Tài liệu miễn phí Sinh học

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The presence and genetic characteristics of porcine circovirus 3 from pigs in Southern and Central provinces of Vietnam

The study The presence and genetic characteristics of porcine circovirus 3 from pigs in Southern and Central provinces of Vietnam was carried out in order to investigate the presence and further genetic characteristics of PCV3 from swine herds in Southern and Central provinces of Vietnam.

4/11/2023 7:59:18 AM +00:00

Effect of glycerol concentration on physical and texture properties of edible films prepared from karaya gum

The study Effect of glycerol concentration on physical and texture properties of edible films prepared from karaya gum formulated edible films based on karaya gum in the presence of glycerol. Physical properties of films were investigated by various methods including texture analysis and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC).

4/11/2023 7:59:05 AM +00:00

Risk factors associated with canine parvovirus disease in dogs: A case-control study

The study Risk factors associated with canine parvovirus disease in dogs: A case-control study aimed to investigate the risk factors associated with canine parvovirus (CPV) occurrence in dogs in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

4/11/2023 7:58:55 AM +00:00

Nghiên cứu bảo quản hỗn hợp caroten-protein bằng chitosan phân tử lượng thấp và chitosan chloride

Trong nghiên cứu Nghiên cứu bảo quản hỗn hợp caroten-protein bằng chitosan phân tử lượng thấp và chitosan chloride, chitosan khối lượng phân tử thấp (LMWC) và chitosan chloride (LMWC-HCl) được sử dụng nhằm hạn chế quá trình phân hủy astaxanthin, protein hòa tan của hỗn hợp C-P trong quá trình bảo quản. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết!

4/11/2023 7:58:42 AM +00:00

Nghiên cứu côn trùng học: Phần 2

Nối tiếp phần 1, phần 2 của tài liệu Nghiên cứu côn trùng học tiếp tục trình bày các nội dung chính sau: Kiến hung hăng; Ong nhếch nhác; Gớm ghiếc mà xinh; Nhện tàn bạo; Bọ cắn; Cải trang láu cá; Bọ gớm ghiếc đối đầu dữ dằn; Trắc nghiệm bọ gớm ghiếc. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để nắm nội dung chi tiết.

4/11/2023 2:13:01 AM +00:00

Nghiên cứu côn trùng học: Phần 1

Tài liệu Nghiên cứu côn trùng học phần 1 trình bày các nội dung chính sau: Gia đình côn trùng gớm ghiếc; Giun cổ quái; Sên nhớt và ốc sên nhầy; Những con vật gớm ghiếc dưới nước; Côn trùng rùng mình; Côn trùng đột nhập; Bọ cánh cứng kinh khủng;... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để nắm nội dung chi tiết.

4/11/2023 2:12:49 AM +00:00

Nghiên cứu khuẩn lạc và hình thể vi khuẩn

Tài liệu Nghiên cứu khuẩn lạc và hình thể vi khuẩn bao gồm những hình ảnh về hình thể điển hình của các vi khuẩn gây bệnh chủ yếu ở nước ta hiện nay và hình ảnh khuẩn lạc của chúng. Những tính chất này là cơ sở đầu tiên, trực quan sinh động cho định hướng chẩn đoán xác định vi khuẩn. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

4/11/2023 2:03:06 AM +00:00

Hoạt tính kháng viêm và kháng vi sinh vật in vitro của các cặn chiết cây tế tân lá hình tim (Asarum cordifolium)

Bài viết Hoạt tính kháng viêm và kháng vi sinh vật in vitro của các cặn chiết cây tế tân lá hình tim (Asarum cordifolium) trình bày về hoạt tính kháng viêm và hoạt tính kháng vi sinh vật kiểm định in vitro của cặn chiết tổng và các cặn chiết phân đoạn của loài này.

4/11/2023 1:51:08 AM +00:00

Ebook Small animal oncology - Part 2

(BQ) Ebook Small animal oncology - Part 2 includes the following content: Chapter 10 urinary tract, chapter 11 genital tract, chapter 12 mammary gland, chapter 13 nervous system, chapter 14 endocrine system, chapter 15 haematopoietic system, chapter 16 the eye and orbit, chapter 17 miscellaneous tumours.

4/10/2023 7:44:38 PM +00:00

Ebook Small animal oncology - Part 1

(BQ) Ebook Small animal oncology - Part 1 includes the following content: Chapter 1 pathogenesis and tumour biology, chapter 2 diagnosis and staging, chapter 3 treatment options, chapter 4 skin, chapter 5 soft tissues, chapter 6 skeletal system, chapter 7 head and neck, chapter 8 gastro-intestinal tract, chapter 9 respiratory tract.

