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HANU communication using Javascript, Mongodb, Socketio

In the university environment, communication and interaction between students and teachers are essential. However, students of Hanoi University face many difficulties in finding contact information with their teachers as well as other departments in the university. With the development of the technology age 4.0 along with the existing problems of the university, the HANUCommunication website was created to connect HANU students and faculty together using Javascript, Mongodb and Socketio technologies.

4/3/2023 1:21:44 PM +00:00

Enhancing report aggregation and analysis systems with ELK platform

In this article, challenges and problems that impact businesses will be considered as well as a great solution to handle them, which is ELK. ELK is the name of an open source software group, which includes Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana. In which, Elasticsearch is the source or heart of this system. In the deeper part of the article, ELK will be thoroughly explored, thereby helping readers understand why ELK is a great solution to practical problems related to data management. The article will cover the theory and practical application of ELK to solve the problem of converging distributed database’s servers to prove its capabilities.

4/3/2023 1:21:36 PM +00:00

IoT smart retail: Security issues and solutions

With the advancement of technology, the Internet of Things has become a major part in our daily life. It brought up unbelievable influences, potential and growth to human’s society. IoT allows wearable devices, home appliances and software to share and communicate throughout a network using the Internet. Due to the fact that all of a user's private data will be uploaded on the Internet, we must keep an eye on security problems caused by IoT. In this paper, we will begin with introducing the Internet of Things definition then continue with providing information of security related challenges. On the basis of that, several resolutions will be addressed at the end of the research.

4/3/2023 1:21:28 PM +00:00

Application of Odoo Platform in managing enterprises and enhancing businesses

A feasible way to do so is by incorporating enterprise resource planning software into their system. As being said, this research aims to introduce how ERP softwares operate when being deployed into a enterprise, with an emphasis on a specific type of software that is rising in popularity in recent times – Odoo, a perfect solution used by many businesses to manage resources and optimize productivity. The concept and fundamentals of ERP systems are also being discussed, along with the current state of ERP software deployment and research in Vietnam. The results of the research show promises of ERP softwares capabilities, as well as potential for enterprises when they adopt it into their operations.

4/3/2023 1:21:22 PM +00:00

HANU Airline – Hệ thống đặt vé máy bay

Considering that Hanoi University is a foreign language university comprising a lot of foreign students studying, as well as a lot of foreign students and working teachers studying abroad. But through surveys, people usually only book tickets through agents and social networking sites. This is extremely inconvenient and difficult. Furthermore, this topic helps us to better understand how a website is built and operated. Especially the flight booking system with database and management complexity. For that reason, our team decided to choose the topic of Airline Reservation System.

4/3/2023 1:21:15 PM +00:00

Applying Three-Tier Architecture to develop java web application for Fashion Shop

With the rapid advancement in technology, the world has become increasingly reliant on software products. These products must not only function properly, but also be fast and scalable. The development team will explore Three-Tier Architecture – an architecture that facilitates scalability – as well as the reasons for using it and explaining the results in this paper.

4/3/2023 1:21:07 PM +00:00

Bootstrapping full-stack web applications following domain-driven design with domainfstool

Phát triển phần mềm đã trở thành một ngành công nghiệp hiện đại, giúp thu về lợi nhuận cao. Tuy nhiên, có nhiều tác vụ trong phát triển phần mềm lặp đi lặp lại nhưng không thể sao chép nguyên bản vì các vấn đề này không hoàn toàn giống nhau. Do vậy, ngành công nghiệp phần mềm đã đưa ra khái niệm framework, một công cụ hỗ trợ phát triển ứng dụng. Trong bản báo cáo này, một công cụ tương tự, DomainFSTool (Domain-driven Full-Stack Tool) sẽ được đưa ra bàn luận. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết nội dung bài viết!

