Tài liệu miễn phí Tâm lý học

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Bài giảng Tâm lý học lãnh đạo, quản lý

Bài giảng Tâm lý học lãnh đạo, quản lý của thạc sĩ Nguyễn Thanh Giang chia thành 6 chuyên đề cụ thể: Tổng quan về Tâm lý học lãnh đạo, quản lý; Nhân cách người lãnh đạo, quản lý; Uy tín ngưới lãnh đạo, quản lý; Những hiện tượng tâm lý trong hoạt động lãnh đạo quản lý; Những hiện tượng tâm lý trong công tác tổ chức cán bộ và công tác tư tưởng; Những hiện tượng tâm lý trong quản lý các quá trình kinh tế - xã hội.

8/30/2018 5:37:10 AM +00:00

Bài giảng Tâm lý quản lý

Bài giảng Tâm lý quản lý của thạc sĩ Trần Đoàn Hạnh trình bày lý luận chung về tâm lý và tâm lý quản lý, người lãnh đạo  trong hệ thống quản lý, người lao động trong hệ thống quản lý, tập thể và một số hiện tượng tâm lý và các hiện tượng tâm lý giao tiếp trong công tác quản lý.

8/30/2018 5:37:10 AM +00:00

Bài viết Các lý thuyết trong nghiên cứu về bạo lực học đường hiện nay (theories applied in researches related to current school violence) - Nguyễn Bá Đạt

Bài viết trình bày quan niệm của các nhà nghiên cứu về bạo lực học đường, các lý thuyết trong nghiên cứu bạo lực học đường và đưa ra kết luận cho việc lý giải nguyên nhân, nguồn gốc dẫn đến bạo lực học đường.

8/30/2018 5:37:10 AM +00:00

Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 1 - Santrock

Chapter 1 - Introduction. In this fi rst chapter, we will explore what it means to take a life-span perspective on development, examine the nature of development, and outline how science helps us to understand it.

8/30/2018 5:36:56 AM +00:00

Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 2 - Santrock

Chapter 2 - Biological beginnings. The previous chapter introduced the fi eld of life-span development, including discussion of three key developmental processes: biological, cognitive, and socioemotional. In this chapter, we lay the foundation of the biological aspects of development. Biological processes, guided by genes, infl uence an individual’s development in every period of the human life span.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 3 - Santrock

Chapter 3 - Prenatal development and birth. This chapter chronicles the truly remarkable developments from conception through birth. Imagine . . . at one time you were an organism floating in a sea of fl uid in your mother’s womb. Let’s now explore what your development was like from the time you were conceived through the time you were born.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 4 - Santrock

Chapter 4 - Physical development in infancy. It is very important for infants to get a healthy start. When they do, their fi rst two years of life are likely to be a time of amazing development. In this chapter, we focus on the biological domain and the infant’s physical development, exploring physical growth, motor development, and sensory and perceptual development.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 5 - Santrock

Chapter 5 - Cognitive development in infancy. In this chapter, we will study not only Piaget’s theory of infant development but also learning, remembering, and conceptualizing by infants; individual differences; and language development.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 6 - Santrock

Chapter 6 - Socioemotional development in infancy. In chapters 4 and 5, you read about how the infant perceives, learns, and remembers. Infants also are socioemotional beings, capable of displaying emotions and initiating social interaction with people close to them. The main topics that we will explore in this chapter are emotional and personality development, social understanding and attachment, and the social contexts of the family and child care.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 7 - Santrock

Chapter 7 - Physical and cognitive development in early childhood. Parents and educators who clearly understand how young children develop can play an active role in creating programs that foster their natural interest in learning, rather than stifl ing it. In this chapter, we will explore the physical, cognitive, and language changes that typically occur as the toddler develops into the preschooler, and then examine different approaches to early childhood education.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 8 - Santrock

Chapter 8 - Socioemotional development in early childhood. In early childhood, children’s emotional lives and personalities develop in signifi cant ways, and their small worlds widen. In addition to the continuing infl uence of family relationships, peers take on a more signifi cant role in children’s development, and play fi lls the days of many young children’s lives.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 9 - Santrock

Chapter 9 - Physical and cognitive development in middle and late childhood. During the middle and late childhood years, children grow taller, heavier, and stronger. They become more adept at using their physical skills, and they develop new cognitive skills. This chapter is about physical and cognitive development in middle and late childhood. To begin, we will explore some changes in physical development.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 10 - Santrock

Chapter 10 - Socioemotional development in middle and late childhood. The years of middle and late childhood bring many changes to children’s social and emotional lives. Transformations in their relationships with parents and peers occur, and schooling takes on a more academic fl avor. The development of their self-conceptions, moral reasoning, and moral behavior is also substantial.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 11 - Santrock

Chapter 11 - Physical and cognitive development in adolescence. Adolescence is a transitional period in the human life span, linking childhood and adulthood. We begin the chapter by examining some general characteristics of adolescence followed by coverage of major physical changes and health issues of adolescence. Then we consider the signifi cant cognitive changes that characterize adolescence and various aspects of schools for adolescents.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 12 - Santrock

Chapter 12 - Socioemotional development in adolescence. Signifi cant changes characterize socioemotional development in adolescence. These changes include increased efforts to understand one’s self and searching for an identity. Changes also occur in the social contexts of adolescents’ lives, with transformations occurring in relationships with families and peers in cultural contexts. Adolescents also may develop socioemotional problems, such as delinquency and depression.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 13 - Santrock

