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cross 80 crunch or her head L verb 1. to make someone cross king or queen by placing a crown on his or her head p The Queen was crowned the road without looking to see if there goodeendi to a set of things that happen p He crowned his career by winning a arms and looked annoyed. p She sat fer to the last tof several bad things rto crosses the railway line about 10 km happen p To crown it all, he lost his car from here. L noun a shape made where one line has another going across it, es- crucial /`kru:ʃ(ə)l/ adjective extremely pecially one which forms the symbol of important p It is crucial that the story the Christian Churchp Write your name be kept out of the papers. where I have put a cross. p There is a cruel cross on the top of the church tower. L crosst with you forTmissingh school. be You must not be cruel to your new pup-Don’t be cross – the children were only weight problem. (NOTE: crueller – cru- ellest) cross off, cross out phrasal verb to cruelty draw a line through something which has been written to show that it should cruise uise /kru:z/ noun a holiday consisting crossing /`krɒsŋ/ noun 1. an occasion of a long journey in a ship, stopping at of going across to the other side of an went on a cruise round the Mediterrane-an. L verb to go in a boat from place to where you go across safely p Cars have place p They spent May cruising in the crto take care /at the railway crossing.zzle crumb land to island. crouch where smallosquares t have tod be filled crumblehasa broken off somesdry food such as p He crouched in the bottom of the boat. into small pieces, or to break something up into small pieces p If you make it too crowd dry it will just crumble when you eat it. p He picked up a lump of dry earth and children went past. p Someone in the crunch crumbled it between his fingers. crowd outside the cinema shouted a thing hard, making a loud noise p She to avoid the crowds after work. L verb was crunching an apple when the phone to group together p All the rugby fans snow crunched under his boots. L noun crowdedwere crowding round their teacher. cru the sound s of something dry being must happen or be decided (informal) p very crowded during the holiday sea- The crunch will come when the firm has son. p The stands were crowded before it comes to the crunch if or when a point of decision is reached p When it crown /kraυn/ noun a round metal deco- came to the crunch, the other side ration that a king or queen wears on his ltpdf.com crust 81 curl crust ust /kröst/ noun 1. a hard outer layer culture lture /`költʃə/ noun 1. activities in-that covers something softer 2. the hard volving things such as music, art and lit-outside layer of bread p You can cut the erature p He is taking a course in Rus-crusts off the sandwiches. 3. the layer of sian culture. 2. a country’s way of think-pastry on top of a pie 4. the outer layer ing or behaving p Is a TV in every home of the Earth really what we want from Western cul- cry /kra/ verb 1. to have tears coming out ture? of your eyes p The baby cried when her cunning nning /`könŋ/ adjective clever at mother took away her toys. p Cutting up achieving something, especially by onions makes me cry. p Many people tricking people p a cunning plan p It were cryingt when theyt left thehcinema. was cunning of her to ask him to help, as (NOTE: cries – crying – cried) L noun acting to achieve something p He heard her cries for help. 2. a sound showed cunning in his attempts to hide made by a bird or other animal (NOTE: cup crystalThe plural is cries.) handle, used for drinking from p She substance with a regular shape p The put out a cup and saucer for everyone. salt formed crystals at the bottom of the cups of coffee. p Can I have a cup of tea? 3. a large silver or gold container cubeube /kju:b/ noun 1. (in geometry) a given as a prize for winning a competi-shape like a box, where all six sides are tion p He has won three cups for golf. squares of the same size p The design cupboard for the2libraryt consistspof a series of niture with shelves and doors p Put the p He put two cubes of sugar in his tea. p The ice cubes chinked in the glasses. 