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Peer to Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies Micropayment digital cash schemes Ronald Rivest and Adi Shamir introduced two simple micropayment schemes, PayWord and MicroMint, in 1996.[16] PayWord is a credit-based scheme based on chains of paywords (hash values), while MicroMint represents coins by k -way hash function collisions. Both of these schemes follow the lightweight philosophy of micropayments: nickels and dimes don`t matter. If a user loses a payment or is able to forge a few payments, we can ignore such trivialities. The security mechanisms in these schemes are not as strong nor expensive as the full macropayment digital cash schemes we will discuss later. At a rough estimate, hashing is about 100 times faster than RSA signature verification and about 10,000 times faster than RSA signature generation. [16] R. Rivest and A. Shamir (1997), "PayWord and MicroMint: Two Simple Micropayment Schemes," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1189, Proc. Security Protocols Workshop, Springer-Verlag, pp. 69-87. PayWord is designed for applications in which users engage in many repetitive micropayment transactions. Some examples are pay-per-use web sites and pay-per-minute online games or movies. PayWord relies on a broker (better known as a "bank" in many digital cash schemes), mainly for online verification, but seeks to minimize communication with the broker in order to make the system as efficient as possible. It works like this. Alice establishes an account with a broker and is issued a digital certificate. When she communicates with vendor Bob for the first time each day, she computes and commits to a new payword chain w1, w2, ..., wn. This chain is created by choosing some random wn and moving backward to calculate each hash wi from the hash wi+1. Alice starts her relationship with Bob by offering w0. With each micropayment she moves up the chain from w0 toward wn. Just knowing w0, vendor Bob can`t compute any paywords and therefore can`t make false claims to the broker. But Bob can easily verify the ith payment if he knows only wi-1. Bob reports to the broker only once at the end of the day, offering the last (highest-indexed) micropayment and the corresponding w0 received that day. The broker adjusts accounts accordingly. As payword chains are both user- and vendor-specific, the vendor can immediately determine if the user attempts to double-spend a payword. Unfortunately, however, PayWord does not provide any transaction anonymity. As this is a credit-based system, the broker knows that Alice paid Bob. MicroMint takes the different approach of providing less security, but doing so at a very low cost for unrelated, low-value payments. Earlier, we described k-bit collisions, in which Alice found a value that matched the lowest k bits in Bob`s hash. MicroMint coins are represented instead by full collisions: all the bits of the hashes have to be identical. A k-way collision is a set of distinct inputs (x1, x2, ..., xk) that all map to the same digests. In other words, hash(x1) = hash(x2) = ... = hash(xk). These collisions are hard to find, as the hash functions are specifically designed to be collision-free![17] [17] Given a hash function with an n-bit output (e.g., for SHA-1, n=160), we must hash approximately 2n(k-1)/k random strings in order to find a k-way collision. This follows from the "birthday paradox" as explained in Rivest and Shamir, ibid. The security in MicroMint rests in an economy of scale: minting individual coins is difficult, yet once some threshold of calculations has been performed, coins can be minted with accelerated ease. Therefore, the broker can mint coins cost-effectively, while small-scale forgers can produce coins only at a cost exceeding their value. As in PayWord, the MicroMint broker knows both Alice, to whom the coins are issued, and vendor Bob. This system is therefore not anonymous, allowing the broker to catch Alice if she attempts to double-spend a coin. PayWord and MicroMint are just two representative examples of micropayment schemes. Many others exist. The point to notice in both schemes is the extreme ease of verification and the small space requirements for each coin. Not only are these schemes fast, but they remain fast even in environments with severe resource constraints or at larger amounts of money. page 185 Peer to Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies Micropayment schemes such as these make it possible to extend peer-to-peer applications beyond the desktop and into embedded and mobile environments. Routers can use micropayments to retard denial of service attacks with minimal extra computation and then store the proceeds. Music players can act as mobile Napster or Gnutella servers, creating ad hoc local networks to exchange music stored in their memories (and possibly make money in the process). These possibilities are just beginning to be explored. Making money off others` work Proofs of work can be exchanged for other resources in a system, even without a systemwide digital cash scheme. The key is to make a POW scheme in which Bob can take a POW submitted by Alice and pass it on to Charlie without expending any significant calculation of his own. This scheme was introduced by Markus Jakobsson and Ari Juels in 1999 as a bread pudding protocol .[18] Bread pudding is a dish that originated with the purpose of reusing stale bread. In a similar spirit, this protocol defines a POW that may be reused for a separate, useful, and verifiably correct computation. This computation is not restricted to any specific problem, although the authors further specify a simple bread pudding protocol for minting MicroMint coins. [18] Markus Jakobsson and Ari Juels (1999), "Proofs and Work and Bread Pudding Protocols." In B. Preneel, ed., Communications and Multimedia Security. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 258-272. In this variant on MicroMint`s original minting scheme, the broker no longer has to generate each individual payment made by each user. Instead, a single, valid coin can be redistributed by users in the system to satisfy each others` POWs. The fundamental idea is to make clients solve partial hash collisions, similar to the concept of hash cash. This computation is useful only to the mint, which holds some necessary secret. With enough of these POWs, the minter can offload the majority of computations necessary to minting a coin. Effectively, Bob is asking Alice to compute part of a MicroMint coin, but this partial coin is useful only when combined with thousands or millions of other similar computations. Bob collects all of these computations and combines them into MicroMint coins. Without requiring systemwide fungible digital cash, Bob can reuse others` computation work for computations of value to him (and only to him). The scheme is extensible and can potentially be used with many different types of payment schemes, not just MicroMint. Anonymous macropayment digital cash schemes Up until now, we have described payments in which the value of each coin or token is fairly small. These make forgery difficult because it`s useful only if it can be performed on a large scale. Now we will move to more complex schemes that allow large sums to be paid in a secure manner in a single transaction. These schemes also offer multiparty security and some protection for user privacy. The macropayment digital cash schemes we are about to discuss offer stronger security and anonymity. However, these protections come at a cost. The computational and size requirements of such digital cash are much greater. In cryptographic literature, micropayments are usually considered extremely small (such as $0.01) and use very efficient primitives such as hash functions. In contrast, macropayment digital cash schemes use public key operations, such as exponentiation, which are much slower. The use of techniques from elliptic curve cryptography can alleviate this problem by making it possible to securely use much shorter keys. Other clever tricks, such as " probabilistic" checking - checking selected payments on the grounds that large-scale forgery will be caught eventually - can help macropayment techniques compete with micropayment schemes. This is an active research area and a source of continual innovation. Macropayment schemes will prove useful when used with the reputation systems discussed later in this chapter in Section 16.4, because reputation systems let us make large transactions without assuming incommensurate risk. page 186 Peer to Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies Pioneering work on the theoretical foundations of anonymous digital cash was carried out by David Chaum in the early 1980s.[19] Chaum held patents on his electronic cash system, and founded DigiCash in 1990 to implement his ideas, but he exclusively licensed his patents to Ecash Technologies in 1999. [19] D. Chaum (1983), "Blind Signatures for Untraceable Payments," Advances in Cryptology - Crypto `82, Springer-Verlag, pp. 199-203. D. Chaum (1985), "Security Without Identification: Transaction Systems to Make Big Brother Obsolete," Communications of the ACM, vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 1030-1044. D. Chaum, A. Fiat, and M. Naor (1988), "Untraceable Electronic Cash," Advances in Cryptology - Crypto `88, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 403, Springer-Verlag, pp. 319-327. D. Chaum (August 1992), "Achieving Electronic Privacy" (invited), Scientific American, pp. 96-101, http://www.chaum.com/articles/Achieving_Electronic_Privacy.htm. The electronic cash system he developed is based on an extension of digital signatures, called blind signatures. A digital signature uses a PKI to authenticate that a particular message was sent by a particular person. (See Chapter 15 for a greater description of signatures and PKI.) A blind signature scheme allows a person to get a message signed by another party, while not revealing the message contents to that party or allowing the party to recognize the message later. In digital cash, Alice creates some number called a proto-coin and "blinds" it by multiplying by a secret random number. She sends this blinded proto-coin to the bank, which cannot link it with the original proto-coin. The bank checks that she has a positive balance and signs the proto-coin with the assurance that "this is a valid coin," using a private key specific to the particular amount of money in the coin. The bank returns this to Alice and subtracts the corresponding amount from Alice`s bank account. Alice then divides out the random number multiplier and finds herself with a properly minted coin, carrying a valid signature from the bank. This is just one way to do digital cash, but it will suffice for this discussion. In real life, the digital cash transaction would be like Alice slipping a piece of paper into a carbon-lined envelope, representing the blinded proto-coin. The bank just writes its signature across the envelope, which imprints a carbon signature onto the inside paper. Alice removes the paper and is left with a valid coin. Alice can then spend this coin with Bob. Before accepting it, Bob needs to check with the issuing bank that the coin hasn`t already been spent, a process of online verification. Afterwards, Bob can deposit the coin with the bank, which has no record of to whom that coin was issued. It saw only the blinded proto-coin, not the underlying "serial" number. This digital cash system is both anonymous and untraceable. Its disadvantage, however, is that coins need to be verified online during the transaction to prevent double-spending. This slows down each transaction. Stefan Brands proposed an alternative digital cash scheme in 1993.