4/10/2023 7:44:31 PM +00:00

Ebook Rodent societies: An ecological & evolutionary perspective - Part 1

(BQ) Ebook Rodent societies: An ecological & evolutionary perspective - Part 2 includes the following content: Social behavior, antipredator behavior, comparative socioecology, conservation and disease, conclusions.

4/10/2023 7:44:22 PM +00:00

Ebook Rodent societies: An ecological & evolutionary perspective - Part 2

(BQ) Ebook Rodent societies: An ecological & evolutionary perspective - Part 1 includes the following content: Introduction, sexual behavior, life histories and behavior, behavioral development.

4/10/2023 7:44:15 PM +00:00

Ebook Fruit and cereal bioactives: Sources, chemistry, and applications – Part 2

(BQ) Ebook Fruit and cereal bioactives: Sources, chemistry, and applications – Part 2 presents the following content: Mycotoxic bioactives in cereals and cereal-based foods; control assessments and possible inactivation mechanismson mycotoxin bioactives of fruits and cereals; control of mycotoxin bioactives in nuts: farm to fork; isolation characterization of bioactive compounds in fruits and cereals; effect of bioactive components on dough rheology, baking, and extrusion; impacts of food and microbial processing on the bioactive phenolics of olive fruit products; antioxidant activity/capacity assay methods applied to fruit and cereals.

4/10/2023 7:42:24 PM +00:00

Ebook Fruit and cereal bioactives: Sources, chemistry, and applications – Part 1

(BQ) Ebook Fruit and cereal bioactives: Sources, chemistry, and applications – Part 1 presents the following content: Introduction to bioactives in fruits and cereals; health promoting effects of cereal and cereal products; phytochemicals in cereals, pseudocereals, and pulses; phenolic and beneficial bioactives in drupe fruits; bioactive phytochemicals in pome fruits; phytochemicals in citrus and tropical fruit; phytochemical bioactives in berries;…

4/10/2023 7:42:15 PM +00:00

Ebook Limulus in the limelight: A species 350 million years in the making and in peril? – Part 2

(BQ) Ebook Limulus in the limelight: A species 350 million years in the making and in peril? – Part 2 presents the following content: Tracks and trails; biomedical products from the horseshoe crab: lessons for sound resource management and conservation; issues and approaches in the regulation of the horseshoe crab fishery; the life history of horseshoe crabs; horseshoe crab management and resource monitoring in New Jersey, 1993-1998; horseshoe crab surveys using underwater videography;…

4/10/2023 7:41:11 PM +00:00

Ebook Limulus in the limelight: A species 350 million years in the making and in peril? – Part 1

(BQ) Ebook Limulus in the limelight: A species 350 million years in the making and in peril? – Part 1 presents the following content: Horseshoe crabs imperiled? The fate of a species 350 million years in the making; two perspectives: horseshoe crabs during 420 million years worldwide, and the past 150 years in delaware bay; The conservation of horseshoe crabs: what can we learn from the Japanese experience? a unique medical product, LAL from the horseshoe crab and monitoring the delaware bay horseshoe crab population;...

4/10/2023 7:41:01 PM +00:00

Ebook Pueraria: The genus Pueraria - Part 2

(BQ) Ebook Pueraria: The genus Pueraria - Part 2 presents the following content: Human studies of kudzu as a treatment for alcohol abuse; Chemopreventive effects of isoflavones on estrogen-dependent diseases: osteoporosis and cancer of the breast, prostate and endometrium; Chemistry and hepatoprotective effect of Pueraria saponins; Mammalian metabolism of Pueraria isoflavonoids; Synthesis of naturally occurring isoflavones and their analogs...

4/10/2023 7:40:53 PM +00:00

Ebook Pueraria: The genus Pueraria - Part 1

(BQ) Ebook Pueraria: The genus Pueraria - Part 1 presents the following content: Pueraria: botanical characteristics; Ethnobotany of Pueraria species; Pueraria (Ge) in traditional Chinese herbal medicine; Pueraria tuberosa DC: contraceptive efficacy and toxicological profile; Chemical constituents of Pueraria plants: identification and methods of analysis;...

4/10/2023 7:40:42 PM +00:00

Ebook Genes and proteins underlying microbial urinary tract virulence: Basic aspects and applications – Part 2

(BQ) Ebook Genes and proteins underlying microbial urinary tract virulence: Basic aspects and applications – Part 2 presents the following content: Session iii host-parasite interactions; session iv applications: diagnosis, therapy and prevention.

4/10/2023 7:39:45 PM +00:00

Ebook Genes and proteins underlying microbial urinary tract virulence: Basic aspects and applications – Part 1

(BQ) Ebook Genes and proteins underlying microbial urinary tract virulence: Basic aspects and applications – Part 1 presents the following content: Session I genetic information, synthesis, assembly, and activation processes in virulence mechanisms; session II regulation and expression of virulence genes.

