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  1. ĐỀ THI THỬ TN – ĐH NĂM 2011 - ĐÊ 4 Câu 1: He found a watch in the street, and then he ________ to return it to the loser. A. had tried B. was trying C. tried D. had been trying Câu 2: Hung doesn't take his matters ________ good consideration. A. for B. about C. into D. of Câu 3: ________ test was given, our class leader managed to get good marks. A. Whenever B. Whatever C. However D. Wherever Câu 4: They couldn't finish it ________ there was no adequate support. A. because B. because of C. why D. so long Câu 5: laser / be / great use / many science, / especially / medicine // A. Lasers are in great use, according to many scientists, especially in medicine. B. The great use of lasers is in medicine, especially for many sciences. C. Lasers are the great use, and many sciences, especially medicine. D. Lasers are of great use in many sciences, especially in medicine. Câu 6: If he really doesn't feel like _________ now, I suggest that he should go out for some fresh air.
  2. A. work B. to work C. working D. worked Câu 7: The film will end when you have finished dinner. A. By the time you finish dinner, the film will have ended. B. By the time you have finished dinner, the film will end. C. You finish dinner, and then the film will end. D. By the time you finishing dinner, the film will have ended. Câu 8: ________ can change his way of thinking. A. What B. Nowhere C. Nothing D. Not anything Câu 9: Every man and woman ________ responsible for what he or she does. A. is B. are C. be D. have been Câu 10: It was such ________ news that they all sat there saying nothing. A. worry B. worried C. worrying D. worryingly Câu 11: If a driver _________ suddenly on a wet road, he will skid. A. braked B. braking C. brakes D. will brake Câu 12:
  3. It is such an important matter _______ I can't decide anything about it myself. A. so B. because C. that D. if Câu 13: _______ other workers' constant objection, the director dimissed the worker. A. Because B. Because of C. Although D. In spite of Câu 14: The teacher explained the lesson twice _______ the students understood it clearly. A. as long as B. so that C. because D. as if Câu 15: Peter looks _______ he hasn't been able to sleep for some time. A. as though B. as for C. as well as D. as far as Câu 16: You can use my car, but return it to me before 8 this evening. A. You can return my car when you finish using it at 8 this evening. B. If you return the car to me before 8, you can't use it. C. You and I can take turns to use my car before 8 this evening. D. Provided that you return my car before 8 this evening, you can use it. Câu 17: We haven't seen each other ______ last January. A. for B. on C. since
  4. D. in Câu 18: My house is not too far _______ my school. A. from B. away C. about D. off Câu 19: They stepped _______ the stairs many times just for fun. A. to and fro B. back and forth C. up and down D. in and about Câu 20: Alice has been absent _______ the last two classes. A. in B. from C. away D. for Câu 21: I'm very grateful _______ you for your kindness. A. to B. for C. of D. about Câu 22: When do you plan to leave _______ Da Nang? A. to B. into C. for D. at Câu 23: She was able to carry _______ all the tasks assigned to her.
  5. A. away B. out C. on D. off Câu 24: Does he tell you how he is getting _______ his new colleagues? A. on with B. on of C. away with D. out of Câu 25: The thief is said to have broken _______ the house through the bathroom window. A. off B. down C. into D. through Câu 26: You'd better reduce the amount of fat you take in every day. A. You should eat more fat every day. B. The amount of fat you take in is reduced well. C. You ought to cut down on the amount of your everyday fat intake. D. It is better for you to eat as much fat as you can every day. Câu 27: Mr. Brown said, 'Could you please wait here about half an hour?' A. Mr. Brown asked me if I had been able to wait there about half an hour. B. Mr. Brown asked me if I could wait there about half an hour. C. Mr. Brown asked me to wait there about half an hour. D. Mr. Brown asked me if I was pleased to wait there about half an hour. Câu 28: 'No, I didn't steal anything from her,' said Henry. A. Henry confirmed that he had stolen things from her. B. Henry refused to steal things from her. C. Henry denied stealing things from her. D. Henry said no to stealing things from her. Câu 29:
