trên cao nguyên Lâm viên, ở độ cao 1500 so với mặt nước biển và có diện tích:39.329km². Với bài thuyết trình này sẽ giúp các bạn biết thêm về Đà Lạt

8/30/2018 5:41:04 AM +00:00

Chính sách nâng cao chất lượng quản lý dịch vụ du lịch Kon Tum

Bài viết sử dụng mô hình IPA để đánh giá chất lượng dịch vụ du lịch tỉnh Kon Tum thong qua các cảm nhận của du khách. Đó là căn cứ cho các nhà học định chính sách phát triển hạ tầng, thường xuyên kiểm tra các điểm du lịch, các đơn vị cung cấp dịch vụ, đào tạo và phát triển nguồn nhân lực cho du lịch.

8/30/2018 5:41:02 AM +00:00

Lecture Street foods - Chapter 1: What is street food?

This chapter’s objectives are to: Define street food, discuss the history of street food, explain how to prepare various types of street foods, explain the food safety concerns surrounding the service of street food, describe how to transport street food, define and describe the different categories of street food, discuss the regional differences of street food from around the world.

8/30/2018 5:39:22 AM +00:00

Lecture Street foods - Chapter 2: Meat and poultry

This chapter’s objectives are to: Discuss the history of meat preparation and consumption around the globe; discuss familiar techniques of meat cookery and cooking methods; define and describe the techniques involved in meat cookery including grilling, sautéing, barbeque, braising, stewing, poaching, and moist-heat cooking;...

8/30/2018 5:39:22 AM +00:00

Lecture Street foods - Chapter 3: Fish and seafood

This chapter’s objectives are to: Identify the quality characteristics for purchasing fresh fish and seafood; identify the different forms available for purchasing fish and seafood; discuss storage procedures associated with fish and seafood;...

8/30/2018 5:39:22 AM +00:00

Lecture Street foods - Chapter 4: Vegetables and fruit

This chapter’s objectives are to: Discuss the history of preparation and consumption of vegetables; discuss the differences in how produce is viewed and used from region to region; discuss how to store produce properly; define and describe the techniques involved in cooking vegetables including grilling, sautéing, stewing, glazing, frying, and braising.

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Lecture Street foods - Chapter 5: Grains, legumes, noodles, and bread

This chapter’s objectives are to: Discuss the history of the preparation and consumption of grains, legumes, noodles and bread; discuss familiar techniques and cooking methods for grains, legumes, noodles and bread; identify different grains and legumes; define and describe the characteristics and applications of grains, legumes, noodles and bread.

8/30/2018 5:39:22 AM +00:00

Lecture Street foods - Chapter 6: Sweets and beverages

This chapter’s objectives are to: Discuss the emotional aspects of sweets and beverages and their importance in a meal; discuss nutritional concerns over sweet foods; discuss the change and innovation in sweets over time; understand how properly to balance recipes in terms of flavors, textures, and temperatures.

8/30/2018 5:39:22 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 1 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

This chapter presents the following content: Professional foodservice manager, profit: the reward for service, four major foodservice expense categories, percentages, percentages in foodservice, profit formula, understanding the income (profit and loss) statement, common percentages used in a P&L statement, understanding the budget, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 2 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition) - Chapter 2: Creating sales forecasts. This chapter presents the following content: Importance of forecasting sales, sales histories, maintaining sales histories, sales variances, predicting future sales, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 3 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 3 - Purchasing and receiving. This chapter presents the following content: Forecasting food sales, forecasting beverage sales, importance of standardized recipes, purchasing food, purchasing beverages, purchase orders, receiving food and beverage products, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 4 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 4, managing inventory and production. This chapter presents the following content: Product storage, inventory control, product issuing and restocking, managing food production, managing beverage production, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 5 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 5 - Monitoring food and beverage product costs. This chapter presents the following content: Cost of sales, computing cost of food sold, computing cost of beverage sold, utilizing the cost of sales formula, reducing the cost of sales percentage, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 6 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Lecture Food and beverage cost control, chapter 6 - Managing food and beverage pricing. This chapter presents the following content: Menu formats, menu specials, factors affecting menu pricing, assigning menu prices, special pricing situations, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 7 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 7 - Managing the cost of labor. This chapter presents the following content: Labor expense in the hospitality industry, evaluating labor productivity, maintaining a productive workforce, measuring current labor productivity, managing payroll costs, reducing labor-related costs, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 8 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 8 - Controlling other expenses. This chapter presents the following content: Other expenses; controllable and non-controllable other expenses; fixed, variable, and mixed other expenses; monitoring other expenses; managing other expenses; technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 9 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 9 - Analyzing results using the income statement.This chapter presents the following content: Introduction to financial analysis, uniform system of accounts, income statement (USAR format), analysis of sales/volume, analysis of food expense.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 10 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 10 - Planning for profit. This chapter presents the following content: Financial analysis and profit planning, menu analysis, cost/volume/profit analysis, the budget, developing the budget, monitoring the budget, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 11 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 11 - Maintaining and improving the revenue control system. This chapter presents the following content: Revenue security, external threats to revenue security, internal threats to revenue security, developing the revenue security system, the complete revenue security system, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (5th Edition): Chapter 12 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 12 - Global dimensions of cost control. This chapter presents the following content: Multinational foodservice operations, managing in a global economy, cost control challenges in global operations.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (6th Edition): Chapter 1 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 1 - Managing revenue and expense. This chapter presents the following content: Professional foodservice manager, profit: the reward for service, four major foodservice expense categories, percentages, percentages in foodservice, profit formula, understanding the income (profit and loss) statement, common percentages used in a P&L statement, understanding the budget, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (6th Edition): Chapter 2 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 2 - Creating sales forecasts. This chapter presents the following content: Importance of forecasting sales, sales histories, maintaining sales histories, sales variances, predicting future sales, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (6th Edition): Chapter 3 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 3 - Purchasing and receiving. This chapter presents the following content: Forecasting food sales, forecasting beverage sales, importance of standardized recipes, purchasing food, purchasing beverages, purchase orders, receiving food and beverage products, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (6th Edition): Chapter 4 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 4 - Managing inventory and production. This chapter presents the following content: Product storage, inventory control, product issuing and restocking, managing food production, managing beverage production, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (6th Edition): Chapter 5 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 5 - Monitoring food and beverage product costs. This chapter presents the following content: Cost of sales, computing cost of food sold, computing cost of beverage sold, utilizing the cost of sales formula, reducing the cost of sales percentage, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (6th Edition): Chapter 6 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 6 - Managing food and beverage pricing. This chapter presents the following content: Menu formats, menu specials, factors affecting menu pricing, assigning menu prices, special pricing situations, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Food and beverage cost control (6th Edition): Chapter 7 - Dopson, Hayes, Miller

Chapter 7 - Managing the cost of labor. This chapter presents the following content: Labor expense in the hospitality industry, evaluating labor productivity, maintaining a productive workforce, measuring current labor productivity, managing payroll costs, reducing labor-related costs, technology tools.

8/30/2018 5:39:21 AM +00:00