3. (in mathematics) the result when a cure /kjυə/ noun something which number is multiplied by itself twice p makes a disease better p Doctors are 27 is the cube of 3. still trying to find a cure for colds. L cucumber verb to make a patient or a disease better dark green vegetable used mainly in sal- buI don’t know what’s in thesmedicine, cuddle curious /`kjυəriəs/ adjective 1. wanting round someone and hold them close to to know things p I’m curious to know you p The little girl was cuddling her al or strange p We found a curious ob-cuddle in the taxi that took them to the ject that turned out to be an old kitchen airport. L noun an act of putting your arms round someone and holding them close to you p She picked up her daugh- curl /kÆ:l/ verb to twist, or make some-ter and gave her a cuddle. thing twist p My hair curls naturally. p culprit lprit /`kölprt/ noun a person or thing Some plants have stems that curl round that is responsible for a crime, or for L culturasomething which has gone wrong looked lovely with her golden curls. 2. a to culture p His cultural interests are curved shape of a particular substancep very wide-ranging – from Mexican art to 12th-century Greek paintings. p curl up phrasal verb There will be cultural activities availa- into a round shape p She curled up in ble such as a visit to the museum. ultthe chair and went to sleep. curly 82 cut curly /`kÆ:li/ adjective with natural p The road curves round the side of the curves or twists p curly hair mountain. currency rrency /`körəns/ noun the money curved rved /kÆ:vd/ adjective with a rounded used in a specific country p I want to shape change my pounds into French curren- cushion /`kυʃ(ə)n/ noun a bag filled cy. with something soft, e.g. feathers, for current rrent /`körənt/ adjective 1. relating to sitting or leaning on p Put a cushion be-the present time p What is the current hind your back if you find your chair is state of the report – will it be finished on too hard. L verb to make soft something time? p Who is the current prime minis- which could be hard or painful p The ter of Japan? p Do you have a current bushes cushioned his fall. to cushion timetable? – mine is out of date. 2. somebody or something from some-widely accepted at the present time or at thing to protect someone or something a particular time p current ideas about from the bad effects of something to how to treat children p The idea that the cushion the blow or the shock to re-world was flat was current in the Middle duce the bad effect of something that Ages. L noun 1. a flow of water or air p happens p She made no attempt to cush-Don’t go swimming in the river – the ion the blow, but just told them straight current is very strong. p A warm wester- out that they had all lost their jobs. ly current of air is flowing across the custom stom /`köstəm/ noun 1. something country. p Vultures circle in rising cur- that people usually do, or have done for rents of warm air. 2. a flow of electricity a long time p the local custom of deco-p Switch the current off at the mains. rating the wells in spring p It’s their currently /`körəntli/ adverb at the custom to invite all their neighbours to a present time p He is currently the man- party at New Year. 2. the use of a shop ager of our Paris office. p We are cur- or restaurant p If the assistants are rude rently in the process of buying a house. to me again I will take my custom else-curriculum where. to lose someone’s custom to | experience a situation in which a regular very glad that music and drama have customer goestto another place of busi-parts of a particular subject that are tle shops will lose atlot of custom when curriculums or curricula.) customarystomary /`köstəməri/ adjective usu-curriculum vitae al (formal) p He handled the situation | with his customary efficiency. p It’s cus-curry /`köri/ noun an Indian food pre- custometomary to give taxi drivers a tip. pared with spices p I would like a mild who buys something in a shop or restau-rant, or from another business p The shops are lowering their prices to at- cursor tract more customers. p Customers can line on a computer screen which shows order by post on or the Internet. p His where the next character will appear son who uses a service such as a train p curtain rtain /`kÆ:t(ə)n/ noun 1. a long piece We apologise to customers waiting on of cloth hanging in front of a window p Platform 5 for the late arrival of their Can you close the curtains, please? 2. a train. long piece of cloth hanging in front of cut ut /köt/ verb 1. to divide, reduce or re-move something using a sharp tool, e.g. curve rve /kÆ:v/ noun a line that is bent like a knife or scissors p The meat is very part of a circle p the curve of the coast tough – I can’t cut it with my knife. p He line L verb to be in the shape of a curve lneeds to get his hair cut. p There were cutlery 83 cylinder six children, so she cut the cake into six pieces. 2. to damage the skin with some-thing sharp p She cut her finger on the broken glass. p He cut himself while shaving. 