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ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 NH : 2014 ­ 2015 ÑEÀ CÖÔNG OÂN TAÄP MOÂNANH LÔÙP 8 HOÏC KÌ II – NAÊM HOÏC 2008 – 2009 1. Present Simple tense.( Thì hieän taïi ñôn) - Use:Ñeådieãntaûcaùcsöïvieäcmoätcaùchtoångquaùt,khoângnhaátthieátchænghóñeánhieäntaïi. Taduøngthìnaøyñeånoùiñeánmoatsöïvieäcnaøoñoùxaûyralieântuïc,laëpñilaëplaïinhieàulaàn,hay moâtñieàugìñoùluoânluoânñuùng,duøchosöïvieäcñoùcoùxaûyrangaytaïiluùcnoùihaykhoânglaø ñieàukhoângquantroïng. - Form: (+ ) S + V/V + ……………………. Ex -The earth goes around the sun. ( - ) S + don’t/doesn’t + V+ ……………….. Sunday. ( ? ) Do/Does + S + V + ………………….? -We don’t have classes on - Does Lan speak French? 2. (not ) adjective + enough + infinitive (khoâng)ñuû ……………….. ñeå Ex:Thewaterishotenoughformetodrink. Sheisn’toldenoughtobeinmyclass 3. Near Future: Be going to ( thì töông lai gaàn ) - Form:S+is/am/are+goingto+Vinf - Use:Duøngkhinoùi veàmoätvieäcmaøaiñoùquyeátñònhseõlaømhaydöïñònhseõlaømtrongtöông lai. Ex:ThereisagoodfilmonTV tonight.I’mgoingtostayhometowatchTV . - Note:Begoingtocoønduøngñeådöïñoaùnmoättìnhhuoángcoùtheåxaûyra Ex:I feeltired.I thinkI’mgoingtobesick. 4. Adverb of place ( Traïng töø chæ nôi choán ): out side, inside, there, here, upstairs, downstairs ,next to ,under ,………….. Ex: The money was finally found under the boards. 5. Reflexive pronouns.( Ñaïi töø phaûn thaân):myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself, ourselves,yourselves,themselves. - Dieãntaûhaønhñoängtrôûlaïivôùichínhngöôøithöïchieän. +Noùcoùtheålaømtuùctöø(Object) Ex:Becareful..You’ll cutyourself. +Noùñöùngngaysautöømaønoùlaømmaïnhnghóa.Ex:Ansentthisletteritself. ­ Ñaïitöøphaûnthaânlaømmaïnhnghóachochuûtöø.Noùñöùngngaysauchuûtöø,hoaëcñöùngôûcuoái meänhñeà/caâu.Ex:Maryherself cleanedthefloor. 6. Modal verbs - Form:+S +modalverb +V +………. - S +modalverb +not +V +……… ? Modalverb +S +V +………….? - Modalverb:must,oughtto,haveto,should Ex:I cansingverywell. Ex:Hoamaynotcometothepartytomorrow. Ex: MayI comein? * MUST : laøkhieámtrôïñoängtöø(amodal)dieãntaûsöïbaétbuoächaysöïcaànthieátcoùtínhchuû quan-docaûmnghócuûangöôøinoùi.(Ex:Hemust dothisexerciseagain.),haydieãntaûtínhquitaéchay leàluaät.(Ex:Wemust driveontheright.) * HAVE TO :dieãntaûsöïbaétbuoächaysöïcaànthieátcoùtínhkhaùchquan– doyeáutoábeânngoaøi. Ex:Youreyesareweak.Youhave to wearglasses. * OUGHT TO + V(baseform)(neân):dieãntaûlôøikhuyeân.Ex:Weought to obeyourparents. * SHOULD: dieãntaûlôøikhuyeân Ex:Youshouldhelptheneededchildren. Trang1 ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 NH : 2014 ­ 2015 * MAY / CAN / COULD : ñöôïcduøngñeådieãntaûlôøiyeâucaàuhayñeànghò - Yeâucaàusöïgiuùpñôõ: Can / Could + you + V + O / A,please ?