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  1. page: credits Some of the folks who helped create and shape the world , according to Tex and Tammy : edi tori al , wri ti ng, content Carl Blyth Karen Kelton Lindsy Myers Catherine Delyfer Yvonne Munn Jane Lippmann cartoons, characters Walter Moore i nspi rati on Tex Tammy the color orange Armadillo World Headquarters character voi ces speci al thanks Eric Russell Tex Brian Roberts Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts Stephanie Pellet Tammy Joe TenBarge Director, Liberal Arts ITS Nora Megharbi Bette Dina Sherzer Former Chair, Dept. of French & Italian Marlin Parrack Corey Daniela Bini Chair, Dept. of French & Italian Walter Moore Joe Bob s. palomino design, web, cms, multimedia Seth Wolitz Edouard Karen Kelton audio recording, editing Karen Cody Fiona James Lewis tex v1, html clean-up coordination Carl Blyth Paw Paw Gary Dickerson tex v1, html Lindsy Myers les enfants Dale Austin tex v1, html Catherine Delyfer narrator, Rita Tex's fans comments, suggestions updated: 27 May 04 © 2004 • department of f rench & italian • liberal arts ITS • university of texas at austin
  2. page: characters bi envenue! This web site is about much more than just French grammar. It is also about the epic love story of Tex and Tammy , two star -struck armadillos, and Bette, the sex kitten bent on destroying their love. In addition to this ménage à trois, the cast of characters include Edouard, a pretentious French snail, Joe -Bob, a dim -witted squirrel from College Station, and Corey, a cockroach who prefers getting high and watching the X -Files on TV to doing his French homework. Will Tex's and Tammy's union ever be legally sanctioned ? Will Bette ever learn to balance the erotic and the platonic ? Will Edouard ever get over his antipathy for Texas barbeque? Will Joe -Bob and Corey ever pass French 101? And will Tex ever integrate the competing forces of his complex Franco-American identity ? Come explore the world of Tex and find the answers to life's important questions. Bon voyage! Je suis poète ... et quelquefois tuteur à Je suis la copine de Tex. J'adore l'université du Texas. Je déteste la culture l'université du Texas. populaire américaine. Je suis un escargot français et j'adore la Je suis de College Station. J'aime la bière! cuisine française. Je suis un cafard déprimé. J'adore Je suis étudiante. J'adore les hommes. l'insecticide.
  3. Je suis cadien. J'aime mon petit -fils Tex. Je suis une fourmi sérieuse. Je suis de Laredo. J'aime les pique -niques. updated: 27 May 04 © 2004 • department of f rench & italian • liberal arts ITS • university of texas at austin
  4. page: adj1 An adj ecti ve is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. The major differences between adjectives in French and English concern agreement and placement. In French, an adjective is usually placed after the noun it modifies and must agree in gender and number with the noun. In English, an adjective usually comes before the noun it modifies and is invariable, that is, it does not agree. Tex est un tatou phi l osophi que. Tex is a philosophical armadillo. Edouard est un escargot raffi né . Edouard is a refined snail. Joe -Bob est un écureuil ai mabl e. Joe -Bob is a friendly squirrel. Bette est une chatte capri ci euse . Bette is a temperamental cat. Corey est un cafard i vre . Corey is an intoxicated cockroach. Fiona est travai l l euse . (f) Fiona is hard - working. Mais Joe -Bob n'est pas travai l l eur . (m) But Joe -Bob isn't hard - working. adj ecti ve vs. adverb It is common in nonstandard English for speakers to use adjectives in place of adverbs. Joe -Bob says: "Gee, Tex writes real good." (instead of: "Tex writes well .") Joe -Bob says "Gosh, Edouard, you walk real slow." (instead of: "Edouard, you talk slowly .") French adjectives are rarely used in place of the adverbial form. Remember that adjectives modify nouns and adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs! Tex écrit bi en . Tex writes well . (adverb modifies verb) La poésie de Tex est bonne. Tex's poetry is good . (adjective modifies noun) updated: 27 May 04 © 2004 • department of f rench & italian • liberal arts ITS • university of texas at austin
