Tài liệu miễn phí Toán học

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Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 25: Greedy algorithms

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 25: Greedy algorithms. In this lecture we will cover the following: activity selection problem; fractional knapsack problem; coin change making problem; greedy approach for fractional knapsack; recursive Greedy algorithm;...

4/8/2023 3:59:43 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 24: Optimal binary search trees & Constructing dynamic programming

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 24: Optimal binary search trees & Constructing dynamic programming. In this lecture we will cover the following: construction of optimal substructure; algorithm optimal binary search; introduction to Greedy algorithms; activity selection problem; steps developing activity selection algorithm;...

4/8/2023 3:59:34 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 23: Longest common subsequence (Dynamic algorithm) & Optimal binary search trees

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 23: Longest common subsequence (Dynamic algorithm) & Optimal binary search trees. In this lecture we will cover the following: optimal substructure of an LCS; computable tables; longest common subsequence algorithm; construction of longest common subsequence; relationship with shortest common supper-sequence;...

4/8/2023 3:59:27 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 22: Review lectures 1-21

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 22: Review lectures 1-21. In this lecture we will cover the following: model of computation; mathematical tools; logic and proving techniques; mathematical induction; fibonacci sequences; recursion; asymptotic notations; brute force approach; divide and conquer; dynamic programming;...

4/8/2023 3:59:19 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 21: Optimal weight triangulation

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 21: Optimal weight triangulation. In this lecture we will cover the following: observations in dual graph; proof of lemmas; correspondence to binary trees; optimal substructure; computational cost; longest common subsequence problem; dynamic programming solution;...

4/8/2023 3:59:12 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 20: 0-1 knapsack problem’s algorithm (using dynamic programming) and optimal weight triangulation

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 20: 0-1 knapsack problem’s algorithm (using dynamic programming) and optimal weight triangulation. In this lecture we will cover the following: 0-1 knapsack problem; optimal weight triangulation; algorithm using dynamic programming; time complexity;...

4/8/2023 3:59:06 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 19: 0-1 knapsack problem using dynamic programming

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 19: 0-1 knapsack problem using dynamic programming. In this lecture we will cover the following: 0-1 knapsack problem; problem analysis; algorithm using dynamic programming; time complexity; generalization, variations and applications;...

4/8/2023 3:59:00 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 18: 2-line assembly scheduling problem

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 18: 2-line assembly scheduling problem. In this lecture we will cover the following: 2-line assembly scheduling algorithm using dynamic programming; time complexity; n-line assembly problem; brute force analysis; n-line assembly scheduling algorithm using dynamic programming;...

4/8/2023 3:58:48 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 17: Assembly-line scheduling problem

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 17: Assembly-line scheduling problem. In this lecture we will cover the following: assembly line scheduling problem; problem analysis; algorithm using dynamic programming; time complexity; generalization and applications;...

4/8/2023 3:58:37 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 16: Chain matrix multiplication problem using dynamic programming

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 16: Chain matrix multiplication problem using dynamic programming. In this lecture we will cover the following: chain-matrix multiplication; problem analysis, notations, dynamic algorithm, time complexity; generalization and applications;...

4/8/2023 3:58:31 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 15: Dynamic programming for solving optimization problems

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 15: Dynamic programming for solving optimization problems. In this lecture we will cover the following: optimizations problem; steps in development of dynamic algorithms; why dynamic in optimization problem; introduction to catalan numbers; chain-matrix multiplication; problem analysis;...

4/8/2023 3:58:24 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 14: Designing algorithms using Divide & Conquer approach

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 14: Designing algorithms using Divide & Conquer approach. In this lecture we will cover the following: a general divide and conquer approach; merge sort algorithm; finding maxima in 1-D, and 2-D; finding closest pair in 2-D;...

4/8/2023 3:58:18 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 13: Designing algorithms using Brute Force and Divide & Conquer approaches

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 13: Designing algorithms using Brute Force and Divide & Conquer approaches. In this lecture we will cover the following: finding closest pair in 2-D; improved version finding closest pair in 2-D; generalization in 3-D and then n-D; a general Divide and Conquer approach; merge sort algorithm;...

4/8/2023 3:58:08 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 12: Design of algorithms using Brute Force Approach

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 12: Design of algorithms using Brute Force Approach. In this lecture we will cover the following: checking primality; sorting sequence of numbers; Knapsack problem; closest pair in 2-D, 3-D and n-D; finding maximal points in n-D;...

4/8/2023 3:58:00 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 11: Relations over asymptotic notations

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 11: Relations over asymptotic notations. In this lecture we will cover the following: reflexivity relations; symmetry; transitivity relation; transpose symmetry; some other standard notations; standard logarithms notations;...

4/8/2023 3:57:54 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 10: Time complexity of algorithms

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 10: Time complexity of algorithms. In this lecture we will cover the following: major factors in algorithms design; complexity analysis; growth of functions; asymptotic notations; usefulness of notations; various examples explaining each concept;...

