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Financial Modeling Topic #4: Portfolio Risk-Return Optimization 1 References • Financial Modeling 3rd Edition by Simon Benninga – Modeling Support – Ch. 8: Portfolio Models – Ch. 9: Efficient Portfolios with Short Sales – Ch. 12: Efficient Portfolios without Short Sales 2 Learning Objectives • Compute optimal portfolio weights that combine risky portfolios and risk free assets – Compute efficient (max return/min risk) and optimal risky portfolios – Compute optimal complete portfolios that combine a risk free asset or borrowing. 3 Data Asset ExpRet StdDev Weights Correl. SPY EFA EEM Covar SPY EFA EEM SPY 6.50% 16.00% 33.33% SPY 1 0.89281 0.544844 SPY 0.025596 0.025711 0.021792 EFA 6.75% 18.00% 33.33% EFA 0.89281 1 0.612985 EFA 0.025711 0.0324 0.027584 EEM 7.75% 25.00% 33.33% EEM 0.544844 0.612985 1 EEM 0.021792 0.027584 0.0625 Portfolio 7.00% 17.34% 100.00% vols*transpose(vols)* correl σ=MMULT(MMULT(TRANSPOSE(W),S),W)^0.5 Asset ExpRet StdDev Rf 2.00% 0.00% Rb 5.50% 0.00% Sharpe BSharpe Portolio Vol ExpRet W(SPY) W(EFA) W(EEM) 17.34% 7.00% 33.33% 33.33% 33.33% Copy,paste,special value,Alt-h-v-v Envelope:Efficient RiskyPortfolioswithNOshort sales(w >=0) Portolio Vol #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 ExpRet W(SPY) W(EFA) W(EEM) 6.50% 6.75% 7.00% 7.25% 7.50% 7.75% CAL-B:Optimal BorrowingPortfolio(Tangencyof RbandEnvelope) CAL:Optimal RiskyPortfolio(Tangencyof Rf andEnvelope) Portolio Vol ExpRet W(SPY) W(EFA) W(EEM) Portolio ORP Rf Vol ExpRet W(SPY) W(EFA) W(EEM) 0.00% 2.00% Rb 0.00% 5.50% OBP 1.5OBP* *Portfoliothat isinvested150%inOBBand-50%Rb Optimal CompletePortfolios--TargetingVol Portfolio Volatility ExpRet W(Rf) W(Rb) W(SPY) W(EFA) W(EEM) Weights W(Risky) V1 18.00% V2 9.00% V3 27.00% 0.00% nguon tai.lieu . vn