Tài liệu miễn phí Sức khỏe trẻ em

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Surgical management of traumatic diaphramatic hernia in a pup

A 3 month-old non-descript male pup was presented to the small animal surgery outpatient unit at madras veterinary college with a history of road traffic accident a day back. Upon presentation the dog was ambulatory, dull, and nonresponsive and exhibited a stiff gait and a hunched posture. On auscultation, muffled heart sounds were observed and dysnea was noticed due to reduction of tidal volume. The mucous membrane was pink and moist and the capillary refill time was less than 2 seconds. Excoriations on the ventral abdomen and pelvic limbs, pain on abdominal palpation and blood-tinged fluid at the preputial opening were observed in addition. Radiographs of the abdomen and thorax were taken to rule out abnormalities, if any.

5/4/2020 11:25:14 AM +00:00

Comparative evaluation of genexpert MTB/RIF assay and microscopy for rapid diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis in children

Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is the most devastating complication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Diagnosis of TBM is challenging in young children due to the paucibacillary nature of disease. Microscopy for acid-fast bacilli in CSF is fast but has very low sensitivity whereas culture may take up to 42 days. Due to the urgency of diagnosis in suspected TBM cases, a rapid, accurate diagnostic test could have a great impact on survival. Aims of the study are to prospectively determine the diagnostic accuracy of Xpert MTB/RIF in a large consecutive series of samples from patients presenting with suspected Tuberculous meningitis.

5/4/2020 11:12:49 AM +00:00

A bacteriological study of neonatal septicaemia

Neonatal sepsis is defined as a bacterial infection of the blood in an infant younger than 4 weeks of age. Blood cultures remain the mainstay of laboratory diagnosis of bloodstream infections (BSIs) in infants. The knowledge of bacteriological profile and its antibiotic sensitivity patterns is of immense help in saving lives of neonates with septicaemia. The study was conducted on neonatal blood samples to identify the common pathogens as well as rare and newer pathogenic species causing neonatal septicaemia along with their antibiotic sensitivity to help formulate guidelines for empiric antibiotic therapy in a developing country.

5/4/2020 11:09:02 AM +00:00

Viêm mao mạch dị ứng ở trẻ em tại Khoa Nhi, Bệnh viện Bạch Mai

Viêm mạch dị ứng hay còn gọi là Henoch-Schonlein Purpura thường gặp ở trẻ em. Mục tiêu nghiên cứu: mô tả đặc điểm lâm sàng, cận lâm sàng của viêm mao mạch dị ứng ở trẻ em. Đối tượng nghiên cứu: trẻ được chẩn đoán viêm mao mạch dị ứng vào điều trị tại Khoa Nhi, Bệnh viện Bạch Mai trong thời gian từ tháng 01 năm 2017 đến hết tháng 12 năm 2018. Phương pháp nghiên cứu: mô tả loạt ca bệnh. Kết quả: tuổi trung bình khởi phát bệnh là 9,1 ± 3,2 tuổi. Tỷ lệ trẻ trai/trẻ gái là 1,17:1. Tỉ lệ bệnh khởi phát vào mùa đông xuân cao nhất (38%), 44% trường hợp có nhiễm trùng trước khi khởi phát bệnh. Triệu chứng lâm sàng gặp nhiều nhất là ban xuất huyết đối xứng 2 bên (90%), 68,0% có các biểu hiện tại cơ quan tiêu hóa, 18,0% có tổn thương thận. Kết quả điều trị: 78% trẻ khỏi hoàn toàn, 16% trẻ có tái phát, không thuyên giảm là 6%. Kết luận: Viêm mạch dị ứng có biểu hiện chính là các ban xuất huyết đối xứng, kèm theo triệu chứng tại đường tiêu hóa, tổn thương thận ít gặp hơn, tỉ lệ điều trị khỏi cao.

5/4/2020 9:57:52 AM +00:00

Tìm hiểu kiến thức, thái độ của cha mẹ và chất lượng cuộc sống trẻ bị bệnh thận mạn tại Khoa Nhi Bệnh viện Bạch Mai

Bài viết tìm hiểu thực trạng kiến thức của cha/mẹ có con mắc bệnh thận mạn và đánh giá chất lượng cuộc sống của trẻ bị bệnh thận mạn. Đối tượng và phương pháp: nghiên cứu mô tả cắt ngang qua phỏng vấn cha mẹ và đánh giá chất lượng cuộc sống của 115 trẻ được chẩn đoán và điều trị bệnh thận mạn tại khoa Nhi, bệnh viện Bạch Mai bằng bộ câu hỏi và bảng đánh giá chất lượng cuộc sống PedsQL 4.0.

