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Initially there were cooperation problems with line ministries. Emer- gency funds wanted to disburse fast, and sustainability was not of con- cern to social funds: they just constructed projects. After a while, schools had no students and health posts had no nurses. So now there is more coordination with government entities, either formal or informal. The Chile fund negotiates its budget with the ministry of finance and ex- ecutes programs with line ministries. The Mexico fund signs agreements between federal and state governments, although it is not certain that there is any follow-up on these agreements. The Colombia and Costa Rica funds finance activities of existing institutions....

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

A Consumer’s Guide to: Auto Insurance - Mike Kreidler

The relationship with local governments and local communities is a new concept accompanying the idea of decentralization. In Bolivia, citizen participation is a condition for receiving fund support. Not only is it a condition, but increasingly municipalities have to cofinance projects. Cen- tral governments are transferring resources to the municipalities, and citizen participation decides which projects the municipality wants to cofinance. Cofinancing is realigning the funds with communities, and it is helping them to prepare development plans....

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00


Communities have different ways of organizing participation, for example community assemblies, solidarity committees, and so on. Bolivia has an interesting form of citizen participation called vigilance committees. These committees oversee the proper expenditure of project money and the mayor’s work in ensuring the needs and demands of communities are met. The workshop’s participants are now asking whether projects built by social funds are sustainable. Are they any more or less sustainable than other projects? Roads that were built by the funds and roads that were not built by the funds are all decaying. There does not seem to be much difference in terms of sustainability....

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

Updated Estimates for the Insurance Coverage Provisions of the Affordable Care Act

A maintenance culture, which means that what is built is maintained, does not yet exist in Latin America. There is no reason to expect social funds to ensure maintenance better than any of the other ministries. If this culture is instituted, then projects will be sustained, both by the ministries and by the social funds. Citizen participation is emphasized greatly to achieve sustainable out- comes of projects. There is nothing like money to sustain a project. The idea that money is being transferred to the municipalities, that the mu- nicipalities can pay workers for maintaining projects, as in the case of Bolivia, is an important catalyst....

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

Consumer's Guide to Auto Insurance

Clearly there is not enough training. National and local governments should start paying more attention to training needs and budgets, be- cause the bilateral and the multilateral agencies cannot keep supporting training at the current rate. National budgets have to start allocating resources for training. There are some management issues. A demand-driven approach may reduce funding for poorer communities, because they are often the ones least able to develop their own projects.

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

Health Status, Health Insurance, and Medical Services Utilization: 2010

Moreover, there is a contradiction between central approval and local priority-setting. This is almost a problem of the technocrats against the people. In some countries, the technocrats at the central level are excel- lent, and they want projects to be technically sound before they approve them. In other countries, the technicians are not as good. However, there may be a more democratic aspect here, because the technicians do not demand as much of the projects as the more technically advanced coun- tries do. The multiplication and duplication of funds is actually a problem in many Latin American countries. Often, there are several funds all com- peting for the same resources...

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

How Competitive are State Insurance Markets?

The creation of quick jobs, as opposed to training, often results in the creation of too many bricklayers, often of not very good caliber. So that when the fund goes, people are no more able to get a good job than before. Sometimes there is a contradiction between building quality projects and using local labor, because when asked, municipalities often want quality projects. And yet bilateral and multilateral agencies say they want local labor to be employed. Finally, there are some environmental issues. Thousands of small projects may harm the environment and be hazardous to public health. Funds are often not prepared to cope with environmental problems. Very few of them...

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation

The IDB’s measures of the impact of the funds and the outstanding is- sues and conclusions from the IDB study are summarized here. Despite the large amount of resources that the IDB and the World Bank have been lending to the funds, their scope is small. Only one fund in the region, Nicaragua, spends as much as 1 percent of the gross domes- tic product (GDP) in its fund; only three countries—Chile, Panama, and Uruguay—spend more than US$15 per year per poor person. And the poor countries on average spend less than US$10 a year. In other words, the impact of these funds is necessarily small, because their...