(Ex:Canyouhelpme,please.) - Ñeànghògiuùpai:May + I + V + O/A ?; Let + me + V + O/A. ; Do you need any help? Shall + I + V + O / A ? Ex:MayI helpyou? * WILL:duøngñeådieãntaûlôøiyeâucaàu,ñeànghòhoaëclôøihöùa ­ Will + you + V + O + A / M , please? Dieãntaûlôøiyeâucaàu. Ex:Will youturnofthefan,please?I’mcold. - I + will + V + O + A / M ? dieãntaûlôøiñeànghòlaømñieàugìchoai. Ex:Thephoneisringing.I’ll answerforyou. - S + will + V + O + A / M ? dieãntaûlôøihöùa.Ex:I’msory.Thiswon’thappenagain. * Would / Do you + mind + . . . + ? dieãntaûlôøiyeâucaàulòchsöï. ­ Would you mind + V­ing ( gerund) ? Ex:Wouldyoumindtelling metheresultoftheexam. - Would / Do you mind if + I + V . . .? dieãntaûyeâucaàuñöôïclaømñieàugì Ex:Would you mind if I opened thewindow? Do you mind if I open thewindow? 7. Questions with “WHY”:Duøngñeåhoûiveànguyeânnhaânhaylyùdo Why + do / aux. V + S + VIB + O . . . ? Ex:Why do theycover theelectricsockets? ÑeåtraûlôøichocaâuhoûivôùiWHY tacoùtheåduøng: - Meänhñeàvôùi“because”.Ex:Whydoyougetupearly?– BecauseI wanttodoexercise. - Cuïmñoängtöønguyeânmaãu.Ex:Whydoyoudoexercise?– Tokeephealthy. 8. Past Simple Tense (Thì quaù khöù ñôn) - Use:Dieãntaûhaønhñoängxaûyravaøkeátthuùctaïimoätthôøiñieåmxaùcñònhôûquaùkhöù - Form: + S + V gular) / V2 ( column irregular) + ………… Ex : - He arrived here yesterday. - S + didn’t + V + …………………. - She didn’t go to school yesterday. ? Did + S + V + …………………… ? - Did you clean this table? - Note:Thìquaùkhöùñônthöôøngñöôïcduøngvôùicaùccumtöøchæthôøigianxaùc ñònhôûquaùkhöù: last week/month/year...,aweek/3days/5months...,yesterday,yesterday morning/evening,In+naêm,from 2000to2005 - Caùchñoïccaùcñoângtöøôûquaùkhöùñônvôùi“ED”: +“ED”:ñöôïcñoïclaø/t/khinhöõngñoängtöønguyeânmaãucoùaâmtaäncuønglaø Ex:laughed,asked,helped,watch,pushed,dressed,…………… +“ED”:ñöôcïñoïclaø/id/khinhöõngñoängtöønguyeânmaãucoùaâmtaäncuønglaøt,d. Ex:needed,wanted,waited,…….. +“ED”:ñöôcïñoïclaø/d/khinhöõngñoängtöønguyeânmaãucoùaâmtaäncuønglaøcaùcaâmcoønlaïi Ex:enjoyed,saved,filled,………. 9. Preposition of time ( Giôùi töø chæ thôøi gian ) : at,in,on,from...to,for,by - AT : +moätñieåmthôøigiancuïtheå +night Ex:Wehaveclassatoneo’clock. Ex:I sleepatnight. ­ IN : +thaùng/naêmcuïtheå Ex:I wasborn1994 +themorning/afternoon/evening ­ ON: +ngaøytrongtuaàn +ngaøythaùngnaêm Ex:Wehaveclassinthemorning. Ex:WehaveclassonMonday. Ex:I wasbornonApril6,2006 ­ FROM +moätñieåmthôøigian+TO +moätñieåmthôøigian Ex:Wehaveclassfrom7.00to10.15 - FOR: +moätkhoaûngthôøigian:ñeånoùiraèngmoätcaùigìñoùdieãnrabaolaâuroài Ex:Wewalkedfor2hourstoreachthewaterfall. Trang2 ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 NH : 2014 ­ 2015 10. Used to + V(bare form) :dieãntaûmoätthoùiquentrongquaùkhöùnaykhoângcoøn Ex:Heusedtoplaytennis. * Note:Söïtöôngphaûn:USEDTO+V(bareform)(Ñaõtöøng) BE/GET+USEDTO+NOUNPHRASE /GERUND(Quen) Ex:Bawasborninafamerfamily.He’susedtoworkinginthesun. 