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Diploma Thesis cand. ing. Juan Francisco Sánchez Alacid Parameter Studies of a Machine Feed Axis Testbed in Time Domain by Application of Multibody Simulation wbk Institut für Produktionstechnik Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Kaiserstraße 12 D-76131 Karlsruhe Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Fleischer Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. H. Weule wbk Institut für Produktionstechnik Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Kaiserstraße 12 76131 Karlsruhe Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Fleischer Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. H. Weule Diploma Thesis (Diplomarbeit) for Mr. cand. ing. Juan Francisco Sanchez Alacid, Matrikelnr. 1339071, Brazal de la terraza, Nº 18, Patiño (Murcia), Spain Parameter Studies of a Machine Feed Axis Testbed in Time Domain by Application of Multibody Simulation The productivity of a machine tool is determined by its dynamical properties. Hence, it is important to determine those properties as early as possible when designing a new product. Because machine tool manufacturers are forced by an increasing competition to reduce the time to market, virtual prototypes can be used for simulation of the machine tool behavior instead of building and testing cost-extensive physical prototypes. Since a large variety of parameters, such as component stiffness or damping of guides, couplings, ball screw drives and the like, influence the machine tool’s behavior, the influence of those parameters has to be studied. To avoid extensive and expensive hardware testing, simulation is ideally suited to investigate a large number of different parameters and their importance. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the dynamic behavior of a machine tool feed axis testbed by application of multibody simulation to study the effects of parameter variations in time domain. The following tasks have to be carried out: • Illustration of the theoretical background of multibody simulation and parameter varation, • modeling and simulation of the testbed with a multibody simulation tool, • validating the model with experimental data • simulation of parameter variations. Interne Nr. der Arbeit: Tag der Ausgabe: Tag der Abgabe: Betreuer: WHT-02.07.2007 21.12.2007 Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Broos Karlsruhe, 03.12.2007 ___________________________ Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Fleischer wbk Declaration of Autonomy Institut für Produktionstechnik Declaration of Autonomy Herewith I confirm that I wrote this report on my own without using any forbidden help. All the addi- tives I used are completely listed in the bibliography. I marked everything that I absorbed from other papers with or without changes. Karlsruhe, 21.12.2007 __________________________ Juan Francisco Sánchez Alacid Juan Sanchez wbk Acknowledgements Institut für Produktionstechnik Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to thank Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Broos for his trust in me to realize this thesis, despite my difficulties with the English and German language. Without his support, it would have been impossible for me to create my thesis. Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Broos was always there when I had questions or any kind of problems and I want to thank him for his encouragement, support and patience. I would also like to express my gratitude to Mr Xavier Rosel. He spent a lot of time helping with the English during the large period of the realization of this thesis. Last but not least, I want to thank my parents, Juan Sánchez and Paquita Alacid. Without their support and help, it would have been impossible for me to finish my studies. Thanks! Juan Sanchez wbk Table of Contents Institut für Produktionstechnik Table of Contents LIST OF FIGURES VI LIST OF TABLES IX NOMENCLATURE X ABBREVIATIONS XIII 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Motivation...........................................................................................................1 1.2 Objetive..............................................................................................................1 1.3 Structure of this Thesis......................................................................................2 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 3 2.1 Machine Tool Behavior......................................................................................3 2.1.1 Static Behavior.......................................................................................3 2.1.2 Kinematic Behavior................................................................................3 2.1.3 Dynamic Behavior..................................................................................4 2.2 Dynamics of Multibody Systems.....................................................................11 2.2.1 Rigid Body Kinematics.........................................................................11 2.2.2 Kinetic..................................................................................................16 2.3 Software...........................................................................................................18 2.3.1 Catia V5...............................................................................................18 2.3.2 MSC.ADAMS........................................................................................20 3 STATE OF THE ART 27 3.1 Juan Sanchez Modelling in the Mechanics Field.....................................................................27 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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