3. to reduce the size of some-thing p We are trying to cut the number of staff. p Accidents have been cut by 10%. p The article is too long, so I asked the author to cut 500 words. (NOTE: cuts – cutting – cut – has cut) L noun 1. a place which bleeds when your skin has been broken 2. a mark made in a surface by something sharp 3. the sudden lowering of the amount of something p price cuts p large cuts in spending p a cut in working hours 4. a share of something such as profits p Each salesperson gets a cut of what is sold for cash. cut back phrasal verb to reduce spend-ing p We are having to cut back on staff costs. cut down phrasal verb to make a tree fall down with a tool such as a saw p He cut the tree down or cut down the tree. cut off phrasal verb 1. to take away a small part of something using a sharp tool such as a knife p She cut off a little piece of string. p He cut off two slices of ham. 2. to stop someone from being with someone else, or from or reaching a place p She was cut off from her friends by a crowd of policemen. p The village was cut off by the snow. cut out phrasal verb 1. to remove something from something larger p She cut an advertisement out of the newspa-per. 2. to remove a part of something larger p We had to cut out all the extras from our order because they cost too much. 3. to stop doing or eating some-thing p She’s decided to cut out sweet things so as to lose weight. jcut it out! stop doing that! (informal) x to be cut out for something to be ideally suited for something p I don’t think he’s cut out for an office job. cut up phrasal verb to make something into small pieces by cutting it p She cut the old towel up into little pieces. p Can you cut up the meat for the children? cutlery tlery /`kötləri/ noun knives, forks and spoons (NOTE: no plural) CV V /"si: `vi:/ noun a summary of some-one’s qualifications and experience. Ab-breviation curriculum vitae cycle cle /`sak(ə)l/ noun 1. a period during which something develops and then re-turns to its starting point p Global warming is starting to affect the natural cycle of the seasons. p The washing ma-chine broke down in the middle of its cy-cle. 2. a bicycle L verb to travel on a bi-cycle p It’s hard to cycle into the wind. (NOTE: cycles – cycling – cycled) cyclist clist /`saklst/ noun a person who rides a bicycle cylinderlinder /`slndə/ noun an object shaped like a tube closed at both ends This is trial version www.adultpdf.com D d /di:/, D noun the fourth letter of the al-phabet, between C and E damp walls. L verb to wet something slightly dad /d{d/ noun a father dance /dɑ:ns/ noun 1. a way of moving daily in time to music p She teaches dance or day p daily newspapers such as the is acdance tea Scottish dances are very has been in daily use for ten years. p lively. 2. an entertainment where people There’s a daily flight to Washington. L Year’s dance. p They met at a youth club daily. j twice daily on two occasions dance There he.is – he’s i dancing with lished every weekday (NOTE: The plural but t neveridanc She often goes tordiscos dairy around happily p She danced into the room and announced she’d got the job. made from it such as cream or butter p p The football fans were dancing in the dairy products p dairy cattle dancer dam am /d{m/ noun a wall which blocks a river to make a lake p After the heavy rain people were afraid the dam would danger /`dendZə/ noun the possibility burst. L verb to block a river with a wall of something bad happening, e.g. dam- p When they built the power station, the age, failure or getting hurt p When it river had to be dammed. (NOTE: dams – rains, there’s a danger of flooding. p damming – dammed) The terrorist was described as a danger damage to national security. p There’s no dan-ing or physical spoiling of something p the dangers of travellingealoner in the take us months to repair the damage to ly to be harmed or damaged dZə et an ambulance – her life is in danger. p I don’t think the children are in any dan-perience of the crash won’t cause the of catThe whole building was in danger break or partially destroy something p likely to die p She was very ill, but she’s A large number of shops were damaged in the fire. p These glasses are easily dangerous damaged. 2. to affect someone or some- likely to cause injury or damage p Be careful – that old staircase is danger- damaged /`d{mdZd/ adjective broken ous! p Police warned the public not to or spoiled in some way p a damaged approach the man as he was dangerous. book p Children are warned that it is danger- dampamp /d{mp/ adjective slightly wet p ous to go out alone at night. She’d just had a shower and her hair dangerously /`dendZərəsli/ adverb in was stwww.adultpdf.com ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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