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A SIP-based Medical Event Monitoring System

The key weekly sessions are outlined in the program below. There is only 3 sessions that need to be completed as part of the structured program each week. However, for those runners wanting to break 40 or 50 minutes, it is important to supplement these 3 key sessions with some lower intensity recovery runs. These runs can be completed 1-3 times weekly and should consist of 25-40 minutes of easy running. They should not be stressful at all, and in most cases you should finish the run feeling better than you did at the beginning. ...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Are you ready? Reduce waste at special events by simply planning ahead.

The speed and intensity at which key sessions are completed is extremely important, and the suggestions should be followed closely. You might think, if I run faster in the VO2 intervals, then I will improve more. This is not the case! It is a matter of following the set paces, as these are the intensities designed to improve specific aspects of your running for a 10k race, as outlined in ‘The Physiology of a 10k’. It is important that runners who are aiming for times between 40, 50 and 60 minutes adjust the paces accordingly. After...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Surveillance for Safety After Immunization: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) — United States, 1991–2001

Achieving your 10km goals is not just about completing the key sessions. There are other important aspects of performance. Remember to follow a sensible nutritional plan, from day to day, and pre and post training. Stretching is also an essential aspect of training. Stretching should be completed after each training session, as well as during designated stretching sessions 2-3 times per week. Improved flexibility will reduce the chance of injury, reduce fatigue, and improve running efficiency. Recovery is another crucial part of your training program that is often overlooked. Without adequate recovery, all those hard training sessions...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Medicare Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount - Life-Changing Event

Mover’s Distance (EMD) to explicitly align the volumes. In contrast to the fixed volume-to-volume matching used in [25], the space-time volumes of two videos across different space-time locations can be matched using our ASTPM method, making it better at coping with the large intraclass variations within the same type of events (e.g., moving objects in consumer videos can appear at different space- time locations, and the background within two different videos, even captured from the same scene, may be shifted due to considerable camera motion). The second is ourmain contribution. In order to copewith the considerable variation between feature distributions of videos from the web video domain and consumer video domain, we propose...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Crying Wolf: An Empirical Study of SSL Warning E ectiveness

In this paper, we propose a new event recognition framework for consumer videos by leveraging a large amount of loosely labeled YouTube videos. Our work is based on the observation that a large amount of loosely labeled YouTube videos can be readily obtained by using keywords (also called tags) based search. However, the quality of YouTube videos is generally lower than con- sumer videos because YouTube videos are often down- sampled and compressed by the web server. In addition, YouTube videos may have been selected and edited to attract attention, while consumer videos are in their naturally captured state. In Fig. 1, we show four frames from two events (i.e., “picnic” and...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Sustainable events with ISO 20121

Recently, pyramid matching algorithms were proposed for different applications, such as object recognition, scene classification, and event recognition in movies and news videos [13], [25], [26], [48], [49]. These methods involved pyramidal binning in different domains (e.g., feature, spatial, or temporal domain), and improved performances were reported by fusing the information from multiple pyramid levels. Spatial pyramid matching [26] and its space-time extension [25] used fixed block-to-block matching and fixed volume-to-volumematching (we refer to it as unaligned space- time matching), respectively. In contrast, our proposed Aligned Space-Time Pyramid Matching extends the methods of Spatially Aligned Pyramid Matching (SAPM) [48] and Temporally Aligned Pyramid Matching (TAPM) [49] from either the spatial domain or the temporal...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Fifth Annual Event Sustainability Report ORACLE OPENWORLD SAN FRANCISCO

Event recognition methods can be roughly categorized into model-based methods and appearance-based techniques. Model-based approaches relied on various models, includ- ing HMM [35], coupled HMM [3], and Dynamic Bayesian Network [33], to model the temporal evolution. The relationships among different body parts and regions are also modeled in [3], [35], in which object tracking needs to be conducted at first before model learning. Appearance-based approaches employed space-time (ST) features extracted from volumetric regions that can be densely sampled or from salient regions with significant local variations in both spatial and temporal dimensions [24], [32], [41]. In [19], Ke et al. employed boosting to learn a cascade of filters based on space-time features for...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Sustainable events guide

