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annual 12 anywhere annual /`{njuəl/ adjective happening do something p In his anxiety to get once a year p The village fair is an an- away quickly, he forgot to lock the door. nual event. p I get annual interest of 6% anxious /`{ŋkʃəs/ adjective 1. nervous on my savings account. and very worried about something p another other /ə`nöðə/ adjective, pronoun 1. She’s anxious about the baby. 2. keen to one more p I’d like another cake, do something p The shopkeeper is al-please. p Would you like another? 2. a ways anxious to please his customers. different onep He’s bought anothercar. anxiously /`{ŋkʃəsli/ adverb in a nerv-p She tried on one dress after another, ous, worried way p They are waiting but couldn’t find anything she liked. d anxiously for the results of the exam. each other any ny /`eni/ adjective, pronoun 1. it doesn’t answer swer /`ɑ:nsə/ noun 1. something that matter which p I’m free any day next you say or write when someone has week except Tuesday. 2. (usually in asked you a question p The answer to questions or negatives) a small quanti-your question is yes. p I knocked on the ty p Have you got any money left? p Is door but there was no answer. in an- there any food for me? p Would you like swer to as a reply to p I am writing in any more to eat? p Will any of your answer to your letter of October 6th. 2. friends be there? 3. j not…any none p the act of picking up a telephone that is I don’t like any of the paintings in the ringing p I phoned his office but there exhibition. p There isn’t any food left – was no answer. L verb 1. to speak or they’ve eaten it all. p Can you lend me write words to someone who has spoken some money? – sorry, I haven’t got any. to you or asked you a question p He anybody never answers my letters. p When he asked us if we had enjoyed the meal we anymore ymore /"eni`mɔ:/, any more adverb phone to speak and listen to a telephone jnot … anymore no longer p We don’t caller p His mother usually answers the phone. j to answer the door to open anyone /`eniwön/ pronoun any person the door to someone who knocks or at all p Anyone can learn to ride a bike. rings the bell p No-one answered the j anyone else any other person p Is door though I knocked twice. there anyone else who can’t see the ant /{nt/ noun a small insect that lives in screen? large groups anything /`eniθŋ/ pronoun 1. it doesn’t antibiotic matter what p You can eat anything you stance which kills | harmful organisms moves. 2. (in questionse or negatives) antique /{n`ti:k/ noun an old and valu- something p Did you do anything inter-able object p He collects antiques. L anything make a noise during the night? p Has anything happened to their plans for a long holiday? p Do you want any- antiseptic iseptic /"{nt|`septk/ noun a sub- thing more to drink? stance which prevents infection L ad- anyway jective preventing infection p an anti- thing else p I’m not supposed to drink during the daytime, but I’ll have a beer antonym tonym /`{ntənm/ noun a word anyway. p I think it’s time to leave – an-which means the opposite of another yway, the last bus is at 11.40. word anywhere /`eniweə/ adverb 1. it does anxiety /{ŋ`zaəti/ noun 1. nervous not matter where p Put the chair any-worry about something p Her anxiety where. 2. (in questions or negatives) about her job prospects began to affect somewhere p I can’t see your wallet an-her he wthe state of being keen to ltpd Did you go anywhere at the apart 13 apple weekend? p Is there anywhere where I money to continue their work. 2. j to can sit down? appeal against a verdict to make a le- apart gal request for a court to look again at a two villages are about six miles apart. 2. decision p He has appealed against the in separate pieces p He took the watch attract someone p These CDs appeal to you haver any r special ’interestsg apart ing in Australia for. six months appealed apart from a slight cold. apartment /ə`pɑ:tmənt/ noun a sepa- appealing /ə`pi:lŋ/ adjective 1. attrac-rate set of rooms for living in p She tive p The design has proved appealing shares an apartment with a friend. to our older customers. 2. wanting help ape or support p The child gave her an ap-apologise pealing look as she got up to leave. verb to say you are sorry p He shouted appear (NOTE: only used before a noun) at her and then apologised. p She apol- p A ship| appeared through the fog. 2. to apology seem p There appears to be a mistake. | p He appears to have forgotten the time. p She appeared rather cross. 3. to play apologies a statement indicating that a part in a film or play or take part in a you are sorry, especially if you cannot on TV. 4. to come to a law court p He ing so late. p Please give the chairman appeared in court, charged with murder. my apologies. appearance earance /ə`pərəns/ noun 1. the apostrophe way that someone or something looks p ing sign (’), either showing that a letter You could tell from his appearance that has been left out, e.g. weren’t,.or after a of being present somewhere, especially apparatcoat or the girls’ coats teacher caused them to fall silent. j to | put in an appearance to go somewhere where other people are for a short time apparent | 3. the beginning of something newp the ent to everyone that she was annoyed. 