4/8/2023 3:57:47 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 9: Further techniques solving recurrence relations

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 9: Further techniques solving recurrence relations. In this lecture we will cover the following: assumptions in solving recurrence; the substitution method; the recursion tree method; the master theorem;...

4/8/2023 3:57:41 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 8: Recurrence relations

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 8: Recurrence relations. In this lecture we will cover the following: general homogenous recurrences; non-homogenous recurrence relations; characteristics of various type of non-homogenous recurrence relations; solution to various non-homogenous recurrence relations;...

4/8/2023 3:57:35 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 7: Recurrence relations

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 7: Recurrence relations. In this lecture we will cover the following: recursive mathematical models; solving recurrence relations; first order linear homogenous recurrence relations, with constant coefficients; second order linear homogenous recurrence relations, constant coefficients; general homogenous recurrences;...

4/8/2023 3:57:28 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 6: Fibonacci sequences

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 6: Fibonacci sequences. In this lecture we will cover the following: fibonacci problem and its sequence; construction of mathematical model; explicit formula computing fibonacci numbers; recursive algorithms; generalizations of rabbits problem and constructing its mathematical models;...

4/8/2023 3:57:21 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 5: Strong mathematical induction

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 5: Strong mathematical induction. In this lecture we will cover the following: generalization of Demargon’s laws; strong mathematical induction; converting problems to be proved using strong mathematical induction; proving problems using strong induction;...

4/8/2023 3:57:14 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 4: Mathematical Induction

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 4: Mathematical Induction. In this lecture we will cover the following: what is mathematical induction; why is mathematical induction valid; proving problems using induction; proving hard problems using induction; strong mathematical induction; proving problems using strong induction;...

4/8/2023 3:57:08 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 3: Logic and Proving Techniques

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 3: Logic and Proving Techniques. In this lecture we will cover the following: tools used for proving algorithms; propositional logic; predicate logic; proofs using; probability as analysis tool; series and summation etc;...

4/8/2023 3:56:57 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 2: Mathematical Tools for Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 2: Mathematical Tools for Design and Analysis of Algorithms. In this lecture we will cover the following a sequence of mathematical tools include: sets, sequences, order pairs, cross product, relation, functions, operators over above structures, conclusion,...

4/8/2023 3:56:51 PM +00:00

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 1: Introduction

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design - Lecture 1: Introduction. In this lecture we will cover the following: what is algorithm; designing techniques; model of computation; algorithms as a technology; algorithms and other technologies; importance of algorithms; difference in users and developers;...

4/8/2023 3:56:44 PM +00:00

Giáo trình Toán 1: Phần 2 - Lê Thái Thanh

Nối tiếp phần 1, phần 2 của Giáo trình Toán 1 gồm 4 chương tiếp tục trình bày về tích phân, định thức và ma trận, không gian vectơ, hệ phương trình đại số tuyến tính,... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

4/8/2023 3:23:07 PM +00:00

Giáo trình Toán 1: Phần 1 - Lê Thái Thanh

Phần 1 của Giáo trình Toán 1 có nội dung gồm 6 chương trình bày về tập hợp - ánh xạ - quan hệ, cấu trúc đại số, các tập hợp số, dãy số, hàm số và giới hạn, đạo hàm và vi phân,... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

4/8/2023 3:23:00 PM +00:00

Khảo sát hoạt động tự học môn Vật lí thông qua thẻ nhớ vật lí Cram của học sinh lớp 10 thành phố Đà Lạt

Đề tài này khảo sát về tình hình tự học môn Vật Lí của học sinh khối lớp 10 ở trường THPT trên địa bàn thành phố Đà Lạt trước và sau khi sử dụng thẻ nhớ Vật Lí thông qua ứng dụng trên Cram.com bằng các phương pháp điều tra so sánh bằng bảng hỏi, phương pháp thực nghiệm và phương pháp thống kê toán học.

4/8/2023 2:03:32 PM +00:00

Một số tính chất của hàm số học cơ bản và áp dụng

Bài viết Một số tính chất của hàm số học cơ bản và áp dụng có nội dung trình bày về định nghĩa, tính chất của các hàm số học; một số hàm số học cơ bản; các bài tập ứng dụng tương tự;... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

4/8/2023 1:20:29 PM +00:00

Một số bài toán về dãy số truy hồi tuyến tính cấp hai

Bài viết Một số bài toán về dãy số truy hồi tuyến tính cấp hai có nội dung trình bày về các định nghĩa và ví dụ của dãy số truy hồi tuyến tính cấp hai; phương pháp xác định số hạng tổng quát của dãy số truy hồi tuyến tính cấp hai; một số dạng toán về dãy số truy hồi tuyến tính cấp hai;... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

4/8/2023 1:20:23 PM +00:00