Many studies of system logs treat them as sources of failure events. Log analysis of system errors typically involves classifying log messages based on the preset severity level of the reported error, and on tokens and their positions in the text of the message [14] [11]. More sophisticated analysis has included the study of the statistical properties of reported failure events to localize and predict faults [15] [11] [9] and mining pat- terns from multiple log events [8]. Our treatment of system logs differs from such tech- niques that treat logs as purely a source of events: we impose additional semantics on the log events of interest, to identify durations in which...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00


Request tracing. Our view of system logs as providing a control-flow perspective of system execution, when cou- pled with log messages which have unique identifiers for the relevant request or processing task, allows us to ex- tract request-flow views of the system. Much work has been done to extract request-flow views of systems, and these request flow views have then been used to diagnose and debug performance problems in distributed systems [2] [1]. However, [2] used instrumentation in the applica- tion andmiddleware to track requests and explicitlymon- itor the states that the system goes through, while [1] ex- tracted causal flows from messages in a distributed sys- tem using J2EE instrumentation developed...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

SALSA: Analyzing Logs as StAte Machines

It is not our goal, either, to demonstrate complete use cases for SALSA. For example, while we demonstrate one application of SALSA for failure diagnosis, we do not claim that this failure-diagnosis technique is com- plete nor perfect. It is merely illustrative of the types of useful analyses that SALSA can support. Finally, while we can support an online version of SALSA that would analyze log entries generated as the system executes, the goal of this paper is not to describe such an online log-analysis technique or its runtime over- heads. In this paper, we use SALSA in an offline manner, to analyze logs incrementally....

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Visual Event Recognition in Videos by Learning from Web Data

Assumptions. We assume that the logs faithfully capture events and their causality in the system’s execution. For instance, if the log declares that event X happened before event Y, we assume that is indeed the case, as the system executes. We assume that the logs record each event’s timestamp with integrity, and as close in time (as possi- ble) to when the event actually occurred in the sequence of the system’s execution. Again, we recognize that, in practice, the preemption of the system’s execution might cause a delay in the occurrence of an event X and the cor- responding log message (and timestamp generation) for entry into the log. We do...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Training for a 10k Event By Ben Wisbey

Hadoop [7] is an open-source implementation of Google’s Map/Reduce [5] framework that enables dis- tributed, data-intensive, parallel applications by decom- posing a massive job into smaller tasks and a massive data-set into smaller partitions, such that each task pro- cesses a different partition in parallel. The main abstrac- tions are (i) Map tasks that process the partitions of the data-set using key/value pairs to generate a set of inter- mediate results, and (ii) Reduce tasks that merge all in- termediate values associated with the same intermediate key. Hadoop uses the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), an implementation of the Google Filesystem [16], to share data amongst the distributed tasks in the system. HDFS...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Event Modeling and Recognition using Markov Logic Networks ?

Hadoop has a master-slave architecture (Figure 2), with a unique master host and multiple slave hosts, typ- ically configured as follows. The master host runs two daemons: (1) the JobTracker, which schedules and man- ages all of the tasks belonging to a running job; and (2) the NameNode, which manages the HDFS namespace, and regulates access to files by clients (which are typi- cally the executing tasks). Each slave host runs two daemons: (1) the Task- Tracker, which launches tasks on its host, based on in- structions from the JobTracker; the TaskTracker also keeps track of the progress of each task on its host; and (2) the DataNode, which serves data blocks...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Guidance for Industry - How to Complete the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System Form (VAERS-1)

Use these options from the very beginning and you could save money: cost-saving, sustainable options such as serving tap water instead of bottled water balances out more expensive choices like ordering sustainably-sourced fish; using electronic communication will save on paper, energy use and postage. Thinking sustainably will also help you achieve value for money, by taking into account total production costs and quality. See the boxes below for tips and ideas. Remember that it may not be possible to do everything suggested in the guide, so think about the overall approach and how the options you choose can make your event more sustainable....

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

VAERS Table of Reportable Events Following Vaccination*

Oracle OpenWorld is the world’s largest information technology event dedicated to helping enterprises understand how to harness the power of information. The event provides a platform for Oracle customers, partners, and employees to discover, integrate, and promote hardware and software tools for business. Oracle solutions assist with database development, enterprise resource planning, and customer relationship and supply chain management.