2. rapid appearance of mobile phone possibly different from what something worried by the sudden appearance of a p red rash. 4. an occasion when someone is performing in a film or play or on TV apparently arently /ə|`p{rəntli/ adverb accord- p This is her second appearance in a ing to what you have seen or heard p film. Apparently she took the last train home appetite to work today – apparently he’stgot a me an aGoing for a long walk has given and has lost his appetite. appeal /ə`pi:l/ noun 1. an act of asking applause for help p The police have made an ap- ping your hands together several times launching an appeal to raise £50,000. to show that you liked a performance 2. an attractive quality p the strong ap- apple /`{p(ə)l/ noun a common fruit that peal of Greece as a holiday destination is hard, round and sweet, and grows on L verb 1. jto appeal for something to a tree p Don’t eat apples that are not ask for somethingw.adultripe – they’ll make you ill. appliance 14 are appliancepliance /ə|`plaəns/ noun a machine approach proach /ə`prəυtʃ/ noun 1. the fact of such as a washing machine or cooker coming nearer p With the approach of used in the home winter we need to get the central heat-applicant ing checked. 2. a way which leads to something p The approaches to the city cants p Applicants for licences must fill were crowded with coaches.is approach application /"{pl`keʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. to the question was different from hers. the process l of putting something on approaching the airport when the lights of the cream will be necessary. 2. the appropriate process or act of applying for a job p He suitable for a particular situation p That received dozens of applications for the skirt is not really appropriate for gar- application formication form /{pl|`keʃ(ə)n fɔ:m/ approvapropriate action. noun a form which has to be filled in to agreeing | The committee gave their apply approval to the scheme. p Does the | choice of colour have your approval or job in the supermarket. p He’s applying approvemeet with your approval? for a job asWait until. the tfirst coat of something | officially p The committee paint is dry before you apply the second. of something to think something is vant to p This rule only applies to peo- good p He doesn’t approve of loud mu-ple coming from outside the EU. (NOTE: approximately appointapplies – applying – applied) not exactly p It takes approximately 35 a job p He was appointed (as) manager minutes to get to the city centre from or to the post of manager. p We want to April appoint someone to manage our sales the year, the month after March and be-fore May p Her birthday is in April. p appointment We went on holiday last April. (NOTE: | April 5th or April 5: say ‘the fifth of make an appointment to see the doctor. April’ or ‘April the fifth’ or in US English p She was late for her appointment. j aptitude on her appointment as manager when ability that can be developed further of being given a job 3. a job p We are arch /ɑ:tʃ/ noun a round structure form-going to make three new appointments. ing a roof or entrance L verb to make appreciate something round like an arch p The cat nise the value of something p Shoppers arched her back and started spitting. always appreciate a bargain. p Cus- architect / / noun tomers don’t appreciate having to wait to be served. architecture itecture /`ɑ:ktektʃə/ noun the de-apprentice rentice /ə|`prents/ noun a young sign of buildings person who works as an assistant to a are re /ə, ɑ:/ 1st person plural present of be. skilled person in order to learn from 2nd person singular present of be. 2nd them p He’s started work as a plumb- person plural present of be. 3rd person er’s apprentice. w.adulplural present of beom area 15 arrange area /`eəriə/ noun 1. a space p The whole not armed. p Armed guards surrounded area round the town hall is going to be the house. 2. involving weapons p the rebuilt. p We always sit in the ‘no smok- armed struggle between the two groups ing’ area. 2.a measurement of the space 3. ready for use as a weapon p The de-taken up by something, calculated by vice is already armed. x armed with multiplying the length by the width p provided with p Armed with picnic bas-The area of the room is four square me- kets, towels and cameras, we set off for tres. p We are looking for a shop with a the beach. sales area of about 100 square metres. armed forces ed forces /"ɑ:md `fɔ:sz/, armed 3. a part of a town or country p Our services /"ɑ:md `sÆ:vsz/ plural noun house is near the commercial area of the the army, navy and air force of a country town. p The factory is in a very good army area for getting to the motorways and country, trained for fighting on land p He left school at 16 and joined the army. the London area are more expensive p An army spokesman held a news con-argue than elsewhere in the country. aroma /ə|`rəυmə/ noun a pleasant smell agreeing, often in a noisy or angry way of something you can eat or drink p the p They argued over the prices. p She arose argued with the waiter about the bill. p | I could hear them arguing in the next around ound /ə|`raυnd/ preposition 1. going room. (NOTE: You argue with someone all round something p She had a gold about or over something.) chain around her neck. p The flood wa-argument ter was all around the village. 