Chapter 13 - Physical and cognitive development in early adulthood. In this chapter, we will explore many aspects of physical and cognitive development in early adulthood. These include some of the areas that were so important in Dave Eggers’ life, such as maximizing creative talents and pursuing a career.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 14 - Santrock

Chapter 14 - Socioemotional development in early adulthood. Love is of central importance in each of our lives, as it is in Gwenna and Greg’s lives. Shortly, we will discuss the many faces of love, as well as marriage and the family, the diversity of adult lifestyles, and the role of gender in relationships. To begin, though, we will return to an issue we initially considered in Chapter 1: stability and change.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 15 - Santrock

Chapter 15 - Physical and cognitive development in middle adulthood. In this fi rst chapter on middle adulthood, we will discuss physical changes; cognitive changes; changes in careers, work, and leisure; as well as the importance of religion and meaning in life during middle adulthood. To begin, though, we will explore how middle age is changing.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 16 - Santrock

Chapter 16 - Socioemotional development in middle adulthood. To begin the chapter, we will examine personality theories and development in middle age, including ideas about individual variation. Then we will turn our attention to how much individuals change or stay the same as they go through the adult years. Finally we will explore a number of aspects of close relationships during the middle adulthood years.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 17 - Santrock

Chapter 17 - Physical development in late adulthood. The story of Sadie Halperin’s physical development and well-being raises some truly fascinating questions about life-span development, which we will explore in this chapter. They include: Why do we age, and what, if anything, can we do to slow down the process? How long can we live? What chance do we have of living to be 100? How does the body change in old age?

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 18 - Santrock

Chapter 18 - Cognitive development in late adulthood. Just how well older adults can and do function cognitively is an important question we will explore in this chapter. We also will examine the important topics of language development, work and retirement, mental health, and religion.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 19 - Santrock

Chapter 19 - Socioemotional development in late adulthood. This chapter presents the following content: Theories of socioemotional development; personality, the self, and society; families and social relationships; ethnicity, gender, and culture; successful aging.

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Lecture Life-span development (13th edition): Chapter 20 - Santrock

Chapter 20 - Death, dying and grieving. In this final chapter of the lecture, we will explore many aspects of death and dying. Among the questions that we will ask are: What characterizes the death system and its cultural and historical contexts? How can death be defi ned? What are some links between development and death? How do people face their own death? How do individuals cope with the death of someone they love?

8/30/2018 5:36:56 AM +00:00

Giáo trình Tham vấn tâm lý (Tái bản lần thứ 2 có chỉnh sửa bổ sung): Phần 1

Phần 1 giáo trình Tham vấn tâm lý trình bày các nội dung: Tham vấn tâm lý là một khoa học ứng dụng, sơ lược lịch sử hình thành và phát triển của tham vấn tâm lý, các lý thuyết tiếp cận cá nhân trong tham vấn tâm lý, nhà tham vấn và thân chủ trong mối quan hệ tham vấn,... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

8/30/2018 5:34:36 AM +00:00

Giáo trình Tham vấn tâm lý (Tái bản lần thứ 2 có chỉnh sửa bổ sung): Phần 2

Phần 2 giáo trình Tham vấn tâm lý cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Đạo đức trong tham vấn tâm lý, kỹ năng tham vấn tâm lý, luyện thực hành tham vấn tâm lý. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

8/30/2018 5:34:36 AM +00:00

Ebook Methods in behavioral research (12th edition): Part 2

(BQ) Part 2 book Methods in behavioral research has contents: Experimental design, conducting experiments, complex experimental designs; single case, quasi experimental, and developmental research; understanding research results - description and correlation, generalization, understanding research results - statistical inference.

8/30/2018 5:34:22 AM +00:00

Ebook Methods in behavioral research (12th edition): Part 1

(BQ) Part 1 book Methods in behavioral research has contents: Scientific understanding of behavior, where to start, ethics in behavioral research, fundamental research issues, measurement concepts, observational methods, asking people about themselves - survey research.

8/30/2018 5:34:22 AM +00:00

Ebook Comprehensive stress management (10th edition): Part 1

(BQ) Part 1 book Comprehensive stress management has contents: What is stress, stress psychophysiology, stress and illness disease, intervention, life situation interventions - intrapersonal, perception interventions, spirituality and stress, autogenic training and imagery,...and other contents.

8/30/2018 5:34:21 AM +00:00

Ebook Comprehensive stress management (10th edition): Part 2

(BQ) Part 2 book Comprehensive stress management has contents: Other relaxation techniques, physiological arousal interventions, strategies for decreasing stressful behaviors, diversity and stress, occupational stress, stress and the college student, family stress, stress and older adults.

8/30/2018 5:34:21 AM +00:00

Giáo trình tâm lý học quản lý - PGS.TS Vũ Dũng

Giáo trình tâm lý học quản lý gồm 3 phần: Phần 1 Những vấn đề chung, phần 2 Tâm lí người lãnh đạo, phần 3 Tâm lí người lao động và tổ chức. Mời các bạn xem nội dung chi tiết của tài liệu!

8/30/2018 5:32:37 AM +00:00