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Option Valuation Chapter 21 Option Values Intrinsic value - profit that could be made if the option was immediately exercised. Call: stock price - exercise price Put: exercise price - stock price Time value - the difference between the option price and the intrinsic value. 21­2 Time Value of Options: Call Option value Value of Call Intrinsic Value Time value X Stock Price 21­3 Factors Influencing Option Values: Calls Factor Effect on value Stock price increases Exercise price decreases Volatility of stock price increases Time to expiration increases Interest rate increases Dividend Rate decreases 21­4 Restrictions on Option Value: Call Value cannot be negative Value cannot exceed the stock value Value of the call must be greater than the value of levered equity C > S0 - ( X + D ) / ( 1 + Rf )T C > S0 - PV ( X ) - PV ( D ) 21­5 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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