5/4/2020 9:57:28 AM +00:00

Nutritional status of children in the Aspirational districts of Odisha, India

Aspirational districts programme was launched by the government of India in 2017 to raise the living standards of people in 115 backward districts of the country by focusing on five key sectors which included among others health and nutrition. Nutritional status of children and socio-economic status in the ten aspirational district of Odisha were studied.

3/30/2020 2:09:10 PM +00:00

Airborne fungi in neonatal intensive care unit of a public hospital in Brazil

Fungi are opportunistic organisms with wide geographical distribution and can also be found in the hospital environment. These microorganisms can cause infections, especially in immunocompromised patients.

3/30/2020 1:52:41 PM +00:00

Neonatal bloodstream infections

Neonates are immune-compromised individuals who are prone to infection. Neonatal sepsis has significant morbidity and mortality. This study is a retrospective study to assess the most important bacteria and the risk factors responsible for bloodstream in infection in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Mansoura University Hospital, Egypt.

3/30/2020 12:11:58 PM +00:00

Đặc điểm trí tuệ của trẻ có rối loạn tăng động giảm chú ý

Mục tiêu nghiên cứu: Tìm hiểu đặc điểm trí tuệ của trẻ ở lứa tuổi tiểu học mắc rối loạn tăng động giảm chú ý. Đối tượng, phương pháp nghiên cứu: Nghiên cứu mô tả cắt ngang, thực hiện trên 90 trẻ mắc rối loạn tăng động giảm chú ý được khám và điều trị tại khoa Tâm thần - Bệnh viện Nhi Trung ương.

3/30/2020 10:53:11 AM +00:00

Một số đặc điểm dịch tễ học lâm sàng của viêm gan cấp do cytomegalovirus tại Bệnh viện Nhi Trung Ương 2015-2016

Bài viết trình bày việc tìm hiểu đặc điểm lâm sàng, cận lâm sàng của viêm gan CMV tại Bệnh viện Nhi Trung ương. Đối tượng và phương pháp: Nghiên cứu mô tả tiến cứu 42 bệnh nhân được chẩn đoán viêm gan cấp do CMV điều trị tại Bệnh viện Nhi Trung ương từ 1/10/2015 đến 9/2016.

3/30/2020 10:50:00 AM +00:00

Study of malnutrition factors in market gardeners children in Burkina Faso: Case of drinking water and intestinal parasitic

In Burkina Faso, despite the strengthening of food security and household incomes, the malnutrition in market gardeners children remains a concern in some regions. This study aims to assess drinking water quality and intestinal parasitic infections in two market garden sites to understand the persistence of malnutrition in these children.Drinking water (n=43) and stools(n=96) from children aged06-59 months were analyzed. Stool samples were subjected to the Kato-Katz and a formalin-ether concentration method for the diagnosis of helminths and intestinal protozoa infections.

3/30/2020 10:42:26 AM +00:00

Differential effects of hearing status on self-esteem among school children

To examine the individual factors impacting the self-esteem of hearing impaired (HI) children and normal hearing (NH), a sample of 142 school children of which 77 hearing impaired and 65 normal hearing children (class 8th, 9th, and 10th) in the age range of 13-18 years were selected purposively from residential deaf and dumb and regular high schools of Dharwad and Belagavi district during 2018-19. State selfesteem scale by Heatherton and Polivy (1991) was used to assess self-esteem, socioeconomic scale by Aggarwal et al., (2005) and general information schedule was used to collect the personal information.

3/30/2020 8:20:31 AM +00:00

Emotional intelligence among hearing impaired children

Emotional intelligence is knowing and managing of personal emotions, sympathizing with others and manipulation of communications in order to be satisfied with them. Thus the study was conducted with an objective to assess the emotional intelligence and factors influencing emotional intelligence of hearing impaired children. Sample consisted of 84 school children selected from 8th , 9 th, and 10th standard from residential deaf and dumb schools of Dharwad, Sirsi and Belagavi district during the year 2018- 19. Bar-On emotional intelligence (youth version) and socio-economic (SES) scale were used for the study. Modified chi-square, t-test and ANOVA were used to analyze the data. The results of the present study revealed that, majority (78.6 %) of hearing impaired children had low and 21.40 per cent had moderate level of emotional intelligence. There was a significant influence of age, ordinal position and socio-economic status on emotional intelligence of hearing impaired children.

