Tài liệu miễn phí Đồ họa - Thiết kế - Flash

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Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 32: Introduction to OpenGL

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 32: Introduction to OpenGL. The main topics covered in this chapter include: multi-platform, rendering, texture mapping, special effects, and other powerful visualization functions, developer-driven advantages, openGL architecture review board (ARB),...

4/8/2023 6:50:50 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 31: Mathematics of lightning and shading (Part 5)

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 31: Mathematics of lightning and shading (Part 5). The main topics covered in this chapter include: physically based illumination, reflection and reflection of a light wave, light wave reflecting off a perfectly smooth surface, the critical angle,...

4/8/2023 6:50:44 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 30: Mathematics of lightning and shading (Part 4)

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 30: Mathematics of lightning and shading (Part 4). The main topics covered in this chapter include: the phong’s specular light equation, phong's equation for specular lighting, the lighting equation, light attenuation, oren—nayar diffuse reflection,...

4/8/2023 6:50:38 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 29: Mathematics of lightning and shading (Part 3)

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 29: Mathematics of lightning and shading (Part 3). The main topics covered in this chapter include: traditional 3D hardware-accelerated lighting models, ambient light, diffuse light, specular light, phong's specular light equation,...

4/8/2023 6:50:31 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 28: Review III

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 28: Review III. The main topics covered in this chapter include: oblique projection, perspective projection, presumptions for simplification, triangles flesh out a 3D object, triangle strips and fans, triangle list, triangle fan, triangle strip, equation of plane in 3D,...

4/8/2023 6:50:25 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 27: Review II

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 27: Review II. The main topics covered in this chapter include: restricting the effect of graphics primitives to a sub-region of the canvas, protecting other portions of the canvas, point clipping, line clipping, the brute force approach, cohen sutherland line clipping algorithm,...

4/8/2023 6:50:19 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 26: Mathematics of lightning and shading (Part 2)

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 26: Mathematics of lightning and shading (Part 2). The main topics covered in this chapter include: light types and shading models, parallel lights (or directional lights), point lights, spotlights, lambertian shading, gouraud shading, phong shading,...

4/8/2023 6:50:10 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 25: Mathematics of lightning and shading (Part 1)

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 25: Mathematics of lightning and shading (Part 1). The main topics covered in this chapter include: light and materials, ambient lighting, defuse light, specular lighting, emessive light, the defuse light is reflected in all directions from the surface and depends only on the angle of the light to the surface normal,...

4/8/2023 6:50:03 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 24: Lightning II

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 24: Lightning II. The main topics covered in this chapter include: clamping color values, scaling color values by intensity, negative colors and dark lights, the blending operation, the alpha blending equation, the alpha blending formula, the frame buffer,...

4/8/2023 6:49:53 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 23: Lightning I

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 23: Lightning I. The main topics covered in this chapter include: textured triangle, textured mapping, representing color, multiplying color values, dealing with saturated colors, graphics pipeline,...

4/8/2023 6:49:47 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 22: Triangles and planes

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 22: Triangles and planes. The main topics covered in this chapter include: high performance triangle pasteurization, first filling triangle, gouraud shading triangle,...

4/8/2023 6:49:41 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 21: Triangles and planes

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 21: Triangles and planes. The main topics covered in this chapter include: triangles, struct triangle, lists of triangles generally represented in one of three ways, triangles fans, examples of planes, constructing a plane from three points on the plane,...

4/8/2023 6:49:32 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 20: Projections II

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 20: Projections II. The main topics covered in this chapter include: prospective projection, the perspective projection matrix, the viewing frustm, the volume within the pyramid between the frotn and back clipping planes is the viewing frustum,...

4/8/2023 6:49:25 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 19: Projections I

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 19: Projections I. The main topics covered in this chapter include: reflection of points relative to the X axis, shearing transformations can be used to modify object shapes, methods of projection: parallel projection and perspective projection, mathematical description of a parallel projection,...

4/8/2023 6:49:19 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 18: 3-D transformations II

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 18: 3-D transformations II. The main topics covered in this chapter include: rotation and normalization, rotating a point, column vector representation, rotation homogeneous coordinates, roll around z-axis, matrix representations, composite transformation,...