  5. page: adj2 1. formation 2. placement formati on Adjectives agree in both number and gender with the noun or pronoun they modify. For regular adjectives the masculine form is the base form to which endings are added. The feminine adjective is formed by adding an e . The plural adjective is formed by adding s . Listen to the recorded examples to hear the pronunciation of the different adjective forms: masculine feminine masculine feminine singular singular plural plural peti t peti t e peti t s peti t es Note how the singular and plural forms of the masculine adjective sound the same, and the singular and plural forms of the feminine adjective also sound the same. Tex est peti t. Tex is little. Tammy est peti te . Tammy is little. Tex et Trey sont peti ts. Tex and Trey are little. Tammy et Bette sont peti tes . Tammy and Bette are little. The adjective takes the masculine plural when the nouns it modifies are of different genders: Tammy et Tex sont petit s . (Tammy and Tex are little.) Irregular adjectives do not follow the rules given above. pl acement In French, most adjectives follow the noun, unlike in English, where the the adjective precedes the noun. Here are some examples of adjectives following the noun: Tex porte toujours un béret rond , même Tex always wears a round beret, even when he exercises. He likes existentialist novels. quand il fait du sport. Il aime les romans As a child, Tex lived with catholic nuns. exi stenti al i stes . Dans son enfance, Tex a habité chez des nonnes cathol i ques . Tammy a un nez poi ntu . C'est une tatou Tammy has a pointed nose. She is a slim and nice armadillo. She's learning the mi nce et sympathi que. Elle apprend la French language and is studying literature. langue françai se et fait des études l i ttérai res . Bette est de caractère méfi ant . Elle est Bette has a mistrustful personality. She has changing moods. She's a very cunning cat. d'humeur changeante . C'est une chatte très
  6. mal i ne. Note that there is a small group of adjectives that normally precede the noun . Some adjectives can also be placed before or after the noun but changing the position of the adjectives can modify their meaning. Listen to this dialogue: Tammy, Bette et Tex sont à Gregory Gym. Tammy, Bette and Tex are at Gregory Gym. Les deux filles parlent, puis se disputent, The two girls talk, then argue, while Tex pendant que Tex fait son sport annuel . does his yearly workout. Tammy: Regarde, Bette, comme ses ongles Tammy: Bette, would you look at those j aunes tapent sur le tapis roul ant quand il yellow nails of his clicking on the tread mill when he runs! What an adorable armadillo! court! Quel tatou adorabl e! Et ce museau And that snout, so fine and pointy! Those fi n et poi ntu , ces écailles éti ncel antes , ce shiny scales, that supple body, his every corps soupl e , ces gestes et ces gesture and movement so full of grace ... mouvements pl ei ns de grâce ... Bette: Berk! Tu aimes vraiment ça!? Un Bette: Yuck! You like that! ? That clammy corps humi de de sueur et un poil gri s body, gray fur ? Like a wad of paper maché! Oh, Lord! And that awful smell! Like a comme une boule de papier mâché! Oh drowned rat! You're not serious! mon dieu! Et cette odeur désagréabl e ! Comme un rat noyé! Tu n'es pas séri euse ! Tammy: Bette, je ne suis pas idiote! Je Tammy: Bette, you don't fool me! I connais tes intentions! Il est à moi! understand your intentions! He's mine! fi l l i n the bl anks Give the correct form of the adjective indicated in parentheses. 1. Tex et Tammy sont des tatous __________. (charmant, 'charming') 2. Bette est une chatte ________. (rusé, 'cunning') 3. Fiona et Tammy sont ___________. (intelligent) 4. Bette a un stylo _______. (vert, 'green') 5. Tammy aime le vin _________. (français, 'French') 6. Tammy a une robe ____________. (ravissant, 'ravishing') 7. Tex a un charme ________ (fou, 'incredible, crazy').
