Tài liệu miễn phí Kinh Tế - Quản Lý

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Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 14 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

The demand for resources, mainly labor, is concentrated on in this chapter. Resource prices and their implications on money income, cost minimization, resource allocation, and policies are examined. Then the resource demand curve is derived in purely competitive and imperfectly competitive markets. The optimal combination of resources and the least cost rule and profit maximization are looked at as well. The Last Word is about how ATMs have replaced human labor in the banking industry.

8/30/2018 5:43:43 AM +00:00

Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 15 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

In this chapter we examine how wages are determined in competitive markets and imperfectly competitive markets. We look at factors that impact wages, including the influence of unions. We will analyze wage differences with union models including craft unions and industrial unions. We will discuss reasons for wage differentials across jobs and analyze the effects of the minimum wage on the labor market.

8/30/2018 5:43:43 AM +00:00

Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 16 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

Chapter 16 - Rent, interest, and profit. In this chapter, we will define economic rent and explore the factors that impact its value. Then we will look at the price of money, or interest rates, and how the interest rates are determined using the loanable funds theory. Along with interest rates, we will investigate present and future values of money. Lastly, we will examine the role of profits in the allocation of resources.

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Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 17 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

Chapter 17 - Natural resource and energy economics. In this chapter we start looking at the demand for natural resources, including energy, as the world’s population changes. First we will investigate the changes in the global population and what this might mean in terms of the availability of natural resources. In this analysis, resource consumption per capita is included. We will discuss the fact that economists don’t worry that the world will run out of energy and the alternative energies that might be available.

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Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 18 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

Chapter 18 - Public finance: Expenditures and taxes. This chapter addresses the main sources of government revenue and categories of government spending. We discuss and summarize the different philosophies regarding the distribution of a nation’s tax burden. We explain the principles relating to tax shifting, tax incidence, and the efficiency losses caused by taxes. It also discusses how the distribution of income between the rich and poor is affected by government taxes, transfers, and spending.

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Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 19 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

Chapter 19 - Antitrust policy and regulation. In this chapter we will examine the laws that reflect the foundation of antitrust policy in the U.S., along with the application of the antitrust laws by the U.S. courts. We will then look at industrial regulation of natural monopolies, examining the case for and against industrial regulation as well as the results of deregulation. Lastly, we will look at social regulation and how it differs from industrial regulation.

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Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 20 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

Chapter 20 - Agriculture: Economics and policy. In this chapter, we start by looking at the economics of agriculture, investigating the elasticity of demand and price trends of agricultural goods. We will then examine reasons that the farming industry has been declining, using supply and demand analysis to explain this as well as the repercussions of the changes in the market. We will also discuss the types and outcomes of government intervention and recent changes in farm policy.

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Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 21 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

Chapter 21 - Income inequality, poverty and discrimination. In this chapter we will explore income inequality and actions that can be taken by government to try to correct income inequality, using the Lorenz curve and Gini ratio to help with this evaluation. We will then define poverty and look at how it affects different groups. We will also discuss government programs to aid families in poverty. Lastly we analyze discrimination and how this impacts wages.

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Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 22 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

This chapter addresses the rising cost of health care in the United States. We will discuss both the economic and noneconomic costs associated with providing health care to the American public. We will end by summarizing the goals of the legislation passed in 2010, the Patient and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

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Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 23 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

This chapter describes the extent of legal and illegal immigration into the United States. We discuss why economists view economic immigration as personal human capital investment. We also attempt to explain how immigration affects average wages, resource allocation, domestic output, and group income shares. We relate how illegal immigration affects employment and discuss its impacts on state and local government budgets.

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Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 24 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

Chapter 24 - International trade. In this chapter we will take a look at some key facts about international trade and then start evaluating international trade using comparative advantage. We will also use demand and supply curves to explain how countries determine which goods they will import, which goods they will export, and the price that is charged for these goods. Lastly we will look at trade barriers and how they impact the outcomes of international trade.

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Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 25 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

This chapter takes a look at a country’s balance of payments, which essentially records all transactions that take place between one country and all the others. In this discussion, we will investigate how official reserves are used to ensure that the balance of payments does balance. Then we will look at how exchange rates are determined and different types of exchange rate systems. Lastly, we will learn about U.S. trade deficits and determine their impacts on the U.S. economy.

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Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter 25W - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

In this chapter we will begin by distinguishing between industrially advanced countries and developing countries. We will look at the differences in incomes and GDP and the impact of poverty on humanity. Developing countries often face large obstacles to growth, so we will investigate these obstacles. Lastly we will discuss the role of government in the developing countries’ economies as well as the role of the industrially advanced economies.

8/30/2018 5:43:43 AM +00:00

Lecture Microeconomics (20/e): Chapter COI1 - Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Sean M. Flynn

Chapter COI1 - The United States in the global economy. This chapter presents the following content: International linkages, world trade, rapid trade growth, United States trade, specialization, comparative advantage, exchange rates,...

