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Lecture Project management in practice (6th Edition) – Chapter 2: The manager, the organization, and the team

The following will be discussed in this chapter: The PM’s roles, the PM’s responsibilities to the project, selection of a project manager, project management as a profession, fitting projects into the parent organization, the project team, multidisciplinary teams - balancing pleasure and pain.

8/30/2018 5:34:57 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (6th Edition) – Chapter 3: Project activity and risk planning

The following will be discussed in this chapter: The basis of a project plan - the “project charter”, the planning process - overview, the planning process - nuts and bolts, more on the work breakdown structure and other aids, risk management.

8/30/2018 5:34:57 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (6th Edition) – Chapter 4: Budgeting the project

The following will be discussed in this chapter: Methods of budgeting, cost estimating, improving cost estimates, budget uncertainty and project risk management, project risk simulation with crystal ball.

8/30/2018 5:34:57 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (6th Edition) – Chapter 5: Scheduling the project

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 5: Scheduling the project. The following will be discussed in this chapter: Pert and CPM networks, project uncertainty and risk management, simulation, the gantt chart, extensions to PERT/CPM.

8/30/2018 5:34:57 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (6th Edition) – Chapter 6: Allocating resources to the project

The following will be discussed in this chapter: Expediting a project, resource loading, resource leveling, allocating scarce resources to projects, allocating scarce resources to several projects, goldratt’s critical chain.

8/30/2018 5:34:57 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (6th Edition) – Chapter 7: Monitoring and controlling the project

The following will be discussed in this chapter: The plan-monitor-control cycle, data collection and reporting, earned value, project control, designing the control system, scope creep and change control.

8/30/2018 5:34:57 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (6th Edition) – Chapter 8: Evaluating and terminating the project

The following will be discussed in this chapter: Evaluation, project termination, project auditing, evaluation criteria, the audit process, when to terminate a project, types of project termination, the termination process, the project final report,...

8/30/2018 5:34:57 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 1: The world of project management

The following will be discussed in this chapter: What Is a project? project management vs. general management, what is managed? the three goals of a project, the life cycles of projects, selecting projects to meet organizational objectives, the project portfolio process.

8/30/2018 5:34:56 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 2: The manager, the organization, and the team

The following will be discussed in this chapter: The PM’s roles, the PM’s responsibilities to the project, selection of a project manager, project management as a profession, fitting projects into the parent organization, the project team, multidisciplinary teams - balancing pleasure and pain.

8/30/2018 5:34:56 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 3: Project activity and risk planning

The following will be discussed in this chapter: The basis of a project plan - the “project charter”, the planning process - overview, the planning process - nuts and bolts, more on the work breakdown structure and other aids, risk management.

8/30/2018 5:34:56 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 4: Budgeting the project

The following will be discussed in this chapter: Methods of budgeting, cost estimating, improving cost estimates, budget uncertainty and project risk management, project risk simulation with crystal ball.

8/30/2018 5:34:56 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 5: Scheduling the project

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 5: Scheduling the project. The following will be discussed in this chapter: Pert and CPM networks, project uncertainty and risk management, simulation, the gantt chart, extensions to PERT/CPM.

8/30/2018 5:34:56 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 6: Allocating resources to the project

The following will be discussed in this chapter: Expediting a project, resource loading, resource leveling, allocating scarce resources to projects, allocating scarce resources to several projects, goldratt’s critical chain.

8/30/2018 5:34:56 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 7: Monitoring and controlling the project

The following will be discussed in this chapter: The plan-monitor-control cycle, data collection and reporting, earned value, project control, designing the control system, scope creep and change control.

8/30/2018 5:34:56 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 8: Evaluating and terminating the project

The following will be discussed in this chapter: Evaluation, project termination, project auditing, evaluation criteria, the audit process, when to terminate a project, types of project termination, the termination process, the project final report,...

8/30/2018 5:34:56 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 1: The world of project management

The following will be discussed in this chapter: What Is a project? project management vs. general management, what is managed? the three goals of a project, the life cycles of projects, selecting projects to meet organizational objectives, the project portfolio process.

8/30/2018 5:34:42 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 2: The manager, the organization, and the team

The following will be discussed in this chapter: The PM’s roles, the PM’s responsibilities to the project, selection of a project manager, project management as a profession, fitting projects into the parent organization, the project team, multidisciplinary teams - balancing pleasure and pain.

8/30/2018 5:34:42 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 3: Project activity and risk planning

The following will be discussed in this chapter: The basis of a project plan - the “project charter”, the planning process - overview, the planning process - nuts and bolts, more on the work breakdown structure and other aids, risk management.