3/30/2020 8:06:12 AM +00:00

Protecting child health by preventing school packed lunch related food borne illnesses: A qualitative study of parents lunch box related practices

A study was conducted to assess the practices of the respondents related to packing, storage and cleaning in context of children’s packed lunch boxes and to find out the correlation of these practices with the food borne disease incidence of children. Parents of 480 children (4-6 years) from Ludhiana and Patiala district of Punjab from both urban and rural areas were administered a questionnaire to elicit the information regarding choice of packaging material, choice of time to clean lunch boxes, usage of material and kind of lunch boxes, preferred medium for cleaning lunch boxes and attributes affecting purchase of lunch box. The respondents were asked to rate their practices in a rating scale of 5-1 and the results revealed that regarding the choice of packaging material it was seen that in both urban and rural respondents aluminium foil was the most preferred packaging material with the mean score of 3.88. This was followed by cloth napkin (mean score: 2.58), paper napkin (mean score: 2.17) and newspaper (mean score: 1.28). Most of the respondents preferred evening time to clean lunch boxes with mean score of 3.37. Food grade plastic was the most preferred material with the mean score of 3.9 preferably used by the urban respondents, followed by the stainless steel (3.40) and Low grade plastic (1.48).

3/30/2020 1:26:08 AM +00:00

A critical analysis of diet diversity among infants and young children aged 6-24 months

For dietary status, growth, development and health, optimal feeding procedures are needed for infants and young children. In order to meet the difference in dietary demands transition foods need to be included in the diet. Diet diversity refers to all food groups being included in the diet. To assess food intake, a food intake questionnaire and a dietary recall method lasting 24 hours were used. Using the seven food groups, diet variety was calculated. ANOVA was used to compare means. Sixty infants and young children have been engaged in these studies. As household revenue rises, DDS has been discovered to be enhanced and is favorably associated with infant nutrition status. As DDS increased, with the exception of starch, the percentage of consumption in most food groups enhanced as everyone consumes starch from DDS 3. Milk and milk products among infants and young children with the greatest DDS were the most prevalent kinds of meal. At least 5 food groups are not received by 50 percent of children in their regular diet. If not, the macro and micro nutrients will certainly be in deficiencies that will affect the metabolic procedures that adversely affect the growth and development of children.

3/30/2020 1:14:17 AM +00:00

Gender and locale differences in mental health among adolescents

The present study was conducted to assess the gender and locale differences in mental health among adolescents. The study was based on 240 adolescents (i.e. 120 rural and 120 urban) in the age range of 16-18 years. The sample was randomly drawn from four Government Senior Secondary Schools purposively selected from rural as well as urban areas of Ludhiana district. Mental Health Battery by Singh and Sengupta (2000) was used to assess the mental health of adolescents. The battery consists of 130 items related to mental health. Results revealed that significant gender differences were found in mental health of the respondents. Significant locale differences also existed between the adolescents.

3/30/2020 1:02:13 AM +00:00

Nutritional status of tribal primary school children in Meghalaya

The purpose of this study was to determine and compare the nutritional status of children aged 8-11 years attending primary school among two tribes (Khasi and Garo) of Meghalaya. Anthropometry method was used in the study. Two basic variables (height and weight) and a single derived variable (body mass index‐ BMI) were utilized. All the anthropometric measurements were taken following standard techniques. Twenty four hour recall method was used for dietary assessment. First degree mild malnutrition (40.89%) and third degree severe malnutrition (3.16%) were more prevalent in West Garo tribe children when compared to East Khasi tribe children. Varied nutritional deficiency such as riboflavin, thiamine, Vitamin C and D and iron were observed in both the tribes of Meghalaya primary children. The repeated dietary surveys in different seasons could have given more reasonable results. The data on dietary intake were based on 24 hour recall method; hence the results have all the limitations associated with the method. The results of this study, showed that the average primary school children in Meghalaya, is under nourished. Also, irrespective of gender and age, nutrient intake of West Garo tribe children is far better than the East Khasi tribe children even though the intake is less than RDA. There is an urgent need for the development of intervention programme in order to improve the nutritional status of the tribal primary school children to be employed for a longer period in order to have more change towards positivity with respect to nutritional status.

