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2015 - 2016
Exam number 1:
Question 1:
In 12.36 which digit is in the ones place?

a. 3

b. 2

c. 1

d. 6
Question 2:
Which of following decimal numbers should be replace the question mark?

a. 0.7

b. 0.6

c. 0.8

d. 0.9
Question 3:
Write 12/100 as a decimal number.

a. 12

b. 1.2

c. 0.12

d. 0.012
Question 4:

What decimal number is shown?

a. 0.3

b. 0.5

c. 0.4

d. 0.2
Question 5:
Write 2.25 as a mixed number in the simplest form.


b. 225/100


Question 6:
Write the decimal number "six and three hundredth" using digits.

a. 3.6

b. 6.3

c. 3.06

d. 6.03
Question 7:
Convert 25g = ............. kg.
Write your answer by decimal in the simplest form.

a. 0.025

b. 0.25

c. 2500

d. 2.5
Question 8:
Write numbers below in order from least to greatest.
3/12; 4/5; 0.75; 0.23

a. 3/12; 0.23; 0.75; 4/5

b. 0.23; 3/12; 0.75; 4/5

c. 3/12; 4/5; 0.75; 0.23

d. 0.23; 3/12; 4/5; 0.75
Question 9:
If x is a natural number and x < 2876/100 then the greatest value of x is:

a. 287

b. 28

c. 27

d. 2876
Question 10:
Find x if ab4,938 < ab4,9x6 < ab4,953.
Answer: x = ............

a. 6

b. 4

c. 5

d. 3
Exam number 2: Choose 2 consecutive cells which have the same or equal value.

(1) = .......; (2) = ........; (3) = ..........; (4) = ..........; (6) = .........; (7) = ........; (8) = .........; (9)
= ........; (10) = .........; (13) = .........
Exam number 3:
Question 1:
Fill in the blank with the correct decimal number:
9/100 kg = .............kg.
Write your answer by decimal in the simplest form.
Question 2:
Write 47/100 as a decimal number in the simplest form.
Answer: .............
Question 3:
In 348.256, which digit is in the tenths place?
Answer: ...........
Question 4:
In 348.256, which digit is in the tens place?
Answer: ...........

Question 5:
4/10 + 6/1000 = .............
Write your answer by decimal in the simplest form.
Question 6:
I have two digits in the decimal part. I am greater than 75 but less than 80 What least
possible number am I?
Answer: ............
Question 7:
Find the value of p.

Answer: p = ............
Write your answer as a decimal in the simplest form.
Question 8:
Fill in the blank with the correct number.
3/100 m = ............cm
Question 9:
If p and q are consecutive natural numbers and 9.062 < p + q < 12.988 then p x q =
Question 10:
If n is a natural number and n < 12.03 < n + 5 the the smallest value of n is ..............

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