4/3/2023 1:20:59 PM +00:00

Developing ecommerce web applications using Springmvc

Cùng với cuộc cách mạng internet trên thế giới, các trang web phục vụ con người ngày càng phát triển về số lượng và chất lượng. Công nghệ được ứng dụng vào đời sống con người giúp cho các hoạt động của con người trở nên dễ dàng và thuận tiện hơn, cùng với đó là thúc đẩy kinh tế phát triển. Thương mại điện tử là một trong những lĩnh vực rất phát triển, vì vậy một trang web được tạo ra để bán hàng trực tuyến là điều cần thiết. Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi sẽ thảo luận về kỹ thuật sử dụng Spring framework, cách thức hoạt động và kết quả của chúng tôi khi sử dụng kỹ thuật này. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết nội dung bài viết!

4/3/2023 1:20:51 PM +00:00

Developing web applications applying hibernate framework

Ngày nay, một số lượng lớn các trang web đã được tạo ra cho nhiều mục đích. Cùng với đó là sự phát triển của các framework lập trình web như Express, Laravel, Spring,… Hibernate framework ra đời là hệ quả tất yếu của sự phát triển chung và chứng tỏ giá trị của nó. Trọng lượng nhẹ, hiệu suất nhanh và tạo bảng tự động chỉ là một số ưu điểm của nó khiến Hibernate trở thành lựa chọn được lựa chọn cho dự án. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết nội dung bài viết!

4/3/2023 1:20:42 PM +00:00

Develop online banking website via java web application by applying three-tier architecture

Với sự tiến bộ theo cấp số nhân của công nghệ, hành tinh đã chứng kiến sự gia tăng thị trường hàng hóa phần mềm. Các sản phẩm này không chỉ phải hoạt động mà còn phải nhanh và có thể mở rộng. Nhóm phát triển sẽ khám phá Kiến trúc ba tầng - một kiến trúc tạo điều kiện cho khả năng mở rộng - trong bài viết này, cũng như lý do sử dụng kiến trúc và kết quả của việc áp dụng kiến trúc trong ứng dụng web Trình theo dõi bệnh dịch. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết nội dung bài viết!

4/3/2023 1:20:36 PM +00:00

Develop Java web application for supply chain management

Quản lý chuỗi cung ứng là một tính năng cần thiết để tiến hành bất kỳ hoạt động kinh doanh nào. Hệ thống này quản lý một mạng lưới các công ty được kết nối với nhau chịu trách nhiệm cung cấp cho người dùng cuối các gói sản phẩm và dịch vụ. Nó bao gồm tất cả nguyên liệu thô, tồn kho trong quá trình sản xuất, và việc vận chuyển và lưu kho hàng hóa thành phẩm từ điểm xuất xứ đến điểm tiêu thụ. Nó chủ yếu dành cho ngành công nghiệp sản xuất và nó cung cấp kiến thức về việc phát hành sản phẩm cho khách hàng và nhà phân phối của công ty. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết nội dung bài viết!

4/3/2023 1:20:28 PM +00:00

A study on cloud computing security

Cloud computing security is an extensive field of research with various concerns in many aspects. While the benefits of cloud computing and cloud services are easily noticeable, the privacy and security problems of this technology has always been concentrated on. This paper aim to identify the security issues and their solutions in using cloud computing services. And this would serve as a reference for anyone in need of an overview on the risks factors and possible solutions in a cloud environment.

4/3/2023 1:20:21 PM +00:00

A java web-based application following MVC architecture

With the strong development of 4.0 technology in the whole world, programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, C++,... are increasingly improved and expanded. Therefore, there are a lot of incredible applications created using these programming languages. In this paper, the development team will discuss about the DrinkStore Ecommerce Website - a Java web-based application following MVC Architecture, and demonstrate the result of architecture implementation.