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Sustainable Event Guidelines

Paper consumption can represent significant costs associated with the communications and marketing activities of a planned event. It is often considered a necessary cost of doing business. Yet, when looking at a standard piece of paper, many of us do not consider the true cost of producing it. Conventional paper uses chemicals that produce, along with the paper itself, harsh toxic substances and the living trees used to make the paper provide priceless ecological services. Sustainable communications and marketing practices, such as limiting paper usage or avoiding paper altogether, not only help the environment but also...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Assembling Volunteers for an Event – Getting Started

In recent years, malware has become a widespread prob- lem. Compromised machines on the Internet are generally referred to as bots, and the set of bots controlled by a single entity is called a botnet. Botnet controllers use techniques such as IRC channels and customized peer-to-peer proto- cols to control and operate these bots. Botnets have multiple nefarious uses: mounting DDoS attacks, stealing user passwords and identities, generat- ing click fraud [9], and sending spam email [16]. There is anecdotal evidence that spam is a driving force in the economics of botnets: a common strategy for monetizing botnets is sending spam email, where spam is dened lib- erally to include traditional advertisement...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

The stages of event extraction

While previouswork focuses on trafc generated by bot- nets, our work is the rst to study botnet traces based on economicmotivation and monetizing activities. Along this direction, we expect a new category of traces can be used to characterize botnets from different perspectives (see Sec- ion 6). Our work takes activities from individual bots and aggregates them into botnets. The aggregation techniques proposed in this paper may generally benet analysis of other traces in this category. Several previous studies [2, 16] use spam email mes- sages collected at a single or small number of points to gain nsight into different aspects of the Internet. SpamScat- er [2] clusters spamemail based on the...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

A Markov Logic Approach to Bio-Molecular Event Extraction

We successfully found hundreds of botnets by examin- ing a subset of the spam email messages received by Hot- mail Web mail service. The sizes of the botnets we found range from tens of hosts to more than ten thousand hosts. Our measurement results will be useful in several ways. First, knowing the size and membership gives us a bet- ter understanding on the threat posed by botnets. Second, the membership and geographic locations are useful infor- mation for deployment of countermeasurement infrastruc- tures, such as rewall placement, trafc ltering policies, etc. Third, characterizing botnets behavior in monetiz- ing activities may help in ghting against botnets in these businesses, perhaps reduce their...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

A memory–based learning approach to event extraction in biomedical texts

We do some initial processing of the raw-format mes- sages before the next step. The rst is to extract a reli- able sender IP address heuristically for each message. Al- though the message format dictates a chain of relaying IP addresses in each message, a malicious relay can easily al- ter that. Therefore we cannot simply take the rst IP in the chain. Instead, our method is as follows (similar to the one in [5]). First we trust the sender IP reported by Hot- mail in the Received headers, and if the previous relay IP address (before any server from Hotmail) is on our trust list (e.g. other well-known mail...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

The Multi-Principal OS Construction of the Gazelle Web Browser

A spam campaign consists of many related email mes- sages. The messages in a spam campaign share a set of common features, such as similar content, or links (with or without redirection) to the same target URL. By exploit- ing this feature, we can cluster spam email messages with same or near-duplicate content together as a single spam campaign. Spammers often obfuscate the message content such that each email message in a spam campaign has slightly different text from the others. One common obfuscating technique is misspelling commonly ltered words or in- serting extra characters. HTML-based email offers addi- tional ways to obfuscate similarities in messages, such as inserting comments, including invisible text,...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Towards Street-Level Client-Independent IP Geolocation

Many home computer users currently connect to the Inter- net through dial-up, ADSL, cable or other services that as- sign them new IP addresses constantly — anywhere from every couple of hours to every couple of days. This af- fects our estimation of number of hosts involved in each spam campaign. We correct this by estimating how “dy- namic” each IP address is, and compensate by “merging” some dynamic IP addresses with other IP addresses in the same spam campaign. The problem of IP dynamics was rst presented and studied in [18]. However, we are not able to directly use their results because our application requires a different set of parameters. We...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Making Event Participants More Successful with Social Media Tools