  7. 8. Ah, Tex a une allure _______! (séduisant, 'attractive') 9. Joe -Bob et Corey ne sont pas ___________! (dégourdi, 'resourceful') 10. Est -ce qu'Edouard est un serveur _________? (poli, 'polite') 11. Est -ce qu'Edouard et Tex sont des Français __________? (typique, 'typical') 12. Tammy et Bette aiment les tatous _________. (musclé, 'muscular') updated: 27 May 04 © 2004 • department of f rench & italian • liberal arts ITS • university of texas at austin
  8. page: adj3 The placement of most adjectives in French is after the noun: un escargot parl ant , une fourmi travai l l euse , des tatous i ntel l i gents, etc. There is a small group of adjectives, however, that normally precede the noun. These adjectives may be categorized as adjectives of B eauty, A ge, N umbers Goodness, and Size (BANGS). autre, other beau (bel l e) , beautiful bon (bonne) , good grand (grande), tall, big gros (grosse) , big, fat j eune, young j ol i (j ol i e) , pretty mauvai s (mauvai se) , bad nouveau (nouvel l e), new peti t (peti te) , little vi eux (vi ei l l e), old ordi nal numbers: premi er (premi ère), first deuxi ème, second troi si ème, third, etc. Tammy est une bel l e Américaine. C'est Tammy is a beautiful American woman. She is also a good friend. Tammy is a little aussi une bonne amie. C'est une peti te armadillo. tatou. Trey est le j eune frère de Tex. C'est le Trey is Tex's young brother. He is the third child in the family. troi si ème enfant de la famille. beau, nouveau, vi eux Beau, nouveau , and vi eux have irregular forms. Note the special forms in the masculine singular when they precede a word that begins with a vowel or a silent h. masculine masculine feminine masculine feminine singular before vowel singular plural plural beau bel bel l e beaux bel l es nouveau nouvel nouvel l e nouveaux nouvel l es vi eux vi ei l vi ei l l e vi eux vi ei l l es The adjectives which precede the noun must agree in number and gender with the noun they modify (see the regular rule for adjective formation). Be aware that changing the position of some adjectives may change their meaning. Listen to this dialogue: Tex et Tammy regardent le nouvel album Tex and Tammy are looking at Rita's new family album. de famille de Rita. Tammy: Qui est cette bel l e femme ? Tammy: Who is that beautiful woman?
  9. Rita: C'est notre mère. Rita: That's our mother. Tammy: Et qui sont ces autres personnes? Tammy: And who are these other people ? Rita: Le vi ei l homme, c'est Paw -Paw Louis. Rita: The old man, that's Paw -Paw Louis. And then, next to him, that's me. Et puis, à côté, c'est moi. Tex: Et ce peti t bébé, qui est -ce ? Comme il Tex: And the little baby, who is it ? Boy is he ugly! est laid! Rita: C'est toi, Tex. C'est la premi ère photo Rita: That's you, Tex. It's the first picture of you. de toi. fi l l i n the bl anks Give the correct form of the adjective indicated in parentheses. 1. Tex est un ______ animal. (beau) 2. Tammy a un ________ oncle en Australie. (vieux) 3. Les _________ poèmes de Tex sont nuls ('worthless'). (premier) 4. Fiona a toujours de ______ notes. (bon) 5. Bette n'a pas une ________ qualité. (seul) 6. Tex a de _________ oreilles. (grand) 7. Tex achète une ________ bague ('ring') pour Tammy. (beau) 8. Bette est une ______ chatte opportuniste. (jeune) 9. Joe -Bob a de _______ amis. (nouveau) 10. Edouard n'a pas de _______ amie. (petit) 11. Joe -Bob a une __________ influence sur Corey. (mauvais) 12. Joe -Bob a de __________ dents. (joli) updated: 17 Nov 05 © 2005 • department of f rench & italian • liberal arts ITS • university of texas at austin
  10. page: adj4 1. gender 2. number Regular adjectives are formed by adding an e to the masculine form in the singular (content / content e ), or by adding an s to the masculine and feminine forms in the plural (Tex et Edouard sont content s / Tammy et Bette sont content es ). This group of adjectives is by far the most common. There are, however, a number of adjectives which are called irregular, because they do not have the normal - e , - s , or - es endings. The endings of these irregular adjectives vary widely and often change the pronunciation. gender Some adjectives are completely irregular: masculine feminine translation soft doux douce false faux fausse favorite favori favori te fresh frai s fraî che long l ong