  6. 'Unless you give me a pay rise, I'll resign,' said Mike. A. Mike asked for a pay rise before he would resign. B. Mike asked to resign without a pay rise. C. Mike threatened to resign if he didn't have a pay rise. D. Mike was asked to resign without any pay rise. Câu 30: 'Would you mind if I smoked in here?' said the man. A. The man wanted me not to smoke in there. B. The man wanted me to smoke in there. C. The man asked for permission to smoke in there. D. The man offered me a cigarette to smoke in there. Câu 31: Your money will be refunded if the goods prove to be ________. A. satisfying B. dissatisfied C. satisfactory D. unsatisfactory Câu 32: There's still a lot to be done about the _________ of the victims in the earth- quake. A. houses B. housework C. household D. re-housing Câu 33: It is tiring to talk to such _________-minded person. A. conservative B. conserved C. conservation D. conserving Câu 34: He became one of the most _________ actors in Vietnam. A. success B. successful C. successfully
  7. D. successive Câu 35: As students, you _______ show your disrespect to your teachers. A. must B. should C. mustn't D. needn't Câu 36: I _______ ride a bicycle when I was only 6 years old. A. could B. might C. would D. must Câu 37: She _______ have been the one who caused the damage, I think. She was not home then. A. must B. mustn't C. needn't D. can't Câu 38: _____________ she was an hour late, she didn't apologize. A. In spite of B. Even though C. However D. Because Câu 39: The religious wedding _____________ takes place in a church. A. performance B. marriage C. ceremony D. engagement Câu 40:
  8. I think he's a really good live performer, and his songs are excelle nt. ___________ you can't hear the words because the music is too loud. A. The trouble is B. In fact C. On the whole D. What's more Câu 41: This is a _________ measure to cope with the problem. A. weighty B. underweight C. overweight D. weightless Câu 42: May I borrow your car tonight, dad? A. Would you mind letting me drive your car tonight, dad? B. I'd like to lend you my car tonight, dad. C. Shall I borrow your car tonight, dad? D. You don't lend me your car tonight, do you? Câu 43: If you have finished your homework by midnight you can go to the party. A. Unless you go to the party, you can't finish your homework by midnight. B. Having finished your homework by midnight, you will go to the party. C. Unless you finish your homework by midnight, you can't go to the party. D. The party is held at midnight when you have finished your homework. Câu 44: He never has any successful results, even though he tries hard. A. However successful he is, he never tries hard. B. His hard work results in his successful result. C. He doesn't seem to succeed in anything however hard he tries. D. He never tries hard, so he never has any successful results. Câu 45: That teacher is a(n) _______ one. His pupils like his sense of humor. A. amusing B. amused C. amusement
  9. D. self-amused Câu 46: There was a long pause. The seconds went ______ slowly. A. by B. away C. on D. in Câu 47: The road has just been ______ for better flows of traffic. A. width B. wide C. widely D. widened Câu 48: You act as though you didn't study this before. A. You didn't study this before coming here. B. You don't seem to have learnt this before. C. Your reaction to this means you have studied before. D. Before you act something, you should study this. Câu 49: We _____ for him for 10 minutes. A. wait B. will have waited C. have been waiting D. waited Câu 50: She was out with some friends until late last night. She _____ have been the one who stole the watch. A. can't B. needn't C. wouldn't D. mustn't Câu 51: About fifty percent of all milk ______ from dairy cows is used to make cheese.
  10. A. is obtained B. will be obtained C. obtained D. when it is obtaining Câu 52: Time goes ________ very slowly when we are waiting. A. out B. off C. away D. by Câu 53: Whenever we meet, she avoids ________ at me. A. look B. looking C. to look D. being looked Câu 54: Hung doesn't take good care ________ himself. A. for B. about C. in D. of Câu 55: ________ does it take you to do the washing? A. How fast B. What speed C. How long D. What time Câu 56: Practice ________ English anywhere you can is a way to better your speaking skill. A. to speak B. speak C. speaking D. for speaking
  11. Câu 57: Mary ________ lazy preparing her lesson last night. A. should be B. shouldn't be C. should have been D. shouldn't have been Câu 58: The boy forgot ________ the newspaper for his father on his way home. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought Câu 59: It was an _________ trip that we had last week. A. eventful B. event C. events D. eventfully Câu 60: It was a long time ago when I saw a movie. A. I spent a long time looking for a movie to see. B. I have seen some movies so far. C. I have seen a number of movies lately. D. It is a long time since I saw a movie.
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