8/30/2018 5:43:43 AM +00:00

Chuẩn thiết yếu quốc tế về chất lượng y tế và an toàn cho người bệnh

Nội dung tài liệu được xây dựng bởi tổ chức JCI (Joint Commission International) để tạo nên các công cụ và khung chiến lược nhằm giải quyết các yêu cầu đa dạng bằng cách minh họa làm thế nào để xác định rủi ro đối với vấn đề chất lượng và an toàn cho các tổ chức cung cấp dịch vụ y tế. Bộ tiêu chuẩn là công cụ rất hữu ích cho việc đánh giá quá trình cải tiến và công nhận những kết quả giảm thiểu nguy cơ mà tổ chức đã đạt được.

8/30/2018 5:39:11 AM +00:00

Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 1 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 1 - An introduction to microeconomics. In this chapter students will be able to: Convey the scope of microeconomic theory; explain why theory, is essential to understanding and predicting real-world outcomes; distinguish between positive and normative analyses;...

8/30/2018 5:34:54 AM +00:00

Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 2 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 2 - Supply and demand. In this chapter students will be able to: Understand how the behavior of buyers and sellers can be characterized through demand and supply curves, explain how equilibrium price and quantity are determined in a market for a good or service, analyze how a market equilibrium is affected by changes in demand or supply,...

8/30/2018 5:34:54 AM +00:00

Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 3 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 3 - The theory of consumer choice. In this chapter students will be able to: Develop an approach for analyzing consumer preferences, explain how a consumer’s income and the prices that must be paid for various goods limit consumption choices, determine how changes in income affect consumption choices.

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Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 4 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 4 - Individual and market demand. In this chapter students will be able to: Understand how price changes affect consumption choices, differentiate between the income and substitution effects associated with a price change on the consumption of a particular good, explain the relation between income and substitution effects in the case of inferior goods.

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Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 5 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 5 - Using consumer choice theory. In this chapter students will be able to: Determine how an excise subsidy affects consumer welfare and why it results in a deadweight loss, examine how the public provision of a certain quantity of a good such as education may lead to less consumption of the good, analyze how a voucher program would affect the quantity of educational services chosen by parents for their children.

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Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 6 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 6 - Exchange, efficiency, and prices. In this chapter students will be able to: Understand why voluntary exchange is mutually beneficial, explain what economists mean by efficiency in exchange and the benefits associated with the promotion of such efficiency, discuss how competitive markets promote efficient distribution of goods between consumers.

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Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 7 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 7 – Production. In this chapter students will be able to: Establish the relationship between inputs and output; define total, average, and marginal product, and explain the law of diminishing marginal returns in the short-run setting when at least some inputs are fixed; investigate the ability of a firm to vary its output in the long run when all inputs are variable;...

8/30/2018 5:34:54 AM +00:00

Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 8 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 8 - The cost of production. In this chapter students will be able to: Delineate the nature of a firm’s cost - explicit as well as implicit, outline how cost is likely to vary with output in the short run and various measures of shortrun cost, detail the typical shapes of a firm’s short-run cost curves,...

8/30/2018 5:34:54 AM +00:00

Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 9 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 9 - Profit maximization in perfectly competitive markets. In this chapter students will be able to: Outline the conditions that characterize perfect competition, explain why it is appropriate to assume profit maximization on the part of firms, show why the fact that a competitive firm is a price taker implies that the demand curve for the firm is perfectly horizontal,...

8/30/2018 5:34:54 AM +00:00

Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 10 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 10 - Using the competitive model. In this chapter students will be able to: Show how changes in market conditions or government policies affect the welfare of consumers, producers, and market participants as a whole; analyze the effects of an excise tax on a specific good on the welfare of consumers, producers, and market participants as a whole; detail how regulation of the u.s. airline industry affected fares, airline company profits, and service quality.

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Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 11 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 11 - Monopoly. In this chapter students will be able to: Define monopoly and show what a monopolist’s demand and marginal revenue curves look like, explain why a monopolist’s profit-maximizing output is where marginal revenue equals marginal cost, describe why the extent to which a monopolist’s price exceeds marginal cost is larger the more inelastic the demand faced by the monopolist,...

8/30/2018 5:34:54 AM +00:00

Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 12 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 12 - Product pricing with monopoly power. In this chapter students will be able to: Explain price discrimination, the various degrees of price discrimination, and how price discrimination can increase a firm’s profit; spell out the three necessary conditions for a firm to be able to engage in price discrimination; explain the mathematics behind price discrimination.

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Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 13 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 13 - Monopolistic competition and oligopoly. In this chapter students will be able to: Explain how price and output are determined under monopolistic competition, describe the characteristics of oligopoly and the cournot model, compare several key noncooperative oligopoly models; including Stackelberg and the dominant firm;...

8/30/2018 5:34:54 AM +00:00

Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 14 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 14 - Game theory and the economics of information. In this chapter students will be able to: Understand the basics of game theory: a mathematical technique to study choice under conditions of strategic interaction; describe the prisoner’s dilemma and its applicability to oligopoly theory as well as many other situations; show how limited price information affects price dispersion for a product;...

8/30/2018 5:34:54 AM +00:00

Lecture Microeconomics: Theory and applications (12/e): Chapter 15 - Browning, Zupan

Chapter 15 - Using noncompetitive market models. In this chapter students will be able to: Determine the relative magnitude of the deadweight loss of monopoly, ascertain the extent to which, if any, monopolies suppress innovations, explore whether government intervention can promote efficiency in the case of natural monopoly,...

8/30/2018 5:34:54 AM +00:00