[20] It forms the core of a system implemented and tested by CAFE, a European project with both academic and commercial members. His patents are currently held by the Montreal-based privacy company Zero-Knowledge Systems, Inc. [20] Stefan Brands (1993), "Untraceable Off-Line Cash in Wallet with Observers," Advances in Cryptology -Crypto `93, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 773, Springer-Verlag, pp. 302-318. Stefan Brands (2000), Rethinking Public Key Infrastructures and Digital Certificates: Building in Privacy. MIT Press. Stefan Brands, online book chapter from Rethinking Public Key Infrastructures and Digital Certificates: Building in Privacy, http://www.xs4all.nl/~brands/cash.html. Brands`s digital cash scheme allows offline checking of double-spending for fraud tracing, with obvious performance benefits compared to online verification. It is also well suited for incorporation into smart cards, and the underlying technology provides an entire framework for privacy-protecting credential systems. Brands`s scheme uses a restrictive blind signature protocol rather than a normal blind signature protocol as proposed by Chaum. In the digital cash context, this certificate is a valid coin, represented as three values - secret key, public key, and digital signature - certified by the bank. A key aspect of this protocol is that the bank knows - and encodes attributes into - part of Alice`s secret key, but it has no idea what the corresponding public key and certificate look like (except that they are consistent with the known part of the secret key). At the end of the issuing protocol, Alice uses techniques somewhat similar to Chaum`s protocol to generate a valid coin. page 187 Peer to Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies Payment is very different in Brands`s system. Alice`s coin contains her secret key, so she doesn`t actually give her coin to the vendor Bob. Instead, she proves to Bob that she is the proper holder of that coin (that is, that she knows the secret key associated with the public key), without actually disclosing its contents. This type of payment, a signed proof of knowledge transcript, is a fundamental shift from Chaum`s e-cash model, in which the coin is merely an "immutable" bit string. Privacy is maintained together with honesty by Brands`s system in a very clever manner. If Alice only spends the coin once, the bank can gain no information as to her identity. After all, during the issuing protocol, the bank saw only part of Alice`s secret key, not the public key used to verify Alice`s payment transcript signature. Nor did the bank see its own signature on that public key. Yet if Alice double-spends the coin, the bank can use it to extract her identity! We won`t provide the math necessary to understand the security in this system, but you can understand why it works by comparing it to a Cartesian x-y plane. The first random number challenge used during payment provides one point (x0,y0) on this plane. An infinite number of lines can pass through this one point. If Alice uses the same coin to pay Charlie, a different random number is used. Now we know a second (x1,y1) point, and two points uniquely define a line. In the same way, Alice`s identity will be exposed if she spends the coin twice. Brands`s scheme - useful for both digital cash and credentials - can be used to encode other useful information, such as negotiable attributes exposed during payment or high-value secrets that can prevent lending. A "high-value secret" refers to the same strategy we discussed when trying to prevent people from sharing their accounts - if a certificate to do X includes the user`s credit card number, the user will be less willing to loan the certificate to others. The "negotiable attributes" are an extension of a powerful idea - that of "credentials without identity." If you have a credential without identity, you have a way of proving that you belong to a certain class of people without actually having to prove anything about who you are. For example, you may have a credential which certifies that you are over 21 but doesn`t include your name. The entity that authorized your age wouldn`t want you to be able to lend this certificate to someone else. Therefore, we utilize these high-value secrets: the user needs to know the secret in order to use the over-21 certificate. Brands`s scheme takes this farther and allows you to selectively reveal or hide various certifications on the fly, thereby allowing you to negotiate your degree of privacy. One final note: whether a peer-to-peer system uses micropayments or macropayments, system designers must consider the possibility that these can be DoS targets in themselves. Perhaps an attacker can flood a system with cheaply minted counterfeit coins, eating up computational resources through verification-checking alone. The extent of this problem depends largely on the computational complexity of coin verification. Many of the systems we describe - hash cash, client puzzles, MicroMint, PayWord - can very quickly verify coins with only a single or a few hash operations. Public key operations, such as modular exponentiation, can be significantly more expensive. Again, digital cash schemes are an active area of cryptographic research; before specifying a scheme it is worth checking out the proceedings of the Financial Cryptography, CRYPTO, and EUROCRYPT conferences. 