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2015 - 2016
Exam number 1: Fill in the blank with the suitable number.
Question 1:
Mary has 30 packs of candies. There are 11 candies in each pack. Mary has ..........
candies in all.
Question 2:
Calculate: 2015 + 99 x 2015 = ...........
Question 3:
Convert: 3m2 = ..............cm2
Question 4:
42 x 11 = ...........
Question 5:
300m2 + 400m2 = .............. dm2
Question 6:
The sum of two numbers is 156 and their difference is 12. What is the smaller number?
Answer: ...............
Question 7:
The value of M = (125 x 4 + 500 : 2) x 100 is ............
Question 8:

The clock shows the last time Anna saw before she sleeps. She wakes up at 6:15am. How
long did she sleep?
She slept ............. minutes.
Question 9:
If the number 386a is divisible by 6 then a = ............
Question 10:
Arrange the digits in the number 371059 to form a new number with the greatest value.
Answer: ..............
Exam number 2:
Question 1:
Calculate: 205 x 3 + 205 x 7 = ..............

a. 2050

b. 2005

c. 20050

d. 20500
Question 2:
The average of 57 and M is 43. The value of M is ..................

a. 14

b. 29

c. 71

d. 35
Question 3:
Which of following number is divisible by 9?

a. 63636

b. 9991

c. 54720

d. 36363
Question 4:
13000cm2 = ............ dm2.
The correct number fill in the blank is .............

a. 1300

b. 130000

c. 13

d. 130
Question 5:
John forgot the number of people at volleyball game. He remembers that the number had
a digit 5 in the tens place. Which of following number could John be thinking of?

a. 5312

b. 1253

c. 1325

d. 1523
Question 6:
Orange Hill is 578 feet high. Banana Hill is 235 feet high. How many feet higher is
Orange Hill more than Banana Hill?

a. 344 feet

b. 434 feet

c. 813 feet

d. 343 feet
Question 7:
If the cost of 5kg of coffee is $160 then the cost of 8kg of coffee is ............

a. $248

b. $264

c. $256

d. $250
Question 8:

Write the following as a numeral: nine hundred thousand

a. 90000

b. 990000

c. 9900

d. 900000
Question 9:
John has 15 candies and Tom has 31 candies. How many candies does Tom need to give
to John so that each boy will have the same number of candies?

a. 4

b. 16

c. 8

d. 10
Question 10:

Choose the best answer to fill the "??" mark.

a. a

b. b

c. c

d. d

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