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

National Association Of Insurance Commissiners Membership List

The IDB began its study thinking the funds had a major impact on em- ployment and income. Our study shows the estimates we made. We collected the data on employment generation in all the funds and ex- penditures per year on average in the funds. The study found that the impact of the funds on employment and income is small. Only the first emergency fund of Bolivia added more than 1 percent per year to the total number of jobs in the economy. Only three funds in the region added more than 0.5 percent to the number of jobs. In other words, the funds did not have a...

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

Decree Of The President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan! About Amendment, Addition and Deletion of some provisions from the Insurance Law.

The IDB’s conclusion is that funds really are not important generators of employment or income. Most of the jobs created were temporary. Most of the local employment or virtually all of the local employment was for unskilled labor at wages equal to or below the minimum wage in the region, not an above-poverty wage. The total expenditure of funds was not sufficient to move people out of poverty. Some part of that total ex- penditure went to material and to skilled labor that came in with the contractors from outside the poor communities....

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

Informal Insurance in Social Networks

So what was the impact, then, of these funds? The IDB’s conclusion is that social funds’ impact is not on employment and income. The big impact is on improvement in living conditions. The funds deliver gov- ernment services to poor communities that never had them before; they develop simple systems of targeting based on basic needs, and they build simple social infrastructure quite efficiently at low cost. They improve the living conditions of the poor even if the measured income of the poor does not go up very much. Social funds symbolize the determination of government to do something to overcome the abysmal living conditions of people, particularly in...

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity

The only impact evaluations the IDB has are beneficiary evaluations; that is, the IDB asks the beneficiaries in the communities how they evalu- ate what they received: Was it working correctly? Did they like it? Was the choice an adequate one? Was the project sustainable? The IDB study summarized about 800 project visits in various countries in which this sort of beneficiary evaluation was done, and in general, the beneficiary evaluations are quite positive. School projects have the highest evalua- tions even if a few schools that were built are not operating. Beneficia- ries give health posts a high priority, but there are problems in many areas with staffing...

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

Your private motor vehicle insurance

From the workshops that the IDB has had in the region, it seems that regardless of whether the objective of funds is expressed as poverty re- duction or alleviation, as long as there is a poverty problem, there is a role for a fund. Funds should be thought of as instruments to comple- ment other actions and programs of governments to reduce poverty. What social funds do in any particular country is going to depend on what will help the poor, what the government is doing, and what local conditions prevail. The funds themselves are small. The government does other things. Funds ought to be part of an...

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

Establishing Health Insurance Exchanges: An Overview of State Efforts

“One size fits all” is not appropriate for poverty reduction, because con- ditions are different and because governments’ abilities are different. FOSIS in Chile, a fund that was not supported in any major way by the IDB, is a central part of the government’s machinery for poverty allevia- tion and is extremely flexible. The fund concentrates on productive projects, supports substantial microcredit activities, and imparts sub- stantial training to communities. It is also crucial that governments increase their contributions to the resources allocated to social funds if the funds are going to be perma- nent. The funds are a way to direct more government goods and ser- vices to the...

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

Obtaining flood insurance in high risk areas

The benefits of nonemergency fund operations are the services that come out of the infrastructure they build, not the income generated during construction for carpenters and bricklayers. In evaluating fund projects, the value added as a result of the extra services coming from the project should be considered. This distinction is relevant for projects that upgrade or replace infrastructure, as op- posed to those that build new infrastructure. To assess the value that is added as a result of a project, the service available before the project must be compared with the service available after the project. It is the improvement in the service that emanates from the project...

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00


Social funds should not replace the public sector in tasks that are the government’s inherent responsibility. To do so can undermine ongoing public sector reform and institution-building programs. The objective of funds should be to reinforce and broaden, rather than supplant, the role of state institutions in the social field. Undoubtedly, in many countries, fund portfolios are going to continue to have schools and health posts and other such social projects because funds have been shown to be effective in that role. However, that is really an interim solu- tion until the management and operational procedures developed by funds can be transferred to the social ministries or to the...