11. Adverb of Manner( Traïng töø chæ theå caùch ):thöôøngtheosautaânngöõneáucoù ñasoátraïngtöøchætheåcaùchñöôïccaáutaïotöøtínhtöøtheâmhaäutoáLY :adjective+ly=adverb Ex:Thismandrivescarefully. 12. Commands, requests and advice in reported speech * Commands in reported speech: Caâumeänhleänhôûlôøinoùigiaùntieáp ( Don’t ) + V + O / A S + told / ordered . . . + O + ( not ) + infinitive + O / A Ex:“Turnoffthelightbeforegoingtopbed,”mymothersaidtome. Mymothertold metoturnofthelightbeforegoingtopbed. Ex:“Don’tplaywithmatches,”themothersaid. Themotherwarned herchildnottoplaywithmatches. * Requests in reported speech: Caâuyeâucaàuôûlôøinoùigiaùntieáp Please + (don’t ) + V + O / A hoaëc ( Don’t ) + V + O / A , please S + asked / begged . . . + O + ( not ) + infinitive + O / A Ex:Pleaseturn on thelight. Heaskedmeto turn on thelight. Ex:Pleasedon’tmakeanoisehere. Theyaskedusnottomakeanoisethere. * Advice in reported speech:Lôøikhuyeânôlôøinoùigiaùntieáp.Lôøikhuyeâncoùcaáutruùc: ­ S + should / ought to / had better + V + O / A. ­ Why don’t + you + V + O / A ? ­ If I were + O , I’d (not ) + V + O / A . S + advised + O + ( not ) infinitive + O/A. Ex:“You’d better workhardforexam,”Tomsaidtohisbrother. Tomadvised hisbrotherto study hardfortheexam. “If I wereyou,I’dnotdosuchathing,”MaisaidtoLan. Maiadvised Lannot to do suchathing. 13. Gerund (danh ñoäng töø ) : laø daïng ñoäng töø taän cuøng baèng “ – ING” vaø coù chöùc naêng cuûa moät danh töø. Noù coù theå laøm : - Chuûngöõ: - Taânngöõ Ex: Smoking isharmfultohealth. Ex: We’rethinkingabout raising ourclass’sfund. Ex: Wepractise speaking Englishinclass. - Laømboåtöøchochuûtöø Ex: Myinterestiscollecting stamps. - Töøñoàngvò Ex: Hehasonedesire, taking care of his old parents. - Theosaumoätsoáñoängtöø: Ex:I’dlikereading books. 14. Present perfect tense( Thì hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh ) - Use:-Duøngñeåmieâutaûmoäthaønhñoängxaûyratrongquaùkhöùnhöngkeátquaûcoønlöuñeán hieäntaïi - Duøngñeåmieâutaûmoäthaønhñoängvöøamôùixaûyra(taduøngvôùiJUST) - Duøngñeåmieâutaûmoäthaønhñoängñöôïchoaøntaátsôùmhônsöïmongñôïi(taduøngvôùi ALREADY) Ex:I havealreadyfinishedthiswork. - Duøngñeåmieâutaûmoäthaønhñoängtöøtröôùcñeángiôøchöaheàhoaëckhoângheàxaûyra(ta duøngvôùiEVER –NEVER).Ex:HaveyoueverbeentoHue?I havenevergone. ­ Duøngñeåmieâutaûmoäthaønhñoängñaõxaûyratrongquaùkhöùtínhñeánnayñaõxaûyra ñöôïcbaolaâu(FOR)hoaëcñaõxaûyratöøluùcnaøo(Since) Trang3 ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 2015 * For : Chæthôøigiankeùodaøibaolaâu. * Since: thôøigianbaétñaàutöøluùcnaøo NH : 2014 ­ Ex:YouhavestudiedEnglishfor4years. Ex:ShehasstudiedEnglishsince2003. 