l ongue public publ i c publ i que Other adjectives can be grouped in categories: masculine ending feminine ending french english - el - elle cruel cruel • cruel l e - eil - eille similar parei l • parei l l e - il - ille kind, nice genti l • genti l l e - on - onne cute mi gnon • mi gnonne -s - sse big, fat gros • grosse - en - enne old anci en • anci enne - et - ète secretive secret • secrète - er - ère dear, expensive cher • chère - eux - euse happy heureux • heureuse - eur - euse deceptive trompeur • trompeuse - teur - trice creative créateur • créatri ce -f - ve active acti f • acti ve -c - che frank franc • franche - ou - olle crazy fou • fol l e Some adjectives have identical masculine and feminine forms. This is generally the case with adjectives ending in e in
  11. their masculine form and with foreign adjectives like 'snob', 'cool', etc. For example: Tex est un tatou i magi nai re; Tammy aussi est i magi nai re. Ils sont i magi nai res . (Tex is an imaginary armadillo; Tammy too is imaginary. They are imaginary.) Here are a few of these adjectives: pauvre (poor) di ffi ci l e (difficult) sensi bl e (sensitive) ri che (rich) cal me (calm) sembl abl e (similar) mi nce (slim) mi nuscul e (tiny) ri di cul e (ridiculous) propre (clean) i roni que (ironic) i magi nai re (imaginary) number The majority of adjectives are regular in the plural; that is, an -s is added to the singular masculine or feminine forms. There are two major exceptions to this rule: 1. Do not add an s to the masculine form of adjectives ending in s or x . The masculine singular and plural forms are thus identical: un animal heureux (a happy animal), des animaux heureux (happy animals). However, the feminine plural form of these adjectives is regular; it is formed by simply adding an s to the feminine singular form: une fille heureuse (a happy girl), des filles heureuses (happy girls). 2. Adjectives ending in al in the masculine singular form change to aux in the masculine plural form. Tex est un tatou international. Edouard et Tex is an international armadillo. Edouard Tex sont des animaux i nternati onaux. and Tex are international animals. The feminine plural form of these adjectives is regular; it is formed by simply adding an s to the feminine singular form: Tex aime lire la presse i nternati onal e. Tex aime aussi les revues i nternati onal es . (Tex likes to read international papers. Tex also likes international magazines). Listen to this dialogue: Tex: Mais, qu'est -ce qui ne va pas ? Tex: But, what's wrong ? Tammy: C'est encore Bette! Elle n'est Tammy: It's Bette again! She is never jamais si ncère ! Sois franc Tex. Tu ne la sincere! Be frank Tex. Don't you find her capricious and cruel? trouves pas capri ci euse et cruel l e ? Tex: Non! Elle est genti l l e ! C'est une bonne Tex: No! She is nice! She is a good friend! What did she do ? amie! Qu'est -ce qu'elle a fait? Tammy: Comme tu es naï f ! Elle me raconte Tammy: You are so naive! She tells me that you think I'm boring, that you are in que tu me trouves ennuyeuse , que tu es love with one of your students. Is that amoureux d'une de tes étudiantes. C'est true ? vrai? Tex: Tu es fol l e ! C'est une fausse Tex: You're crazy! It's a false accusation! accusation! Tammy: Hmm ... Tu veux que je Tammy: Hmm ... Do you want me to t'explique ? C'est très clair. Elle est j al ouse! explain ? It's very clear. She is jealous! It's
  12. C'est le complot cl assi que . Elle essaie de us, such loyal friends! nous séparer, nous des amis si l oyaux! fi l l i n the bl anks Give the correct form of the adjective indicated in parentheses. 1. Tammy a une voix ______. (doux, 'soft') 2. Tammy, quelle est ta chanson ______ ? (favori, 'favorite') 3. Bette et Tammy sont ___________ de la même personne. (amoureux, 'in love') 4. Tex et Tammy sont ________ d'amour. (fou, 'crazy') 5. Joe -Bob et Corey ne sont pas _______. (vif, 'quick, clever') 6. Fiona est très __________. (gentil, 'kind') 7. Tex et Edouard sont des animaux _________. (cosmopolite, 'cosmopolitan') 8. Les derniers poèmes de Tex sont _________! (génial, 'great') 9. Bette est une chatte _________. (sensuel, 'sensuous') 10. Tammy a de belles lèvres _________. (pulpeux, 'full, juicy') 11. Tammy et Bette sont __________ de peinture. (amateur, 'amateur') 12. Bette est ___________. (rancunier, 'resentful') updated: 27 May 04 © 2004 • department of f rench & italian • liberal arts ITS • university of texas at austin
