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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 4 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 4 - Basic cooking principles. This chapter deals with basic principles. You will learn about what happens to food when it is heated, about how food is cooked by different cooking methods, and about rules of seasoning and flavoring. It is important to understand the theories so you can successfully put them into practice in the kitchen.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 5 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 5 - Menus, recipes, and cost management. This chapter discusses menus and recipes as they are used in commercial kitchens. How do we construct a menu that builds sales by offering the best choices to the customer and that also promotes efficiency and productivity? How do we read and understand recipes? How do we measure ingredients and portions, convert recipes to different yields, and calculate food cost with the aid of written recipes?

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 6 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 6 - Nutrition. The importance of a nutritionally balanced menu is obvious in the case of menus for hospitals and nursing homes,for example.But even à la carte menus in restaurants should provide enough nutritional variety to allow customers to select nutritionally balanced meals.Dietary health and nutrition are considered in detail in chapter 6.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 7 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 7 - Mise en place. After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Define mise en place and explain why care must be taken in its planning, describe five general steps used in planning mise en place, explain the difference in preparation requirements for set meal service and extended meal service, list five guidelines to observe when sharpening a chef’s knife,...

8/30/2018 5:29:32 AM +00:00

Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 8 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 8 - Stocks and sauces. After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Prepare basic mirepoix; flavor liquids using a sachet or spice bag; prepare white veal or beef stocks, chicken stock, fish stock, and brown stock; cool and store stocks correctly, prepare meat, chicken, and fish glazes;...

8/30/2018 5:29:32 AM +00:00

Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 9 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 9 - Soups. After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Describe three basic categories of soups, identify standard appetizer and main course portion sizes for soups, state the procedures for holding soups for service and for serving soups at the proper temperatures,...

8/30/2018 5:29:32 AM +00:00

Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 10 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 10 - Understanding meats and game. After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Describe the composition and structure of meat and explain how they relate to meat selection and cooking methods, explain the use of the federal meat inspection and grading system in selecting and purchasing meats, explain the effect that aging has on meat and identify the two primary aging methods,...

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 11 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 11 - Cooking meats and game. This chapter presents basic cooking methods as they apply to beef, lamb, veal, pork, and game such as venison. It is important that you have read and understood the basic material in Chapter 10, especially the sections on matching particular cuts to appropriate cooking methods and on testing for doneness.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 12 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 12 - Understanding poultry and game birds. This chapter explain the differences between light meat and dark meat, and describe how these differences affect cooking; describe four techniques that help keep chicken or turkey breast moist while roasting; define the following terms used to classify poultry: kind, class, and style;...

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 13 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 13 - Cooking poultry and game birds. After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Cook poultry by roasting and baking; cook poultry by broiling and grilling; cook poultry by sautéing, panfrying, and deep-frying; cook poultry by simmering and poaching;...

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 14 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 14 - Understanding fish and shellfish. After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Explain how the cooking qualities of fish are affected by its lack of connective tissue, determine doneness in cooked fish, demonstrate the appropriate cooking methods for fat and lean fish, list seven basic market forms of fish,...

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 15 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 15 - Cooking fish and shellfish. In this chapter, we apply basic cooking principles to the preparation of fish dishes. Our goals are to cook the product just to doneness, to preserve moisture and texture, and to preserve and enhance natural flavors.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 16 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 16 - Understanding vegetables. After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Describe the factors that influence texture, flavor, color, and nutritional changes when cooking vegetables; cook vegetables to their proper doneness; judge quality in cooked vegetables, based on color, appearance, texture, flavor, seasonings, and appropriateness of combination with sauces or other vegetables;...

8/30/2018 5:29:32 AM +00:00

Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 17 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 17 - Cooking vegetables. Now that you have studied the whys and wherefores of vegetable cooking, you should be able to proceed to actual preparation with a clear understanding of what you are doing. This chapter outlines briefly the basic methods of vegetable preparation. Successful performance of these methods relies on your knowledge of the principles we have discussed.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 18 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 18 - Potatoes. Because we eat them often and have devised a great many ways of preparing them, starchy foods require extra study beyond that which we have given to other vegetables. In this chapter, we turn our attention primarily to the preparation of our most important vegetable, the potato.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 19 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 19 - Legumes, grains, pasta, and other starches. This chapter continues the discussion of starchy foods. The previous chapter focuses on a fresh vegetable, the potato, one of the most important starches on European and North American menus. This chapter, by contrast, discusses preparations based on dried foods: legumes and grains.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 20 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 20 - Cooking for vegetarian diets. After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Describe the main types of vegetarian diets; describe complementary proteins and describe how to include them in the diet; list three nutrients other than proteins that non-vegetarians get mostly from animal products, and describe how vegetarians can include these nutrients in their diets;...