4/3/2023 1:20:13 PM +00:00

Design and development of backend applications for banking online systems using Java Spring Boot

Today, banks seem to be jumping on the bandwagon of Internet banking. Internet banking or electronic banking allows a customer of a financial institution to use services, to conduct financial transactions on a secured website. The purpose of this research is to learn about using Spring Boot to build and develop an online banking system.Some main contents mentioned in this research are the definition of Spring Boot, the reason for using Spring Boot, the use of Spring Boot in development the e-banking system, the result and evaluation.

4/3/2023 1:20:03 PM +00:00

An alert system using Arduino and Nodemcu

While there has been designs for security devices that are accessible on the internet, few of them are combined with Internet of Things – one of the hot topics regarding to IT. This paper aims to guide people with a some IT background knowledge to build a sensor that detects people before sending the information to a phone, alerting the owner of the sensor. Moreover, this paper will explain some key details about the making of the device, and would be serve as a reference for future projects in creating IoT devices.

4/3/2023 1:19:55 PM +00:00

Analysis of student’s mark in fit faculty over 7 year period (2014-2020)

The article will cover and describe the data, libraries, methods, and algorithms used to develop the project. In a nutshell, the article concludes that the purpose of this research is to bring new perspectives to the data at the very area where they are practically relevant to ourselves, specifically in this research, the students’ scores in IT Faculty of HANU, and offer advice to students to improve their ability to complete the subject they have participated.

4/3/2023 1:19:48 PM +00:00

Applying machine learning in recognizing Vietnamese speech

Applications of speech recognition for the Vietnamese language are yet to be as accessible as more popular languages. Nevertheless, in the past decade, many Vietnamese researchers devoted their time into developing and improving speech recognition solutions for their mother’s tongue. Acknowledging that advancements in Vietnamese speech recognition have been made, this paper aims to take a look at the steps required create a solution that is portable, accessible for many Vietnamese people to conveniently make their speech utterances understood by mobile systems, then attempts to develop a portable speech recognition solution.

4/3/2023 1:19:40 PM +00:00

Airline reservation system

In 2021, With the strong rise of web programming languages such as Python, javascript, and Typescript, java still holds a very stable position and is used in many major projects around the world. A Java web application is a collection of dynamic resources (such as Servlets, JavaServer Pages, Java classes and jars) and static resources (HTML pages and pictures). In this article, the development team will discuss Java as the development framework for the Airline Reservation System and explain how it is applied during the programming implementation.

4/3/2023 1:19:31 PM +00:00

Developing android application using android studio for food ordering app

The world increasingly requires more and more handy mobile software products to meet the most essential needs of people. These products not only need to be effective, but also fast, constantly updated and scalable with a very large database. In this paper, the development team will discuss developing android apps using Android Studio, along with the reasons for using this tool and present the results of the build and development a practical application Food Ordering Application.

4/3/2023 1:19:24 PM +00:00

Integrating knowledge management with agile methodology to manage projects effectively

In organizations, knowledge management becomes more and more popular discipline and practice. Indeed, modern project management plays an important role in improving the efficiency of knowledge management. Agile Methodology is an emerging approach to manage projects smoothly. The paper aims to study background knowledge of Knowledge Management and Agile Methodology. Finally, a case study named using Knowledge Management and Agile Kanban to manage Final Projects in the ISD course will be fully illustrated.

4/3/2023 1:19:17 PM +00:00

Applying artificial intelligence on e-learning

Research paper on applying Artificial intelligence for E-Learning. In this research, we provide an introduction to e-learning and its role in areas of life and many strong points of elearning with traditional learning. Besides, we will answer the question How is AI applied in elearning? Employing the state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) technology in current e-learning systems can bring personalized, adaptive, and intelligent services to both students and educators.

4/3/2023 1:19:09 PM +00:00

Developing e-commerce web applications using MERN stack and ELK stack

With the rapid development of the Internet and technology, daily activities are gradually improving to offer human beings a better quality of life. E-commerce, with the undeniable convenience it provides, is gradually replacing traditional shopping methods. Part of the explanation for this is that emerging technologies are making it easier for web developers to create, handle, and sustain high-performing web applications. In this paper, we will discuss the technique, reasons to use the stacks, the way it works and our results by applying these technologies on e-commerce.