15. Comparison of adjectives and adverbs 1. So saùnh baèng - Daïngkhaúngñònh: S + V + as + adj / adv + as + Noun Ex:MaiisastallasLan. - Daïngphuûñònh: S + V + not + as / so + adj / adv + as + Noun Ex:Maiisn’t as/sotallasLan 2. Similarity ( Söï töông ñoàng) :Ñeådieãntaûsöïtöôngñoàng,tacoùtheåduøng: ­ LIKE (gioáng,nhö) - THE SAME AS (gioángnhö) - DIFFERENT FROM (khaùcvôùi) Ex:He‘slikehisfather. Ex:YourshirtisthesameasBa’s. Ex:He’sdifferentfromhismother. * Note: “THE SAME + noun + AS”cuõngñöôïcduøngñeådieãntaûsöïtöôngñoànghaybaèngnhau. Ex:Heisthesameageasmybrother. He’sasoldasmybrother. 16­ Present progressive Tense ( Thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn ) - Use:Dieãntaûmoäthaønhñoängxaûyravaøoñuùngthôøiñieåmnoùi. -Form : + S + is / am/ are ++ V…………… Ex : I’m learning English now. - S + is / am/ are + not + V-ing + …… He isn’t learning English now. ? Is / Am / Are + S + V-ing + ………? Is he reading books now? - Note: Thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn thöôøng duøng keøm vôùi caùc traïng töø : now, right now,at present , at the moment ñeå nhaán maïnh tính chaát ñang dieãn tieán cuûa haønh ñoäng ôû ngay luùc noùi . 17­ Comparative and superlative adjectives ( So saùnh hôn vaø nhaát ) 2. So saùnh hôn - Tínhtöøcoùmoätaâmtieát: Adjective –er + than Ex:I’mstrongerthanyou. - Tínhtöøcoùhaiaâmtieáttrôûleân:More + adj +than Ex:Mysisterismorebeautifulthanme. 3So saùnh hôn nhaát -Tínhtöøcoùmoätaâmtieát: The + Adj –est Ex:Thistoweristhetallest. - Tínhtöøcoùhaiaâmtieáttrôûleân:The + most + adj Ex:Hoaisthemostbeautifulinmyclass Note : Moät soá tính töø baát qui taéc Good - better - the best Bad - worse - the worst fas - farther - the farthest further - the furthest 18. Adjectives followed by an infinitive or a clause. (Tínhtöøñöôïctheosaubôûimoätñoängtöønguyeânmaãuhaymoätmeänhñeà.) 1.Tínhtöøchæcaûmgiaùcthöôøngñöôïctheosaubôûimoätcuïmñoängtöønguyeânmaãu(infinitive phrase). S + be + adjective + (not) infinitive phrase. Ex.:I’mgladtomeetyouagain. Hewassurprisedtogetmeletter. Moätsoátínhtöøkhaùcnhö:sure,certain,right,careful,lucky,wrong,… ñöôïctheosaubôûimoätcuïm ñoängtöønguyeânmaãu.Ex.:He’scertaintowinthegame. Becarefulnottodirtythepicture. 2.Moätsoátínhtöøcoùtheåñöôïctheosaubôûimoätmeänhñeàdanhtöø(anounclause). Ex:I’mglad(that)youcanmakeit. 19. In order to – so as to + V(baseform):ñöôïcduøngñeådieãntaûmuïcñích Ex:He’ssavingmoneyin order to / so as to goonholidaynextsummer. 20. Future simple Tense ( Thì töông lai ñôn) - Use : Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng seõ xaûy ra taïi moät thôøi ñieåm naøo ñoù trong töông lai. - Form : + S + will / shall + V + …………… Ex: He will finish his homework tomorrow . Trang4 ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 2015 - S+ won’t / shan’t + V + ……………….. week. ? Will / Shall + S + V + …………………. ? 