2. close to tion in which people discuss something or in a place or area p Is there a bus stop her up in her argument with the boss.ck have lots ofcomputers around the office. to get into an argument with someone £200. p Around sixty people came to the arise into an argument with the taxi driver. m Papers were lying aroundrall over the The problem arose in the planning de- we walk The restaurants were all. full, so position that is fairly near p We try not arithmetic | | to talk about it when she’s around. p It’s tions with numbers, especially as a sub- the only swimming pool for miles ject studied at school the best eye surgeonsaround. p The new arm /ɑ:m/ noun 1. the part of the body coins have been around for some weeks which goes from the shoulder to the now. hand p He held the parcel under his arrange arm. p She tripped over the pavement der p The chairs are arranged in rows. which you can rest your arms on p He p The books are arranged in alphabeti-put his coffee cup on the arm of his ranged as an open-plan area with a lit-police were armed with guns. x arm in tle kitchen at the side. 2. to make a plan walkedi down the street arm in arm. hey somewhere before we go to the theatre. armchair /`ɑ:mtʃeə/ noun a chair with travel agent. p She arranged for a taxi to meet him at the airport. p I’ve ar- armed /ɑ:md/ adjective 1. provided with ranged with my mother that she will weapw Most British policemen are ltfeed the cat while we’re away. (NOTE: arrangement 16 as You arrange for someone to do some- the Museum of Modern Art. 2. the ob-thing; you arrange for something to be jects that are created in this way done; or you arrange to do something. artery Note also arranges – arranging – ar- blood from the heart around the body. arrangement /ə`rendZmənt/ noun 1. Compare vein (NOTE: The plural is ar- the process of putting things in order p article the arrangement of the pictures in a book 2. the process of making plans for skiing in yesterday’s paper? 2. an object arrest wedding were left to the bride’s mother. werei found Several articles of. clothing catch and hold someone who has broken are referring to a particular or tgeneral example of something. The definite arti- He ended up getting arrested as he tried cle is ‘the’ and the indefinite article is to leave the country. p She was arrested artificial for stealing. L noun the act of holding | someone for breaking the law p The po- ural p She was wearing artificial pearls. lice made several arrests at the demon- artificially stration. junder arrest held by the po- | lice p After the fight, three people were artist arrivalunder arrest. skilled in making works of art such as | paintings p She collects paintings by rival of flight AB 987 from Tangiers. p 19th-century artists. We apologise for the late arrival of the as /əz, {z/ conjunction 1. because p As 14.25 express from Edinburgh. p The you can’t drive, you’ll have to go by bus. time of arrival is 5 p.m. j on arrival p As it’s cold, you should wear an over-when you arrive p On arrival at the ho- coat. 2. at the same time that something tel, members of the party will be allocat- else happens p As he was getting into ed rooms. 2. a person who has arrived p the bath, the telephone rang. p The little He’s a new arrival on our staff. L plural girl ran into the road as the car was noun arrivals the part of an airport that turning the corner. 3. in the same way p deals with passengers who are arriving Leave everything as it is. L preposition arrive 1. in a particular job p She had a job as They arrived at the hotel tired out. p a bus driver. 2. because of being a par-The train from Paris arrives in London has to know the symptoms of all the in a country but at a place. Note also: common diseases. 3. in a particular way arroganarrives – arriving – arrived.) treated him as a friend of the family. x proud in an unpleasant way p He’s such as from from a particular time p as an arrogant young man. p What an ar- rogant way to treat customers! parisons p She is nearly as tall as I am. arrow p I can’t run as fast as you. x as well in printed sign ➙ which points to addition toesomethingeor someone else have tea and brought her sister as well. art rt /ɑ:t/ noun 1. the practice of creating p We visited the castle and swam in the objects, e.g. by painting, drawing or pool as well. x as well as in addition to sculpture p She is taking art lessons. p or together with p He has a cottage in When you’re in Washington, don’t miss lthe country as well as a flat in town. p ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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