4/8/2023 6:49:12 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 17: 3-D transformations I

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 17: 3-D transformations I. The main topics covered in this chapter include: definition of a 3d point, distance between two 3d points, pythagorus theorem, definition of a 3d vector, finding unit vector, 3D vector addition, operations between points and vectors,...

4/8/2023 6:49:06 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 16: 3-D concepts

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 16: 3-D concepts. The main topics covered in this chapter include: 3-dimensions, coordinate systems, types of the coordinate systems, 1-D coordinate system, 2-D coordinate system, 3-D coordinate system, left handed versus right handed rules, defining right handed rules,...

4/8/2023 6:48:59 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 15: Clipping II

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 15: Clipping II. The main topics covered in this chapter include: polygon clipping, Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping algorithm, Weiler-Atherton clipping algorithm, Sutherland-Hodgman’s polygon clipping âlgorithm, four cases of polygon clipping against one edge,...

4/8/2023 6:48:53 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 14: Clipping I

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 14: Clipping I. The main topics covered in this chapter include: restricting the effect of graphics primitives to a sub-region of the canvas, protecting other portions of the canvas, primitives lying outside the clip rectangle are not drawn, point clipping,...

4/8/2023 6:48:43 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 13: Graphics systems

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 13: Graphics systems. The main topics covered in this chapter include: video display devices, refresh cathode-ray tubes, raster-scan displays, random-scan displays, color CRT monitors, direct-view storage tubes, flat-panel displays, three-dimensional viewing devices,...

4/8/2023 6:48:37 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 12: 2D transformations II

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 12: 2D transformations II. The main topics covered in this chapter include: homogeneous coordinates, translation with homogeneous coordinates, rotation with homogeneous coordinates, scaling with homogeneous coordinates, composite transformations, composite rotations,...

4/8/2023 6:48:29 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 11: 2D transformations I

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 11: 2D transformations I. The main topics covered in this chapter include: vectors, vector projections, 2d magnitude and direction, 3d magnitude and direction, vector normalization, vector addition, vector subtraction, dot product, cross product,...

4/8/2023 6:48:19 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 10: Mathematical fundamentals

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 10: Mathematical fundamentals. The main topics covered in this chapter include: matrices and simple matrix operations, matrix dimensions, square matrix, names for matrices, matrix equality, zero matrix, rules for matrix addition, multiplication of a matrix by a scalar,...

4/8/2023 6:48:08 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 9: Filled area primitives II

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 9: Filled area primitives II. The main topics covered in this chapter include: scan-line polygon filling, boundary-fill and flood-fill, polygon types, convex polygons, complex polygons, unfilled polygon, filled polygons, even number of edges,...

4/8/2023 6:48:02 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 8: Filled area primitives I

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 8: Filled area primitives I. The main topics covered in this chapter include: drawing primitives, figures using primitives, solid models, object filling two basic approaches, scan-line between boundaries, select interior point - paint outwards, scan-line polygon filling,...

4/8/2023 6:47:56 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 7: Ellipse and other curves

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 7: Ellipse and other curves. The main topics covered in this chapter include: ellipse drawing techniques, ellipse drawing using polar coordinates, four-way symmetry, midpoint ellipse algorithm, object modeling animation path specifications, data and function graphing,...

4/8/2023 6:47:50 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 6: Circle drawing techniques

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 6: Circle drawing techniques. The main topics covered in this chapter include: input for circle drawing, understanding curve very simple to complex, time complexity inefficient to efficient, circle drawing using cartesian coordinates, drawbacks/shortcomings,...

4/8/2023 6:47:43 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 5: Line drawing techniques

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 5: Line drawing techniques. The main topics covered in this chapter include: incremental line algorithm, DDA line algorithm, bresenham line algorithm, discussion on algorithm, criticism on algorithm, use of floating point calculation, improving performance,...

4/8/2023 6:47:37 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 4: Point

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 4: Point. The main topics covered in this chapter include: pixel, picture, resolution, text and graphics modes, character information in VBIOS, character support in different types of adapters, characters in graphics mode, text mode colors,...

4/8/2023 6:47:31 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 3: Graphics systems (Cont.)

Lecture Computer graphics - Lesson 3: Graphics systems (Cont.). The main topics covered in this chapter include: raster-scan systems, random-scan systems, graphics cards or display adaptors, graphics software, video controller, monochrome adaptor, hercules adaptor, color graphics adaptor,...

4/8/2023 6:47:20 AM +00:00