3/29/2020 8:53:05 PM +00:00

Menstrual hygiene management among rural adolescent girls of agrarian families

The study was planned to assess the Menstrual Hygiene Management of Rural adolescent girl’s. The source of information regarding menstruation, and also to assess hygiene practices among them. Exploratory study was conducted with focused group discussions and self reported questionnaire. The study was carried out in Rural Telangana area. Major findings of the study were , that among the 120 adolescent girls, 68% were between 13 and 16 years. A maximum of 37% were having first menarche at the age of 12- 13yrs. 76% had regular cycles. Maximum 56% had Medium Menstrual flow usually. About 86% girls used sanitary pad and the rest used cloth pieces. About 39% used water and no soap for hand washing. Multiple restrictions were practiced. Conclusion: This study reported that menstrual hygiene was unsatisfactory among adolescent girls. Therefore, girls should be educated about the facts of menstruation and proper hygienic practices.

3/29/2020 7:32:50 PM +00:00

Successful management of ascites of hepatic origin in a pup

A five month old female Dachshund pup was presented to the Veterinary clinical complex, CVSC, Korutla with a history of reduced appetite, distended abdomen and dysponea since last 20 days. The case was diagnosed as ascites of hepatic origin based on clinical examination, hematological and biochemical findings. The condition was successfully managed with diuretics, liver tonics, antibiotics and hepato-protectant drugs.

3/29/2020 7:12:05 PM +00:00

An aeromycological study of pathogenic fungi prevalent in the neonatal intensive care unit of J.L.N. Hospital, Ajmer (Raj.)

Nosocomial fungal infections in neonatal intensive care units are a serious emerging problem. However, the role of fungal bio-aerosols as the source of such infections has not been explored in the NICU setting. Hence, this study was done to know the fungal composition of aerosols in NICU as the source of neonatal nosocomial infections. 1m3 of NICU air was sampled fortnightly over 12 months onto SDA with chloramphenicol using a sieve type air sampler. AC filter dust and clinical samples (in BHI broth) from neonates developing signs and symptoms of infection 48hrs after admission to NICU were also taken. Inoculated media were incubated at 25o and 37oC for upto 3 weeks & on growth, colony count per m3 of air was estimated. Fungi grown on SDA plate were identified by standard conventional techniques. 81% of air samples yielded mixed growth with predominance of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger (66.6%) while 19% yielded pure isolates with predominance of Rhizopus rhizopodiformis (9.5%). AC filter dust, yielded mixed growth of flavus and niger (61%), pure growth of Aspergillus niger (33.3%) and Aspergillus flavus (4.7%). Incidence of nosocomial fungal infection was 8.09 per thousand per yr. In 6% cases, fungal bio-aerosols are suspected to be the source with case fatality rate of 83.3%. This study highlights the role of Aspergillus spp. in bio-aerosols of NICU as the potential source of nosocomial infection leading to early high mortality in neonates. Continuous monitoring and surveillance of fungal bio-aerosols as source of nosocomial infections in NICU air need to be done over a long period of time to institute suitable.

3/29/2020 6:55:37 PM +00:00

Development of therapeutic food for adolescent girls

Adolescents constitute over 21.4 % of the population in India. This age group needs special attention as is a period of rapid transition from childhood to adulthood that normally is characterized by important psychological and social changes in the age group of 10 -19 years. The adolescents number is expected to reach 1.13 billion by the year 2025. It is during the period of adolescence that nutrient needs are the greatest. Hence, the specific objectives of our study are to identify the key nutritional problems that affect adolescents and to develop a therapeutic food fulfilling their requirements. The present study was undertaken for the preparation and evaluation of a therapeutic food for Adolescent girls formulated with Bengal gram, Soya bean, Barley, Green gram, wheat and Ragi. Experiments were carried out in the Quality control lab, Andhra Pradesh Foods Pvt. Ltd. to study their chemical composition and overall acceptability. All the formulations were prepared according to the RDA requirements for adolescent girls. The therapeutic food formulated with Soya bean, Ragi and Green gram of 16g, 18g, and 30g respectively has attained the high levels of nutritional properties values but lower organoleptic properties. The formulation with composition of 17g of soya bean, 18g of barley and 30g of green gram has attained good nutritional values and highest acceptability in terms of hedonic rating. This formulated sample is highly preferable to adolescent girls suffering from anemia, stomach pain and nerves weakness patients as the food contains high amount of iron and the soya bean acts as the nutritional supplement to the growing adolescents.

