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1 PREAMBLE 1.Abriefintroductionofthethesis In natural environment and society fluctuating and developing continually, people need to adapt to integrate rapidly with the change and development. ‘Adapting to junior lecturers’ teaching at the academies, universities of The People’s Public Securities” is a specific adaptation study of junior lecturers’ teaching in the People`s Police. The work is independent. There has never been any authors in Vietnam and in the worldstudyingthisissue,thusitmeetsresearchrequirements. On the basis of generalizing and researching works relating to the research issues, the subject has developed the concept of adapting to teaching of junior lecturers at academies, universities in the People’s PublicSecurity;determiningthestructureandfactorsaffectingadaptingto juniorlecturers’teaching;buildingmeasuresofpedagogicpsychology­to enhance the level of adaptation to junior lecturers’ teaching at academies, universitiesinthepeople’sthePeople’sPublicSecurity. 2.Rationale Teaching quality of lecturers is one of the important factors to ensure the quality of education and training. Party and Government always attach importance to development of teaching staff in and set the direction, proper policy to enhance the quality of teaching staff, meet the requirementsanddemandsofnationaldevelopment. The documents of National Congress XI asserted: "Development of education is a top national policy. Fundamental innovation and comprehensive education of Vietnam is towards standardization, modernization,socialization,democratizationandinternationalintegration,in whichinnovationofeducationmechanismmanagement,developinglecturers and management staff is the key. Grasping the resolutions of the Party, the State, the Ministry of The People’s Public Security has always attached importance to developing, improving the quality of teachers, education managers gradually improving the system of legal documents on construction, developing teachers in the People’s Public Security making important legal basis so that authorities and training establishments unify to implement. Currently, there is considerable disparity between junior lecturers and senior lecturers at the academies, universities in the People’s Public 2 Security about young faculty ratio accounts for 60 ­70% of the teaching staff. Due to the need for scaling up training at academies, universities in the People’s Public Security; and because of the natural laws of the substituting older teachers generation by junior lecturers at academies, universities in the People’s Public Security so the number of junior lecturers is increasing in recent years. This is just a favorable factor but it is hard to develop junior lecturers at the academies, universities in the People’s Public Security. Junior lecturers’ difficulties caused by objective factors, for example, workload is abundant; the nature and extent of teachingrequirehigherandhigher.Therearemanychangesinthecontext of globalization, the development of science, technology and knowledge­ based economy. Therefore, junior lecturers are difficult to implement the responsibilities and tasks assigned, such as the organization and implementation of teaching; compiling teaching materials, scientific research ... Besides, there are other junior lecturers feeling fatigued, stressed in performing teaching. In particular, there are some junior lecturers who are not able to meet the requirements of teaching, and then they are ordered to do other work. Therefore, it is necessary to study theoreticalandpracticalbasisonadaptingtoactivitiesofjuniorlecturersat the academies, universities of The People’s Public Securities to develop measures to aiming at improving adaptive level to the Junior lecturers’ teaching at the academies, universities of The People’s Public Securities, contributing to raising the quality of education and training at the academies,universitiesinthePeople’sPublicSecurity. These years, the academies, universities in the People’s Public Security have taken measures to improve the quality of education and training at academies and schools, especially the measures to improve the quality of teaching for lecturers. However, the in­depth research on adaptation to of junior lecturers’ teaching has not been mentioned. So researching on adapting to junior lecturers’ teaching at the academies, universities in the People’s Public Security is an urgent request from the practical development of academies, universities in the People’s Public Securityinthecurrentperiodtoday. 3.Thepurposeandtasksoftheresearch 3.1.Purposesoftheresearch 3 To clarify the rationale and reality of adapting to activities of junior lecturers at the academies, universities of The People’s Public Securities. The subject proposes some measures of pedagogic psychology­aiming at improvingadaptiveleveltothejuniorlecturers’teachingattheacademies, universitiesofThePeople’sPublicSecurities. 3.2.Researchtasks To achieve the purpose of the study, the subject clarifies the following: ­Clarifyingtherationaleandrealityaboutadaptationtoactivitiesof juniorteachersatacademies,universitiesinthePeople’sPublicSecurity. ­ Study the current status on adapting junior lecturers’ teaching at academies,universitiesinthePeople’sPublicSecurity. ­ Develop measures of pedagogical psychology to enhance adaptation to junior lecturers’ teaching at academies, universities in the People’sPublicSecurity. 