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

Health Insurance And Mortality In US Adults

On the political side, mechanisms for the rapid disbursement of project grants to poor municipalities have an obvious potential for partisan pa- tronage and for political advantage, particularly during election processes. This has to be faced. To reduce the improper management of financial resources, it is critical to adopt transparent and objective selection crite- ria for projects. Additionally, to ensure long-term support for funds by international donors, it is important that technical staff are not treated as political appointees to be changed with each new government....

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

FDIC Deposit Insurance For Bankers Version 1.0

The current system the IDB is using to measure the success and impact of fund projects, beneficiary evaluations, is really inadequate. What is needed instead is ex ante data on the condition or the availability of the kind of infrastructure that is going to be built. That needs to be in the fund application so that ex post the Bank can see the improvement in the infrastructure made by the fund operation to measure its impact on improved living conditions in the local community. It may never be pos- sible to get an adequate measure of changes in income caused by the fund, but if productive projects are...

8/30/2018 1:40:32 AM +00:00

Làm thế nào để nhận sổ Bảo hiểm Xã Hội từ cơ quan cũ ?

Tham khảo tài liệu Làm thế nào để nhận sổ Bảo hiểm Xã Hội từ cơ quan cũ? sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cách để nhận sổ BHXH, bên cạnh đó còn giúp bạn tiết kiệm được rất nhiều thời gian.

8/30/2018 1:27:51 AM +00:00

“Rút ruột” bảo hiểm thất nghiệp?

Nên kinh tế suy giảm dẫn đến hệ lụy không tránh khỏi là tình trạng thấp nghiệp gia tăng. Chỉ trong tám tháng đầu năm, số tiền chi trợ cấp thất nghiệp đã hơn 1,3 lần so với cả năm ngoái. Liệu có tình trạng thất nghiệp ảo để trục lợi bảo hiểm thất nghiệp”? Liên tiếp các doanh nghiệp tiết giảm nhân công, sản xuất bị đình đốn và người lao động bị mất việc. Báo cáo mới nhất của Bảo hiểm xã hội cho biết, số người hưởng trợ cấp thất nghiệp hàng năm tăng không ngừng. Cụ...

8/30/2018 1:27:51 AM +00:00

Bảo hiểm nhân thọ, chứng minh trưởng thành.

Nếu bạn đã yêu hoặc đang yêu, chắc bạn đều muốn rằng người ấy phải là một người biết nhìn xa trông rộng, biết lo toan cho những điều lớn lao ở phía trước để sau này là chỗ dựa vững chắc cho mình và các con yêu quí. Và các bạn cũng muốn thể hiện bản thân mình là người như thế nào trong con mắt, suy nghĩ của người bạn đời tương lai. Bạn làm gì để nói rằng mình đã là người đàn ông trưởng thành? người phụ nữ hình mẫu của gia đình. .Có thể bạn đang...

8/30/2018 1:27:38 AM +00:00

Bảo hiểm nhóm kỳ vọng gỡ “nút thắt” thứ hai

Khi cho phép người sử dụng lao động được đưa khoản mua bảo hiểm nhân thọ cho người lao động tính vào chi phí trước thuế. Tuy nhiên, “nút thắt” khác tại Thông tư số 84/2008/TT-BTC của Bộ Tài chính, ban hành ngày 30/9/2008, quy định những khoản thu nhập ngoài tiền lương của người lao động phải chịu thuế thu nhập cá nhân… vẫn chưa được gỡ. Vì thế, con đường phát triển của bảo hiểm nhóm đến nay vẫn “tắc”. Đây cũng là vấn đề mà các DN mua bảo hiểm sức khỏe (một sản phẩm của bảo...

8/30/2018 1:27:38 AM +00:00

Lắng nghe là cội nguồn sức mạnh của Prudential

Một ngày như mọi ngày, tới ca trực Cứu hủy, tôi luôn chuẩn bị cho mình có một tâm lý vui vẻ, bình tĩnh xử lý mọi tình huống sao cho có hiệu quả nhất. Bởi đó là công việc mà tôi rất yêu thích, một công việc đã cho tôi nhiều kinh nghiệm đối mặt với những khó khăn trong việc tư vấn và cứu hủy hợp đồng bảo hiểm. Sau khi tiếp xong một ca khách hàng tới hủy, nay đã tin tưởng vui vẻ ra về, tôi trở vào được bàn giao ngay một khách hàng đang...