3/29/2020 6:50:29 PM +00:00

Seroprevalence of measles antibodies among young adults in a tertiary care Hospital, India

Measles is a highly contagious vaccine-preventable disease caused by the Morbilivirus. Measles vaccine was introduced in India in 1985 as a part of Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) which was given at 9 completed months of age. As vaccine coverage has increased, there has been a marked reduction in measles incidence in the pediatric age group; but at the same time, the average age, at which measles infection occurs, has significantly increased. Many countries have reported diminishing of antibody titres against measles among young population as immunization coverage of adolescents and adults in not monitored. Objective is to determine seroprevalence of IgG antibodies titres against measles in young adults. It is a cross sectional study, conducted over 6 months (JUNE to NOVEMBER 2018) Sample size is 200. Study population belonged to 15-30 yrs of age. Samples – serum (Blood) Measles IgG ELISA Kit (EUROIMMUN). Out of the 200 samples collected, 65.6% had protective titres, 21.9% of the study group showed susceptibility i.e. they had unprotective levels of antibody titres and 12.5% were in the borderline titre group. Most of the individuals were vaccinated with a single dose of measles vaccine. Several reports have shown that the susceptibility to measles infection may be rising because of waning vaccine induced immunity over time after vaccination, in the absence of natural boosting by circulating measles viruses While most of the immunization drives in developing countries are aimed at children, it is important to recognize and identify pockets of susceptible populations that could jeopardize the prevention and control of these vaccine preventable diseases. Hence there is a need for serosurveillance and mop -up programs to cover these pockets of susceptible population so as to reach the WHO goal of Measles Eradication by 2020.

3/29/2020 6:42:27 PM +00:00

Đánh giá vai trò của xét nghiệm đàn hồi cục máu đồ (ROTEM) trên bệnh nhân phẫu thuật tim trẻ em có sử dụng tuần hoàn ngoài cơ thể tại bệnh viện Chợ Rẫy

Bài viết nhằm đánh giá vai trò của xét nghiệm đàn hồi cục máu đồ (ROTEM) trên bệnh nhân phẫu thuật tim trẻ em có sử dụng tuần hoàn ngoài cơ thể tại Bệnh viện Chợ Rẫy từ tháng 3 năm 2019 đến tháng 6 năm 2019.

3/29/2020 6:08:46 PM +00:00

Đánh giá thời gian sống còn và các biến chứng sau ghép tế bào gốc đồng loại trên bệnh suy tủy xương mắc phải ở người trẻ tuổi

Nghiên cứu đặc điểm lâm sàng, phác đồ điều kiện hóa, thời gian sống còn, các biến chứng sau ghép tế bào gốc đồng loại trên bệnh nhân suy tuỷ xương. Mô tả hàng loạt ca, hồi cứu 18 bệnh nhân người lớn và trẻ em (8 nam và 10 nữ) được chẩn đoán suy tuỷ xương và được ghép tế bào gốc đồng loại từ 7/2006 đến 7/2019. Tuổi trung vị là 23 (2 – 40) tuổi. Chẩn đoán suy tủy độ trung bình lệ thuộc truyền máu (8 bệnh nhân), suy tủy độ nặng (8 bệnh nhân), suy tủy độ rất nặng (2 bệnh nhân). 10 (55,6%) bệnh nhân nhận hơn 10 đơn vị máu (hồng cầu lắng và/hoặc tiểu cầu), 2 bệnh nhân thất bại với điều trị ức chế miễn dịch trước đó. Thời gian trung bình từ lúc chẩn đoán đến lúc ghép là 4,3 (1,5 – 17) tháng. Tất cả bệnh nhân đều nhận ghép tế bào gốc từ máu ngoại vi. Các phác đồ điều kiện hóa được sử dụng: cyclophosphamide (CY) + anti-thymocyte globulin từ ngựa (h-ATG) (13 bệnh nhân), CY + h-ATG + Fludarabine (FLU) (3 bệnh nhân), CY + FLU (1 bệnh nhân), CY (1 bệnh nhân). Tất cả được dự phòng bệnh mảnh ghép chống chủ (GvHD) với cyclosporine (CSA) với methotrexate (MTX).