4/3/2023 1:19:00 PM +00:00

The VPN browser using C#

This paper examines the great application of C# language in creating a web browser ‘QvsQ’ using CefSharp and VPN. The performance of the application is connected to the Internet, improved to display the content of all websites more quickly, not stored the private information of the user and has most of the function of the normal web browser.

4/3/2023 1:18:52 PM +00:00

Robust lane line and vehicle detection

Automatic Lane Detection is a prerequisite in the development of self-driving cars - a new trend that will surely prevail in the near future. Lane identification has two levels including determining purely by image processing (1) and determining by machine learning (2). Processing with machine learning will produce more accurate results under a variety of environmental conditions than simply processing images. However, that approach requires a huge amount of training model input, along with a high requirement of processing system resources such as CPU, GPU and the other similar types of resource which is not easy to be found by students.

4/3/2023 1:18:45 PM +00:00

Enhancing moodle for active learning

The foundations of this study is based on the technical definitions of multimedia and active learning, along with practical examples that show how they can be crucial components in enhancing education. A system is improved, with implementation and testing of tools and applications that integrate interactive media in a real course. Results produced from the system solidifies the statement of interactive media having the capabilities of making active learning and teaching possible and practical, bringing effective and productive benefits to education.

4/3/2023 1:18:37 PM +00:00

Applying multimedia to support active learning at Hanoi university

Research paper on the application of multimedia to positive learning methods. Active learning is an activity that allows students to participate in the learning processes in the lecture so that teachers and students can identify mastery of knowledge and adjust the guidelines to facilitate learning. Long-term training. Multimedia is a combination of information of various forms and that information can be shown simultaneously. We have searched documents and gathered information to have a survey at HANU about learning by actively applying multimedia methods.

4/3/2023 1:04:20 PM +00:00

Social network platform

: The purpose of this study is to scrutinize the reasons, benefits, problems and solutions encountered in the usage of social networ ing based on opinions of Hanoi University’s students, thence, we can create a useful social media web. This study was conducted using the questionnaire technique to collect data. Therefore, questionnaire was held with 100 random students. Based on the study’s results, it was found that there are various reasons why students use social media such as connecting and keeping in touch with friends and family easily, sharing emotion or story with others and reducing stress.

4/3/2023 1:04:01 PM +00:00

Effective virtual learning enviroment through moodle

There are numerous its of software accessible that give VLE systems, both business and Open Source Software (OSS). One such system that has been step by step picking up overall prominence is known as Moodle. This paper enters around this stage and on an examination between VLE (Moodle) and other VLE systems so as to find their qualities and confinements. The near examination is in two stages. The primary stage is in light of the highlights and capacities of VLE apparatuses and the subsequent stage depends on the specialized parts of the VLE stages.

4/3/2023 1:03:47 PM +00:00

HANU student core – An android application based on existing web service

Smartphones have become increasingly popular around the world in recent years, therefore, smartphone applications, especially for Android and iOS, are greatly in need these days. For legacy system with outdated user interface that has little usability on handheld devices such as Hanoi University’s Student Management system for Students, a smartphone application built on existing web service provides a convenient means of accessing student data on-the-fly. In this paper, the construction of Hanu Student Core application on Android platform will be examined.

4/3/2023 1:03:27 PM +00:00

Research about blockchain technology, type of attacks and solutions

In the 4.0 technology wave, Blockchain is considered by the technology world to be the most noteworthy advancement after the birth of Internet. The findings of this paper will find out about Blockchain and Bitcoin Cryptocurrency. Along with that, we will mention to a weak point of Blockchain- Double spending and research on security against attacks including Double spending hypothesis attacks and attack resistance in practice help Blockchain apply for Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

4/3/2023 1:03:11 PM +00:00