  13. page: adj5 Some adjectives can be placed either before or after the noun they are describing. Their position determines their meaning. When the adjective is placed before the noun it tends to carry a figurative, or metaphorical meaning. When it follows the noun, it carries a more literal, or actual meaning. Consider the following examples: literal sense figurative sense adjective following the noun before the noun Paw -Paw adore les meubles Marianne est l'anci enne copine de Tex. anci ens. Marianne is Tex's former girlfriend. anci en Paw -Paw adores very old furniture. Tammy aime les parfums chers de Chers amis, je suis content de vous voir! Paris. Dear friends, I am happy to see you! cher Tammy likes expensive perfumes from Paris. Tex a vu Marianne la semaine Tex dit à Marianne: Pour la derni ère fois, je ne derni ère . veux plus te voir. derni er Tex saw Marianne last [preceding] Tex says to Marianne: For the last [final] time, I week. don't want to see you anymore. En général, les tatous ne sont pas Tex est un grand philosophe. grands. grand Tex is a great philosopher. In general, armadillos are not tall. Bette est l'hypocrisie même! Tammy et Bette adorent le même petit tatou. même Bette is hypocrisy itself ! Tammy and Bette adore the same little armadillo. A son arrivée à Austin, Tex était un Le pauvre Tex était malheureux quand il a quitté tatou pauvre . la France. pauvre When he came to Austin, Tex was The unfortunate Tex was not happy when he a financially poor armadillo. left France. Mes chers étudiants, la semaine Tex dit à Marianne: Et la prochai ne fois que tu prochai ne vous avez un examen me suis, j'appelle la police! prochai n My dear students, next [in a Tex says to Marianne: And the next [following] series] week you have an exam. time that you follow me, I will call the police. Mais oui, Edouard est un escargot Edouard veut son propre restaurant. propre! propre Edouard wants his own restaurant. Yes, Edouard is a clean snail. Corey est seul . C'est un cafard. Dans le coeur de Tex, Tammy est le seul tatou qui compte. Corey is alone. He's a cockroach. seul In Tex's heart, Tammy is the only armadillo that matters. Bette n'est pas si mpl e. Tex n'est pas un si mpl e poète, c'est aussi un philosophe. si mpl e Bette is not simple
  14. [uncomplicated] Tex is not just a poet, he is also a philosopher. Paw -Paw a raconté des histoires Les aventures de Tex et ses copains, c'est une vrai es sur sa vie pendant la guerre. vrai e histoire. vrai Paw -Paw told true stories about The adventures of Tex and his friends are a real his life during the war. story! Listen to this dialogue: Tammy attend Tex à la bibliothèque depuis Tammy has been waiting for Tex at the une heure. Enfin il arrive. library for an hour. Finally, he arrives. Tammy (ironique): Ne te presse pas mon Tammy (ironic): Take your time my dear cher Tex! Tu oublies tes propres rendez - Tex! Are you forgetting your own appointments now ?! vous maintenant ?! Tex: Ah, Tammy, ma chérie! J'étais au café Tex: Oh, Tammy, darling, I was at the cafe avec mon grand ami Edouard, quand j'ai vu with my great friend Edouard, when I saw a lonely woman. She looked sad. She was une femme seul e . Elle avait l'air tri ste. Elle despair itself! Beauty itself also ... était le désespoir même. Et la beauté même ... Tammy (toujours furieuse): Et alors? Tammy (still furious): So what? Tex: Eh bien ? Tu me connais! Je suis un Tex: So ? You know the way I am! I am a brave tatou! Alors, je suis allé lui offrir un good armadillo! So I went and bought her a coffee to console her. café pour la consoler. Tammy: Ah oui ? Tammy: Oh really ? Tex: Aïe! Tex: Ouch! fi l l i n the bl anks Choose the correct English meaning for the adjective in capital letters between the two options given in parentheses. 1. Tammy est le SEUL amour de Tex. (unique/alone) 2. Corey déteste être SEUL. (unique/alone) 3. Tammy a la MEME ambition que Bette : épouser Tex.(identical/itself) 4. Bette est l'opportunisme MEME! (identical/itself) 5. Nous sommes très PAUVRES. (penniless/unfortunate) 6. Le PAUVRE Corey a encore perdu au loto.(penniless/unfortunate) 7. Le vin rouge est très CHER aux USA. (expensive/dear)