21 . The passive form (voice) NH : 2014 ­ Lan won’t go to the zoo next Will you do this exercise ? Form: BE + V/V-ed (past participle) Ex: They sell jeans all over the world. => Jeans are sold all over the world. Note: - Khi chuû ngöõ caâu chuû ñoäng laø: THEY, PEOPLE, SOMEONE, NO ONE, ANYONE thì khi ñoåi sang caâu bò ñoäng khoâng coù By agent . Nhöng khi danh töø laøm chuû ngöõ baét buoäc phaûi coù agent - Vôùi ñoäng töø ñaëc bieät (modal verbs): CAN, MUST, MAY, MIGHT, SHOULD, WILL,. . . ta phaûi theâm BE tröôùc khi chuyeån ñoäng töø chính sang daïng PAST PARTICIPLE. Modal verb Simple present Simple past Near future Simple future Present perfect tense Present progressive Past progressive S + modal verb + be + V­ed / V3 (past participle) + (by agent) S + am/is/are + V­ed / V3 (past participle) + (by agent) S + was/were + V­ed / V3 (past participle) + (by agent) S + am/is/are + going to be + V­ed / V3 (past participle) + (by agent) S + will/shall be + V­ed / V3 (past participle) + (by agent) S + have been + V­ed / V3 (past participle) + (by agent) S + am/is/are + being + V­ed / V3 (past participle) + (by agent) S + was/were + being + V­ed / V3 (past participle) + (by agent) Ex:Youmustdothisexercisecarefully.=>Thisexercisemustbedonecarefully. 22. ­ed and ­ing participle( Quaù khöù vaø hieän taïi phaân töø ) ­ Hieân taïi phaân töø “­ ING” coøngoïilaøphaântöøtaùcñoäng.Duøngtrongcaâuchuûñoäng,ñöôïc thaønhlaäpbaèngcaùchtheâm–ingsauñoängtöø.Ex:Hisjobisboring. ­ Quaù khöù phaân töø “ – ED” coøngoïilaøphaântöøbòtaùcñoäng.Duøngtrongcaâuchuûñoäng, ñöôïcthaønhlaäpbaèngcaùchtheâm–ed(regular)hoaëccoät3baátquitaéc(irregular). Ex:Thisclockis broken. * Quaù khöù vaø hieän taïi phaân töø : Ñöùngtröôùcdanhtöø,hoaëcsauñoängtöølieânkeát. Ex:A tired workerissleepingonthechair. Thestoryisinteresting * Quaù khöù vaø hieän taïi phaân töø: ñöôïcduøngñeåruùtgoïnmeänhñeàtínhtöø: Hieäntaïihoaëc quaùkhöù phaântöø (cuïmhieäntaïiphaântöøhoaëccuïmquaùkhöùquantöøñöùngsaudanhtöøhoaëc cuïmdanhtöøboåsungyùnghóachodanhtöøhoaëccuïmdanhtöøñoù. Ex:Theboyisinmyclass.He’sreadingabook. Theboyreading a book isinmyclass. Therearemanybooks.TheyarewritteninEnglish. Therearemanybookswritten in English. 23. Past progressive ( Thì quaù khöù tieáp dieãn ) - Form:WAS / WERE + Present pasticiple (V-ing) - Use:- dieãntaûsöïkieänxaûyraôûmoätthôøiñieåmcuïtheå(giôø)trongquaùkhöù Ex:Whatwere you doing at2p.m.yesterday? - dieãntaûmoätsöïkieänñangdieãntieánbaátchôïtmoätsöïkieänkhaùcxaûyñeánôûquaùkhöù. Ex:LastnightwhenI was doing homework,theelectricitywentout. - dieãntaûhaihaynhieàusöïkieänxaûyracuøngmoätluùcsongsongôûquaùkhöù Ex:LastFridayasI was swimming atthepool,myfatherwas visiting theCityMuseum. * Note:ThìùkhöùtieápdieãnthöôøngduøngvôùiWHEN,WHILE hayAS ñeåchæsöïkieänñangdieãn tieán. * ALWAYS with the past progressive: always duøngvôùithìtieápdieãnñeådieãntaûsöïkieänthöôøng xuyeânxaûyravôùisöïkhoânghaøiloønghaythanphieàn(Ex:Hewasalwayscomingtoworklate.) 24.Compound nouns ( danh töø keùp) Trang5 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
nguon tai.lieu . vn