4.Objectsandscopeofresearchandscientifictheory 4.1.Theobjectofstudy Adaptingtojuniorlecturers’teaching. 4.2.ScopeofResearch ­Limitingtheobjectofstudy ­Thedegreeofadaptationtojuniorlecturers’teaching. ­Limitingtheobjectofstudy There are 171 junior lecturers who have less than 5 years of experience and are under 35 years old at the People`s Security Academy; People`s Police Academy; College of Engineering ­ Logistics of The People’sPublicSecurity;TheUniversityofFirePreventionFirefighting. 33 managers, leaders of faculties and departments at the Academy of People`s Security; People`s Police Academy; College of Engineering ­ Logistics of the People’s Public Security; The University of Fire PreventionFirefighting. 4.3.Scientifichypothesis Adapting to the junior lecturers’ teaching at the academies, universities lecturers in the People’s Public Security is that the junior teachers have positive change, psychological adjustment to meet the requirements of the teaching at the academies, universities in the People’s 4 Public Security. If clarifying theoretical and reality of adaptation to junior teachers` activities, assessing the real situation of adaptation to their teaching, we will find measures of pedagogic psychology to enhance adaptation level to junior lecturers’ teaching at academies, universities in thePeople’sPublicSecurity. 5. Rationale, reality and research methods 5.1. Rationale, reality The thesis is based on the method of Marxism ­ Leninism and Ho Chi Minh, the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Central Police Party Committee on the formation of the psychological qualities, personality and the building of Socialist people, developing lecturers in the People’s Public Security. The thesis is based on the principles of the methodology of Marxist psychology. Factual basis of the thesis is the junior lecturers’ teaching at academies, universities in the People’s Public Security at present; reporting, summarizing the work of the teaching at academies, universities and through the survey process of junior lecturers’ teaching at academies and universities in the People’s Public Security 5.2. Research methods The thesis uses synthetically research methods in the social sciences, such as: Literature review of studies; observation; survey with questionnaires; seminar, interview; performance analysis; method portrayed; the method of data processing by mathematical statistics. 6. New contributions of the thesis The thesis has the following fundamental contributions: ­ Developing concepts of adaptation to junior lecturers’ teaching at academies, universities in the People’s Public Security; ­ Defining criteria for evaluating adaptation; clarify the characteristics of junior lecturers and teaching characteristics at academies, universities in the People’s Public Security. ­ Identifying psychological structures of adaptation to junior lecturers’ teaching at academies, universities in the People’s Public Security. ­ Assessing the situation of adaptation to junior lecturers’ teaching at academies, universities in the People’s Public Security. 5 ­ Clarifying the factors affecting the adaptation to the junior lecturers’ teaching at academies, universities in the People’s Public Security. ­ Proposing some measures of pedagogical psychology in order to improve the adaptation level to junior lecturers’ teaching at academies, universities in the People’s Public Security. 7.Theoreticalandpracticalsignificanceofthethesis Theoretical: making contributions, developing the theory of adaptation to activities of junior lecturers in general, junior lecturers at academies,anduniversitiesinthePeople’sPublicSecurityinparticular. In practice: providing a theoretical basis and reality for the Party Committees, the Board of Directors, the Board of Rectors of academies and universitiesonleadership,directingtoimprove qualityoflecturersingeneral and junior lecturers in particular to meet the task of protecting national security. Also, the findings of the study are also used as references, research and academic work in teaching, educational administration and leadership at the academies and schools in general and in The People’s Public Security in particular. 8.Structureofthethesis Besidestheintroduction,conclusion,referencesandappendices,the thesishas3chapters,11sections LITERATUREREVIEW 1.Thestudyrelatingtosubjects 1.1.Researchingtheadaptationtotheirprofessionalactivities Occupational adaptation is the process of personal change to meet the requirements of knowledge, attitude and career skills. The authors studying the adaptation to professional activities in the world and in the country often focus on learners, who study in vocational adaptation at schoolsratherthanagencies,businesses... Authors Peter Creed, Tracy Fallon, Michell Hood Griffth University of Australia have research on: "The relationship between occupational adaptation and vocational concerns of young people". Author R.D. Duffy and D.L. Blustein says occupation adaptability is understood as the self­determination of the occupation, own choice of the ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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