  15. 8. Bette est une GRANDE amie de Machiavel. (tall/great) 9. La France est CHERE au coeur de Tex. (expensive/dear) 10. Tex n'a pas toujours les oreilles PROPRES. (own/clean) 11. Tex ne connaît pas ses PROPRES parents. (own/clean) 12. Tex adore les livres ANCIENS. (antique/former) updated: 27 May 04 © 2004 • department of f rench & italian • liberal arts ITS • university of texas at austin
  16. page: adj6 1. comparative adjectives indicating more / less 2. comparative adjectives indicating similarity or equality 3. irregular adjectives comparati ve adj ecti ves i ndi cati ng more or l ess Adjectives are frequently used to compare things, people, events, ideas etc. Pl us . . . que conveys the idea of 'more ... than', moi ns . . . que the idea of 'less than.' Tex est pl us intelligent que Joe -Bob. Tex is more intelligent than Joe -Bob. Mais Joe -Bob est moi ns prétentieux que But Joe -Bob is less pretentious than Tex. Tex. Bien sûr, il est pl us difficile d'être poète que Of course, it is more difficult to be a poet than to be a squirrel. d'être écureuil! comparati ve adj ecti ves i ndi cati ng si mi l ari ty or equal i ty Aussi . . . que conveys the idea of 'as ... as'. Fiona est aussi belle que Tammy. Mais elles Fiona is as beautiful as Tammy. But they are not as seductive as Bette. ne sont pas aussi séduisantes que Bette. i rregul ar adj ecti ves The adjectives bon and mauvai s have irregular forms of comparison, mei l l eur and pi re . However, the regular form pl us mauvai s que has become commonly accepted. Note that this irregularity is found in English too with 'better' (not *gooder) and 'worse' (not *badder). D'après Tex, Tammy est un bon parti. Mais According to Tex, Tammy is a good match. Bette pense qu'elle serait un mei l l eur parti But Bette thinks she would be a better match than Tammy. que Tammy. Mais il est évident que le caractère de Bette But it is obvious that Bette's personality is est pl us mauvai s que celui de Tammy. worse than Tammy's. Listen to this dialogue: Bette: Tex, as -tu jamais vu une fille aussi Bette: Tex, have you ever seen a girl as pretty as I am ? j ol i e que moi ? Tex philosophe: Euh! La beauté physique Tex the philosopher: Ah! Physical beauty is est moi ns i mportante que la beauté de less important than the beauty of the soul. Look Bette, I do not have time to think l'âme. Voyons Bette, je n'ai pas le temps about things as trivial as that ... de penser à des choses aussi tri vi al es que celles -ci ...
  17. Bette: D'accord, d'accord, mais je suis Bette: Ok, ok, but I am less stupid and moi ns bête et pl us sexy que Tammy, non ? more sexy than Tammy, don't you think? Tex: Être ou ne pas être, là est la question Tex: To be or not to be, that is the ... question ... fi l l i n the bl anks Fill in the blank with the appropriate comparative of the adjective in parentheses. '+' is for 'more...than', '-' for 'less...than', and '=' for 'as...as'. Do not forget to make the adjectives agree in number and gender with the nouns they qualify. 1. L'accent américain d'Edouard est ____________ que celui de Tex. (+, mauvais) 2. Tex a un _________ Q.I. ('I.Q.') qu'Edouard. (+, bon) 3. Tammy est __________ que Bette. (=, joli) 4. Fiona est __________ que Bette. (+, gentil) 5. Les Aggies sont __________ que les Longhorns. (-, fort) 6. Les étudiantes de UT sont _____________ que celles de Texas A&M. (+, séduisant) 7. Les Français sont _____________ que les Texans. (+, raffiné) 8. Les Texans sont ____________ que les Français. (+, drôle) 9. La France est ____________ que le Texas. (-, grand) 10. Tex est __________ que Tammy. (+, vieux) 11. Corey et Joe -Bob sont ___________ qu'Edouard. (-, snob) 12. Edouard et Tammy sont ___________ que Joe -Bob et Corey. (+, indépendant) updated: 27 May 04 © 2004 • department of f rench & italian • liberal arts ITS • university of texas at austin