3/29/2020 6:07:11 PM +00:00

Báo cáo loạt ca bệnh nhi xuất huyết giảm tiểu cầu miễn dịch sau tiêm phòng tại Viện Huyết học Truyền máu trung ương 2016–2017

Bài viết mô tả một số đặc điểm của loạt ca bệnh nhi Xuất huyết giảm tiểu cầu miễn dịch sau tiêm phòng và bước đầu đánh giá kết quả điều trị Xuất huyết giảm tiểu cầu miễn dịch sau tiêm phòng ở trẻ em tại Viện Huyết học – Truyền máu Trung ương giai đoạn 2016-2017.

3/29/2020 6:06:47 PM +00:00

Đánh giá kết quả sớm của điều trị lơ xê mi cấp dòng lympho trẻ em theo biến đổi gen tại Viện Huyết học Truyền máu trung ương

Biến đổi gen trong lơ xê mi cấp dòng lympho trẻ em có vai trò đặc biệt quan trọng trong tiên lượng và phân nhóm nguy cơ. Bài viết đánh giá kết quả điều trị theo biến đổi gen cung cấp thêm các dữ liệu cho các bác sỹ trong lựa chọn phương pháp điều trị cho bệnh nhi. Bài viết đánh giá Đánh giá kết quả sớm của điều trị lơ xê mi cấp dòng lympho trẻ em theo biến đổi gen theo phác đồ FRALLE 2000 tại Viện Huyết học Truyền máu Trung ương.

3/29/2020 6:06:41 PM +00:00

Đặc điểm một số chỉ số tế bào máu ngoại vi và tủy xương với một số biến đổi gen ở bệnh nhi lơ xê mi cấp dòng lympho tại Viện Huyết học Truyền máu trung ương

Mô tả đặc điểm một số chỉ số tế bào máu ngoại vi và tủy xương với một số biến đổi gen ở bệnh nhi lơ xê mi cấp dòng lympho giai đoạn 2017 – 2018 tại Viện Huyết học và Truyền máu Trung ương. Nghiên cứu mô tả cắt ngang 189 trẻ được chẩn đoán lơ xê mi cấp dòng lympho (ALL) tại Viện Huyết học và Truyền máu Trung ương từ 01/01/2017 đến 31/12/2018.

3/29/2020 6:06:35 PM +00:00

Đánh giá hiệu quả điều trị bệnh bạch cầu cấp dòng lympho ở trẻ em có đột biến chuyển vị T(12;21)

Bài viết đánh giá hiệu quả điều trị bệnh bạch cầu cấp dòng lympho (BCCDL) trẻ em có đột biến chuyển vị t(12;21) được điều trị với phác đồ FRALLE2000 tại bệnh viện Truyền máu huyết học (BVTMHH) trong 5 năm (2010 – 2015).

3/29/2020 6:05:11 PM +00:00

Đánh giá hiệu quả điều trị bệnh bạch cầu cấp dòng lympho ở trẻ em bằng phác đồ Fralle 2000 trong 10 năm

Đánh giá những yếu tố nguy cơ, hiệu quả điều trị lâu dài, thời gian sống và các biến chứng trong quá trình điều trị bệnh Bạch cầu cấp dòng lympho (BCCDL) ở trẻ em bằng phác đồ FRALLE 2000. Nghiên cứu hồi cứu, mô tả hàng loạt ca trên 255 bệnh nhân BCCDL với tuổi ≤15, được điều trị phác đồ FRALLE 2000 từ 01/01/2005 đến 31/12/2015 tại 2 khoa Nhi.

3/29/2020 6:04:59 PM +00:00

Đánh giá ý nghĩa tiên lượng của tồn lưu tế bào ác tính trong điều trị bệnh bạch cầu cấp dòng lympho ở trẻ em

Đánh giá ý nghĩa tiên lượng của tồn lưu tế bào ác tính (TLTBAT) trong điều trị bệnh bạch cầu cấp dòng lympho (BCCDL) ở trẻ em. Từ tháng 1-2010 đến 3-2012, tại BV TMHH, 95 bệnh nhân (BN) mới được chẩn đoán bạch cầu cấp và được điều trị bằng phác đồ FRALLE 2000. Đánh giá TLTBAT bằng kỹ thuật tế bào dòng chảy ở các thời điểm: sau giai đoạn tấn công (ngày 35), sau giai đoạn tăng cường 2, khi kết thúc điều trị (cuối giai đoạn duy trì).

3/29/2020 6:04:53 PM +00:00