8/30/2018 1:27:38 AM +00:00


Từ xu hướng thành lập tập đoàn, giờ đây nhiều công ty chuyển sang thành lập công ty holding... Từ xu hướng thành lập tập đoàn, giờ đây nhiều công ty chuyển sang thành lập công ty holding (holdings). Sự thay đổi này có tác dụng như thế nào? Hôm đầu tuần, TCTCP Bảo hiểm Dầu khí Việt Nam (PVI) đã công bố chuyển đổi thành CTCP PVI , với tên gọi tiếng Anh là PVI Holdings. PVI Holdings đã thành lập TCT .Bảo hiểm PVI theo hình thức Công ty TNHH MTV và công ty này được thừa kế toàn bộ quyền,...

8/30/2018 1:27:38 AM +00:00


Rủi ro thông thường gồm: Rủi ro mắc cạn, chìm đắm, cháy, đâm và, ném hàng xuống biển, mất tích, và các rủi ro phụ như rách, vỡ, gỉ, bẹp, cong vênh, hấp hơi, mất mùi, lây hại, lây bẩn, và đập và hàng hóa khác, nước mưa, hành vi ác ý, trộm, cắp, cướp, móc cẩu

8/30/2018 1:23:50 AM +00:00


Vice President/Publisher Associate Publisher Associate Editor Senior Production Editor Executive Marketing Manager Creative Director Senior Designer Production Management Services Editorial Assistant Senior Media Editor Cover Photo Cover Design Bicentennial Logo Design Don Fowley Judith Joseph Brian Kamins Valerie A. Vargas Amy Scholz Harry Nolan Kevin Murphy Aptara, Corp. Sarah Vernon Allison Morris c Brian Baley/Getty Images, Inc. David Levy Richard J. Pacifico This book was set in 10/12 Cheltenham Light by Aptara, Corp. and printed and bound by R. R. Donnelley & Sons, Inc. The cover was printed by Phoenix Color, Corp. The book is printed on acid-free paper....

8/30/2018 1:19:05 AM +00:00

Nhà đầu tư nghiệp dư cần phải quan tâm điều gì ?

B ạn có đôi chút kiến thức về tài chính, nhưng liệu bạn đã đủ “dũng khí” để tham gia thị trường đầu tư? Bạn biết việc đầu tư sẽ có thể đem lại lợi nhuận không nhỏ, nhưng liệu bạn có chắc chắn rằng mình sẽ không gặp chút “vận đen” nào? Những lời khuyên mà bạn nhận được đã đủ đảm bảo để bạn trở thành nhà đầu tư thành công?

8/30/2018 1:13:55 AM +00:00

Đề trắc nghiệm bảo hiểm

Câu 1: chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất (2đ) 1. Hợp đồng bảo hiểm là gì? a. Cam kết giữa DNBH và bên mua bảo hiểm b. Sự quy định của pháp luật c. Một văn bản có tính pháp lý d. Một quy định của DNBH 2. Đồng bảo hiểm là biện pháp nhằm mục đích : a. Chuyển giao rủi ro b. Tránh né rủi ro c. Phân tán rủi ro d. Chấp nhận rủi ro

8/30/2018 1:13:43 AM +00:00

Bài giảng điện tử: Bảo hiểm hàng hải

Bài giảng điện tử: Bảo hiểm hàng hải sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn những kiến thức đại cương về bảo hiểm, bảo hiểm thân tàu. Tham khảo để biết nội dung chi tiết của bài giảng này nhé.

8/30/2018 1:13:29 AM +00:00

Nguyên lý và thực hành bảo hiểm

Tài liệu Nguyên lý và thực hành bảo hiểm gồm các nội dung chính sau: lịch sử bảo hiểm, thị trường bảo hiểm Việt Nam khi gia nhập WTO, rủi ro và xử lý rủi ro, hợp đồng bảo hiểm. Cùng tham khảo để hiểu rõ hơn về tài liệu này nhé.

8/30/2018 1:08:40 AM +00:00