16.3.4 The use and effectiveness of micropayments in peer-to-peer systems So far, we have spent quite a bit of time describing various micropayment and digital cash schemes. Our discussion is not meant as exhaustive, yet it provides some examples of various cryptographic primitives and technologies used for electronic cash: public key encryption, hash functions, digital signatures, certificates, blinding functions, proofs of knowledge, and different one-way and trap door problems based on complexity theory. The list reads like a cryptographic cookbook. Indeed, the theoretical foundations of digital cash - and the design of systems - have been actively researched and developed over the past two decades. Only in the past few years, however, have we begun to see the real-world application of micropayments and digital cash, spurred by the growth of the Internet into a ubiquitous platform for connectivity, collaboration, and even commerce. Electronic cash surely has a place in future society. But its place is not yet secured. We are not going to try to predict either how fast or how widespread its adoption will be; that depends on too many economic, social, and institutional factors. page 188 Peer to Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies Instead, we`ll focus on how micropayments might be useful for peer-to-peer systems: what issues the developers of peer-to-peer systems need to consider, when certain digital cash technologies are better than others, how to tell whether the micropayments are working, and how to achieve stronger or weaker protections as needed. Identity-based payment policies When designing a policy for accepting micropayments, a peer-to-peer system might wish to charge a varying amount to peers based on identity. For instance, a particular peer might charge less to local users, specified friends, users from academic or noncommercial subnets, or users within specified jurisdictional areas. Such policies, of course, depend on being able to securely identify peers in the system. This can be hard to do both on the Internet as a whole (where domain names and IP addresses are routinely spoofed) and, in particular, on systems that allow anonymity or pseudonymity. Chapter 15 discusses this issue from several general angles, and Chapter 12 discusses how we try to solve the problem in one particular pseudonymous system, Free Haven. Many other systems, like ICQ and other instant messaging services, use their own naming schemes and ensure some security through passwords and central servers. Finally, systems with many far-flung peers need a reputation system to give some assurance that peers won`t abuse their privileges. General considerations in an economic analysis of micropayment design Designers choosing a micropayment scheme for a peer-to-peer system should not consider merely the technical and implementation issues of different micropayment schemes, but also the overall economic impact of the entire system. Different micropayment schemes have different economic implications. A classic economic analysis of bridge tolls serves as a good analogy for a peer-to-peer system. In 1842, the French engineer Jules Dupuit reached a major breakthrough in economic theory by arguing the following: the economically efficient toll on an uncongested bridge is zero, because the extra cost from one more person crossing the bridge is zero. Although bridge building and maintenance is not free - it costs some money to the owner - it is socially inefficient to extract this money through a toll. Society as a whole is worse off because some people choose not to cross due to this toll, even though their crossing would cost the owner nothing, and they would not interfere with anyone else`s crossing (because the bridge is uncongested). Therefore, everyone should be allowed to cross the bridge for free, and the society should compensate the bridge builder through a lump-sum payment.[21] [21] Arsene Jules Etienne Dupuit (1842), "On Tolls and Transport Charges," Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, trans. 1962, IEP. This bridge example serves as a good analogy to a peer-to-peer system with micropayments. Tolls should be extracted only in order to limit congestion and to regulate access to people who value crossing the most. Given the same economic argument, resource allocation to limit congestion is the only justifiable reason for micropayments in a peer-to-peer system. Indeed, excessive micropayments can dissuade users from using the system, with negative consequences (known as " social inefficiencies") for the whole society. Users might not access certain content, engage in e-commerce, or anonymously publish information that exposes nefarious corporate behavior. This analysis highlights the ability of micropayments to prevent attacks and adds the implied ability to manage congestion. Congestion management is a large research area in networking. Micropayments can play a useful role in peer-to-peer systems by helping peers prioritize their use of network bandwidth or access to storage space. Users who really want access will pay accordingly. Of course, such a system favors wealthy users, so it should be balanced against the goal of providing a system with the broadest social benefits. Reputation can also play a role in prioritizing resource allocation. Most economic research relevant for micropayments has focused on owner-side strategies for maximizing profit. AT&T researchers compared flat-fee versus pay-per-use fee methods where the owner is a monopolist and concluded that more revenues are generated with a flat-fee model. page 189 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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