  18. page: adj7 1. formation and placement 2. irregular superlatives formati on and pl acement In French as in English, the superlative is a form of an adjective expressing 'the best', 'the smallest', 'the most interesting'. To form the superlative, use the definite article (l e, l a , l es) and the adverb pl us or moi ns before the adjective. Note that the superlative of an adjective agrees with the noun it modifies in gender and in number. The placement of the superlative corresponds to the usual placement of the adjective. In other words, if the adjective follows the noun, then the superlative will follow the noun, too. And conversely, if the adjective precedes the noun, then the superlative adjective will precede the noun, too. Note that if the adjective follows the noun, the definite article is used twice. l e (l a, l es) pl us (the most) l e (l a, l es) moi ns (the least) superlative Bette est l a chatte l a pl us rusée du Tammy est l a tatou l a moi ns rusée du monde. monde. adjective after noun Bette is the slickest cat in the world. Tammy is the least slick armadillo in the world. Tammy est l a pl us genti l l e tatou du Bette est l a moi ns genti l l e chatte du monde. monde. adjective before noun Tammy is the nicest armadillo in the Bette is the least nice cat in the world. world. Note that instead of the definite article, you may use a possessive determiner (mon , ma, mes , etc.), so Tex might say: 'Edouard est mon ami le plus distingué' (Edouard is my most distinguished friend). i rregul ar superl ati ves The adjectives bon and mauvai s have irregular patterns in the superlative. Note there are two forms for expressing 'the worst': the irregular form l e (l a) pi re and the more commonly used l e (l a) pl us mauvai s(e). superl ati ve of bon (good) superl ati ve of mauvai s (bad) the best the least good the worst the least bad l e mei l l eur campus l e moi ns bon campus l e pi re campus l e moi ns mauvai s campus l e pl us mauvai s campus l a mei l l eure université l a moi ns bonne université l a pi re université l a moi ns mauvai se université l a pl us mauvai se
  19. université l es mei l l eurs profs l es moi ns bons profs l es pi res profs l es moi ns mauvai s profs l es pl us mauvai s profs l es mei l l eures notes l es moi ns bonnes notes l es pi res notes l es moi ns mauvai ses l es pl us mauvai ses notes notes The superlative of mauvai s is always either l e pi re or l e pl us mauvai s. But while you may say 'la plus mauvaise université' or 'la pire université,' you may only say 'les pires ploucs,' 'les pires catastrophes,' 'les pires crimes' etc. Why ? Because 'plouc,' 'catastrophe,' 'crime' are already negative and it would be redundant to use 'mauvais' or its superlative, 'le plus mauvais,' in front of them. Tammy: Texas A&M est l a pl us mauvai se Tammy: Texas A&M is the worst university in the world! It has the worst football team. université du monde. Elle a l a moi ns bonne It attracts the worst rednecks! The best équipe de foot. Elle attire l es pi res ploucs! students come to UT because Austin is the Les mei l l eurs étudiants viennent à UT parce coolest city in Texas! qu'Austin est la ville l a pl us cool du Texas! Joe -Bob: Tu parles! UT craint! C'est l a pl us Joe -Bob: Go on! UT sucks! It's the largest university in Texas! And, UT students are grande université du Texas! En plus, les the most snobbish! College Station is the étudiants de UT sont l es pl us snobs ! most beautiful city in the world! College Station est l a pl us bel l e ville du monde! fi l l i n the bl anks Fill in the blank with the appropriate superlative of the adjective in parentheses. '+' is for 'the most', '-' for 'the least'. Do not forget to make the adjectives agree in number and gender with the nouns they qualify. 1. Edouard a ________ accent d'Austin. (+, mauvais) 2. Le Q.I. ('I.Q.') de Tex est ___________ du Texas. (+, bon) 3. Bette est la chatte __________ du campus. (+, perfide, ='treacherous, dishonest') 4. Fiona est la fourmi _____________ de l'Etat. (+, travailleur) 5. Tex et Tammy sont les tatous _____________ du monde. (+, mignon) 6. Corey et Joe -Bob sont les animaux ____________ du groupe. (-, intelligent) 7. Tammy, Bette et Fiona sont les filles ____________ du campus. (+, débrouillard) 8. Les blagues de Tex sont toujours ____________. (-, drôle) 9. Pour Tex, la France est ____________ pays du monde. (+, beau) 10. Tammy et Bette ne sont pas toujours ______________ amies du monde. (+, bon)
  20. 11. Bette est la chatte ____________ du campus. (-, populaire) 12. La Tour d'UT est le monument ____________ de l'université. (+, célèbre) updated: 27 May 04 © 2004 • department of f rench & italian • liberal arts ITS • university of texas at austin
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