8/30/2018 5:34:42 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 4: Budgeting the project

The following will be discussed in this chapter: Methods of budgeting, cost estimating, improving cost estimates, budget uncertainty and project risk management, project risk simulation with crystal ball.

8/30/2018 5:34:42 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 5: Scheduling the project

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 5: Scheduling the project. The following will be discussed in this chapter: Pert and CPM networks, project uncertainty and risk management, simulation, the gantt chart, extensions to PERT/CPM.

8/30/2018 5:34:42 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 6: Allocating resources to the project

The following will be discussed in this chapter: Expediting a project, resource loading, resource leveling, allocating scarce resources to projects, allocating scarce resources to several projects, goldratt’s critical chain.

8/30/2018 5:34:42 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 7: Monitoring and controlling the project

The following will be discussed in this chapter: The plan-monitor-control cycle, data collection and reporting, earned value, project control, designing the control system, scope creep and change control.

8/30/2018 5:34:42 AM +00:00

Lecture Project management in practice (Fifth Edition) – Chapter 8: Evaluating and terminating the project

The following will be discussed in this chapter: Evaluation, project termination, project auditing, evaluation criteria, the audit process, when to terminate a project, types of project termination, the termination process, the project final report,...

8/30/2018 5:34:42 AM +00:00

Ebook Fundamentals of investments valuation and management (7th edition): Part 1

(BQ) Part 1 book Fundamentals of investments valuation and management has contents: A brief history of risk and return, the investment process, overview of security types, mutual funds and other investment companies, the stock market, common stock valuation, stock price behavior and market efficiency,...and other contents.

8/30/2018 5:34:22 AM +00:00

Ebook Fundamentals of investments valuation and management (7th edition): Part 2

(BQ) Part 2 book Fundamentals of investments valuation and management has contents: Diversification and risky asset allocation; performance evaluation and risk management; futures contracts, stock options,...and other contents.

8/30/2018 5:34:22 AM +00:00

Giáo trình Phân tích và quản lý dự án đầu tư (Tái bản lần thứ nhất): Phần 1

(BQ) Phần 1 giáo trình Phân tích và quản lý dự án đầu tư trình bày các nội dung: Những nội dung cơ bản về quản lý đầu tư và dự án đầu tư, nội dung cơ bản về dự án đầu tư và quản lý dự án đầu tư, thẩm định dự án đầu tư, phân tích kinh tế, tài chính dự án đầu tư, quản lý chi phí đầu tư xây dựng công trình.

8/30/2018 5:32:35 AM +00:00

Giáo trình Phân tích và quản lý dự án đầu tư (Tái bản lần thứ nhất): Phần

(BQ) Phần 2 giáo trình Phân tích và quản lý dự án đầu tư trình bày các nội dung: Kế hoạch hóa vốn đầu tư, đấu thầu xây dựng, quản lý, thanh toán vốn đầu tư công trình xây dựng, quyết toán vốn đầu tư dự án hoàn thành, tổ chức điều hành thực hiện và giám sát đầu tư. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

8/30/2018 5:32:35 AM +00:00

Ebook Những chủ đề kinh tế học hiện đại - Kinh tế vĩ mô: Phần 1

Phần 1 cuốn sách Kinh tế vĩ mô cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Các thuật ngữ kinh tế vĩ mô - Tổng sản phẩm quốc nội, lạm phát, thất nghiệp, suy thoái và khủng hoảng; lãi xuất và giá trị hiện tại; chính sách tài khóa; chính sách tiền tệ; thương mại quốc tế - Có đe dọa việc làm ở Hoa Kỳ không. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

8/30/2018 5:32:35 AM +00:00

Ebook Những chủ đề kinh tế học hiện đại - Kinh tế vĩ mô: Phần 2

Phần 2 cuốn sách Kinh tế vĩ mô cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Quỹ tiền tệ quốc tế - Thầy thuốc hay thầy thuốc phù thủy; thị trường chứng khoán và sự sụp đổ; giá năng lượng; thâm hụt, thặng dư liên ban và nợ quốc gia; chi tiêu liên bang; NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, WTO - Các hiệp định thương mại có tốt đối với chúng ta.

8/30/2018 5:32:35 AM +00:00

Bài tập Kinh tế học vi mô: Phần 1 - TS. Nguyễn Đại Thắng

Bài tập Kinh tế học vi mô cung cấp phương pháp phân tích rõ ràng, tập trung nhấn mạnh tính thích hợp và ứng dụng cả cho việc ra quyết định về quản lý; phân tích nhu cầu, chi phí, hiệu quả thị trường, xây dựng chiến lược giá, cạnh tranh,... Mời các bạn tham khảo phần 1 cuốn sách.

8/30/2018 5:32:35 AM +00:00