8/30/2018 5:29:32 AM +00:00

Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 21 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 21 - Salads and salad dressings. After reading the material in this chapter, you should be able to: Identify and describe five different salad types, and select appropriate recipes for use as an appetizer, accompaniment, main course, separate course, or dessert salad; identify a dozen popular salad greens; list six categories of other salad ingredients, and recognize several examples from each category; judge the quality of fruits and complete the pre-preparation procedures for fruit;...

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 22 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 22 - Sandwiches. In this chapter, we start by looking at the fundamentals of sandwich-making, the basic ingredients and basic sandwich types. We then look at the setup of the sandwich station and methods for efficient production.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 23 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 23 - Hors d’oeuvres . This chapter deals not with first courses but primarily with special kinds of foods that are usually encountered away from the dinner table - foods that are the special domain of the pantry chef. They include finger foods such as canapés and relishes, indispensable accompaniments to receptions and parties.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 24 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 24 - Breakfast preparations. After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Describe the composition of eggs and the major differences among grades; store eggs properly; list the key differences between waffle batter and pancake batter, and prepare each;...

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 25 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 25 - Dairy and beverages. This chapter identifies and describes the many dairy products used regularly in the kitchen and gives guidelines for handling, storing and cooking with them. The longest section of the chapter describes the many types of cheeses produced in North America and Europe and gives examples of each type.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 26 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 26 - Sausages and cured foods. The main part of this chapter is devoted to the production of fresh sausages, which are easily prepared in any kitchen with relatively simple equipment. We also introduce the subject of cured and smoked sausages with an overview of curing and smoking.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 27 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 27 - Pâtés, terrines, and other cold foods. After reading the material in this chapter, you should be able to: Prepare and use aspic jellies, prepare and use classic chaud-froid and mayonnaise chaud-froid, prepare livers for use in forcemeats, prepare basic meat and poultry forcemeats,...

8/30/2018 5:29:32 AM +00:00

Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 28 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 28 - Food presentation and garnish. After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Explain why attractive food presentation is important; serve food that is attractively arranged on the plate or platter, with proper balance of color, shape, and texture; identify common terms from classical garniture that are still in general use today; garnish a banquet platter with attractive and appropriate vegetable accompaniments; plan and arrange attractive food platters for buffets.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 29 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 29 - Bakeshop production: Basic principles and ingredients. In this chapter, we introduce bakeshop production with a discussion of the basic processes and ingredients common to nearly all baked goods. This will give you the understanding necessary to proceed to actual production in the succeeding chapters.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 30 - Wayne Gisslen

Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 30 - Yeast products. This chapter focuses on the production of many kinds of yeast products, including breads, dinner rolls, sweet rolls, Danish pastry, and croissants.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 31 - Wayne Gisslen

Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 31 - Quick breads. After reading the material in this chapter, you should be able to: Prepare baking powder biscuits and variations; prepare muffins, loaf breads, coffee cakes, and corn breads; prepare popovers;...

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 32 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 32 - Cakes and icings. After reading the material in this chapter, you should be able to: Demonstrate the five basic cake mixing methods; describe the characteristics of high-fat cakes and low-fat cakes; prepare high-fat, or shortened, cakes and low-fat, or foam-type, cakes; prepare the six basic types of icings; assemble and ice layer cakes, small cakes, and sheet cakes.

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Lecture Professional cooking (6/e): Chapter 33 - Wayne Gisslen

Chapter 33 - Cookies. After reading the material in this chapter, you should be able to: List the factors responsible for crispness, softness, chewiness, and spread in cookies; demonstrate the three basic cookie mixing methods; prepare the seven basic cookie types: dropped, bagged, rolled, molded, icebox, bar, and sheet; prepare pans for, bake, and cool cookies.

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