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The Brand Bubble The Looming Crisis in Brand Value and How to Avoid It John Gerzema Ed Lebar Foreword by Peter Stringham, CEO Young & Rubicam Group Praise for The Brand Bubble “The 21st century business will see two types of winners: the low-price/low-cost products and services, and strong brands. Today, margins, profits, and equities are driven by powerful brands. The grave danger is that brands are losing their way. The Brand Bubble explains the greatest risk to world business and how to avoid it. If you are in the brand business, only the intuitive geniuses should get dispensation from reading this brilliant, analytical, data-rich guide to sustained profitable growth in what will continue to be an extraordinarily competitive and challenging environment.” —Peter Georgescu, chairman emeritus, Young & Rubicam, and author, The Source of Success “With a subject written about ad nauseam by both practitioners and academics, in The Brand Bubble John Gerzema and Ed Lebar have identified a significant trend that leaves most of the other theories in the dust. Building off the fifteen-year investment Young & Rubicam has made into the proprietary Brand Asset Valuator, John and Ed have captured the concept of energized differentiation in an easily understood and recognizable fashion. They have reinforced that although brands are ‘owned’ by the consumer, the financial rewards to the manufacturer or service provider are significantly greater when their brands are continu-ally energized through creativity, innovation, and well-paced change. The book provides a well-thought-out approach to keeping brands vibrant and relevant in today’s highly competi-tive environment.” —Jim Murphy, chairman and CEO, Murphy & Co., and retired chief marketing and communications officer, Accenture “After reading this book, you’ll never think of brands the same way again. It will open your eyes to a new way of thinking and executing.” —Dermot Boden, chief marketing officer, LG “This book is a must for anyone interested in the strategy and value of brands—a riveting read with serious implications for investors, corporate strategists, and brand managers. The intersection of brand strategy and shareholder value has been underserved by the literature, but these authors serve up something that is timely, big, and useful, with new thinking based on their research and real-world experience.” —Justin Pettit, partner, Booz & Company “This book is a must-read for anyone who manages brands or invests in companies that manage brands. Through a brilliant analysis that charts shareholder value to brand value, Gerzema and Lebar identify a brand bubble that puts most companies at significant downside risk, and they then chart a path that the more savvy companies could follow to find their way through to the other side when the bubble almost inevitably bursts.” —Mark Penn, worldwide president and CEO, Burson-Marsteller, and president, Penn, Schoen & Berland “This is a business book that happens to be about brands. Any manager in any line of business must learn how to protect and nurture their most cherished asset. Brands are under attack, and boardrooms need to pay attention.” —John Rose, senior vice president and managing director, the Boston Consulting Group “Gerzema and Lebar propose a startling idea—that the value of a brand lies not in the stability and consistency of its promise, but in its constancy of motion. The implications are profound, and will keep even the most seasoned brand managers up late at night.” —Chris Trimble, coauthor, Ten Rules for Strategic Innovators “This book is an indispensable tool for brand stewards who compete in today’s dynamic, global, and digital marketplace, where the paths that lead to brand performance are ever more complex.” —Chris Shimojima, vice president, global digital commerce, Nike, Inc. “The Brand Bubble will help companies navigate the complexity of driving consumer delight in an ever more complex and crowded world where media and messages can blur into a collage of con-fusion. Their insights provide a stimulating guide to building brand value through sound analysis and execution.” —Michael Tatelman, vice president and general manager, sales and marketing, Dell Consumer “John Gerzema and Ed Lebar offer very creative and innovative insights about how to establish consistency between the financial market performance measure of a brand and the measure of the customers’ esteem toward a brand, thus avoiding the fallout of a brand bubble. Empirical evidence provided for their concerns about current brand management and for their prescribed rem-edies is indeed impressive and well founded. It is an excellent book for brand managers to read and refer to for a successful brand management career.” —C.W. Park, professor of marketing, USC Marshall School of Business “This book has been meticulously researched to provide a com-prehensive yet accessible understanding into how great brands are built today to sustain competitive advantage and generate asset value.” —Cammie Dunaway, executive vice president, sales and marketing, Nintendo ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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