With link correlation information (CPRP) available among neighboring nodes, collective ACKs are achieved in an accumulative manner. The success of a transmis- sion to a node (defined as the coverage probability of a node) is no longer a binary (0/1) estimation, but a prob- ability value between 0 and 1. Using collective ACKs, a sender updates the coverage probability values of neigh- boring receivers whenever (i) it transmits or (ii) over- hears a rebroadcast message. To improve efficiency, a transmission is considered necessary only when the cov- erage probability of a neighboring node has not reached a certain user-desired reliability threshold. In addition to collective ACKs, we propose a dynamic forwarding technique to...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

Raising More Money Online with Independent/Third-Party Fundraising Events

In our experiments, 42 MICAz nodes were used. The experimentswere conductedwith multiple randomly generated layouts under two different scenarios: (i) an open parking lot, and (ii) an indoor office. In each sce- nario, two types of experiments were conducted: Fixed Single Sender and Round Robin Sender. In the Fixed Single Sender experiment, the sender was placed in the center of the topology, while the other 41 nodes were randomly deployed as receivers. The sender broadcasted a packet in every 200ms. Each packet was identified by a sequence number. The total number of packets broad- casted was 6000. In the Round Robin Sender experi- ment, each node in turn broadcasted 200 packets with time...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

World Health Day 2012 - Ageing and health - Toolkit for event organizers

It is clear from such a definition that unusual event de- tection entails a number of challenges. The rarity of an un- usual event means that collecting sufficient training data for supervised learning will often be infeasible, necessitating methods for learning from small numbers of examples. In addition, more than one type of unusual event may occur in a given data sequence, where the event types can be ex- pected to differ markedly from one another. This implies that training a single model to capture all unusual events will generally be infeasible, further exacerbating the prob- lem of learning from limited data. As well as such mod- eling problems due to...

8/30/2018 2:40:29 AM +00:00

MapReduce Online

A digital event is an occurrence that changes the state of one or more digital objects[CS04a]. If the state of an object changes as a result of an event, then it is an effect of the event. Some types of objects have the ability to cause events and they are called causes. Note that because digital objects are stored in a physical form, then their state can be changed by both physical and digital events. An object is evidence of an event if the event changed the object’s state. This means that the object can be examined for information about the event that occurred. However,...

8/30/2018 2:40:28 AM +00:00

Sparse Reconstruction Cost for Abnormal Event Detection

Some environments have developed policies and laws that forbid certain events from occurring. An incident is an event or sequence of events that violate a policy and more specifically, a crime is an event or sequence or events that violate a law. In particular, a digital incident is one or more digital events that violate a policy. In response to an incident or crime, an investigation may begin. An investigation is a process that develops and tests hypotheses to answer questions about events that occurred. Example questions include“what caused the incident to occur”, “when did the incident occur”, and “where did the incident occur”....

8/30/2018 2:40:28 AM +00:00

Heinrich event 1: an example of dynamical ice-sheet reaction to oceanic changes

To develop and test hypotheses about the events that occurred before, during and after the incident, we need to determine what actually happened. The only proof that an event may have occurred is if evidence of the event exists. If the object whose state was changed by the event still exists, then we can examine it for information about the event and about other objects that were causes or effects of the event. Therefore, we can make our previous evidence definition more specific and state that an object is evidence of an incident if its state was used to cause an event related to the incident...

8/30/2018 2:40:28 AM +00:00

Efficient Data Structures for Tamper-Evident Logging

The preceding section discussed the basic concepts of an investigation and it never used the word forensic. To determine where, if at all, the term forensic can be applied we will first consult its definition. The American Heritage Dictionary defines forensic as an adjective and “relating to the use of science or technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law [Hou00].” Therefore, to be considered forensic, a process must use science and technology and the results must be able to be used in a court of law....

8/30/2018 2:40:28 AM +00:00

Probabilistic Event Logic for Interval-Based Event Recognition

With digital evidence, technology is always needed to process the digital data and therefore the only difference between a forensic and a non-forensic investigation of digital data is whether or not the evidence can be used in a court of law. A forensic investigation is a process that uses science and technology to develop and test theories, which can be entered into a court of law, to answer questions about events that occurred. In particular, a digital forensic investigation is a process that uses science and technology to examine digital objects and that develops and tests theories, which can be entered into a court of law,...

8/30/2018 2:40:28 AM +00:00