4/10/2023 7:39:36 PM +00:00

Ebook Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life (Tenth edition): Part 2

(BQ) Ebook Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life (Tenth edition): Part 2 presents the following content: Chapter 7 Marine vertebrates II: Seabirds and marine mammals, chapter 8 estuaries, chapter 9 coastal seas, chapter 10 coral reefs, chapter 11 the open sea, chapter 12 the deep-sea floor, chapter 13 harvesting living marine resources.

4/10/2023 6:58:47 AM +00:00

Ebook Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life (Tenth edition): Part 1

(BQ) Ebook Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life (Tenth edition): Part 1 presents the following content: Chapter 1 the ocean as a habitat; chapter 2 patterns of associations; chapter 3 phytoplankton; chapter 4 marine plants; chapter 5 microbial heterotrophs and invertebrates; chapter 6 marine vertebrates I: fishes and reptiles.

4/10/2023 6:58:36 AM +00:00

Ebook Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (7th Edition): Part 2

Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (7th Edition) provide students with knowledge about: correlation NMR spectrometry; 2-D NMR; NMR spectrometry of other important spin 1/2 nuclei; solved problems; assigned problems; correlation spectrometry; caryophyllene oxide; relayed coherence transfer; gradient field NMR; properties of magnetically active nuclei;...

4/10/2023 6:27:07 AM +00:00

Ebook Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (7th Edition): Part 1

Part 1 of ebook Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (7th Edition) provide students with knowledge about: mass spectrometry; infrared spectrometry; proton magnetic resonance spectrometry; carbon-13 NMR spectrometry; gas-phase ionization method; magnetic spector mass spectrometers; fourier transform mass spectrometer; interpretation of EI mass spectra; mass spectra of some chemical classes;...

4/10/2023 6:26:56 AM +00:00

Ebook Spectrometric identification of organic compounds (6th Edition): Part 2

Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook Spectrometric identification of organic compounds (6th Edition) provide students with knowledge about 13C NMR spectrometry; correlation NMR spectrometry; spectrometry of other important nuclei; cycloalkanes and saturated heterocyclies; functional groups containing carbon; heteroaromatic compounds; effects of substituents on alkanes;...

4/10/2023 6:26:48 AM +00:00

Ebook Spectrometric identification of organic compounds (6th Edition): Part 1

Part 1 of ebook Spectrometric identification of organic compounds (6th Edition) provide students with knowledge about: introduction; mass spectrometry; infrared spectrometry; proton magnetic resonance spectrometry; instrumentation and sample handling; simple spin coupling; chemical shift equivalence; megnetic equivalence; vicinal and germinal coupling; mass spectra of some chemical classes;...

4/10/2023 6:26:32 AM +00:00

Ebook Brock Biology of Microorganisms (15th Edition): Part 2

Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook Brock Biology of Microorganisms (15th Edition) provide students with knowledge about: microbial ecology and environmental microbiology; taking the measure of microbial systems; microbial ecosystems; nutrient cycles; microbiology of the built environment; microbial symbioses with microbes, plants, and animals; microbial symbioses with humans; microbial infection and pathogenesis;...

4/10/2023 6:23:04 AM +00:00

Ebook Brock Biology of Microorganisms (15th Edition): Part 1

Part 1 of ebook Brock Biology of Microorganisms (15th Edition) provide students with knowledge about: the foundations of microbiology; the microbial world; microbial cell structure and function; microbial metabolism; molecular information flow and protein processing; microbial growth and its control; microbial regulatory systems; molecular biology of microbial growth; viruses and their replication;...

4/10/2023 6:21:42 AM +00:00

Ebook Brock Biology of Microorganisms (14th Edition): Part 2

Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook Brock Biology of Microorganisms (14th Edition) provide students with knowledge about: methods in microbial ecology; microbial ecosystems; nutrient cycles; microbiology of the built environment; microbial symbioses; microbial interactions with humans; immunity and host defense; immune mechanisms; molecular immunology; diagnostic microbiology; person-to-person bacterial and viral diseases; vectorborne and soilborne bacterial and viral diseases;...

4/10/2023 6:21:16 AM +00:00

Ebook Brock Biology of Microorganisms (14th Edition): Part 1

Part 1 of ebook Brock Biology of Microorganisms (14th Edition) provide students with knowledge about: microorganisms and microbiology; microbial cell structure and function; microbial metabolism; molecular microbiology; microbial growth and growth control; microbial genomics; metabolic regulation; viruses and virology; viral genomes and diversity; genetics of bacteria and archaea; genetic engineering and biotechnology;...

4/10/2023 6:20:36 AM +00:00