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  3. 1,OOO Everyday idioms in business 1.OOO IModismos empresariales de use diario Contents - Contenido Introduction • Introduction 22. Mistakes • Los errores 85 1. Fundamentals • Fundamentos 1 Exercise 88 Exercise 4 23. Criticism • La crftica 89 2. Time • El tiempo 5 Exercise 92 Exercise 8 24. Reactions • Las reacciones 93 3. Money • El dinero 9 Exercise 96 Exercise 12 25. Opportunities • Las oportunidades . 97 4. Information • La informaci6n 13 Exercise 100 Exercise 16 26. Risk • El riesgo 101 5. Experience • La experiencia 17 Exercise 104 Exercise 20 27. Competition • La competencia . . . . 105 6. Work • El trabajo 21 Exercise 108 Exercise 24 28. Teamwork • El trabajo en equipo . . 109 7. Routine • La rutina 25 Exercise 112 Exercise 28 29. Quality • La calidad 113 8. Trading • Las transacciones 29 Exercise 116 Exercise 32 30. Negotiations • Las negociaciones . 1 1 7 9. Thinking • El pensamiento 33 Exercise 120 Exercise 36 31. Results • Los resultados 121 10. Understanding • La comprensi6n ... 37 Exercise 124 Exercise 40 32. Responsibility • La responsabilidad 125 11. Discussions • Los debates 41 Exercise 128 Exercise 44 33. Ethics • La etica 129 12. Meetings • Las reuniones 45 Exercise 132 Exercise 48 34. Psychology • La psicologia 133 13. Speaking • La conversaci6n 49 Exercise 136 Exercise 52 35. Colleagues • Los companeros . . . . 137 14. Decisions • Las decisiones 53 Exercise 140 Exercise 56 36. Politics • La politica 141 15. Priorities • Las prioridades 57 Exercise 144 Exercise 60 37. Careers • Las carreras 145 16. Planning • La planificaci6n 61 Exercise 148 Exercise 64 38. Contacts • Los contactos 149 17. Problems • Los problemas 65 Exercise 152 Exercise 68 39. Socialising • Las relaciones sociales 1 53 18. Emergencies • Las emergencies . . . . 69 Exercise 156 Exercise 72 40. Miscellaneous • Varies 157 19. Action • La acci6n 73 Exercise 160 Exercise 76 20. Success • El exito 77 Exercise 80 Answers 1 61 21. Failure • El fracaso 81 Index 185 Exercise 84
  4. Introduction This book has been designed for interme- Within the unit, each idiom is presented diate and advanced learners of English in a specific situation, the majority of the who want to increase their understand- illustrative sentences having been ing of everyday spoken English, especially adapted from authentic sources like the as it is used in a business context. The "Financial Times", "Fortune", "Business book will help you learn 1,000 common Week", and "Forbes". (Although the exam- idiomatic expressions, all of which are cur- ples are drawn from sources worldwide, rent, and all of which are known and British spelling is used throughout the used by native English speakers every- book for the sake of consistency.) where. It is suitable for both self-study The second part of each unit consists of and classroom work with a teacher. exercises, which not only test your com- Many people in business think that a prehension and assimilation of this mate- knowledge of idiomatic English is a kind rial but also add to your understanding of linguistic optional extra, adding colour by providing literal definitions of each idiom in English, as well as further short to the language but otherwise not strictly essential. This view, needless to say, is er- examples of how to use them. For the roneous, for many idioms are as fre- benefit of students working on their own, quently used and as necessary as the an answer key to the exercises can be most basic words. Indeed idioms are of- found at the end of the book. An index of ten composed of the most basic words, keywords is also provided to enable you although these are grouped in a meta- to find any particular idiom quickly. phorical shorthand for more complex The English language contains many, ideas: "You're pulling my leg", "He's cook- many thousands of idioms, and many of ing the books", "It's gone to the dogs", these exist in variant forms. Such abun- "There's more to this than meets the eye", dance is daunting, so in studying idioms and so on. Taken separately, each word is it is important to have realistic goals. Ini- easily understood, but unless you under- tially you should aim for a passive knowl- stand the expression as a whole, you can- edge, being able to recognise and under- not hope to follow what is happening in stand a limited number of the most com- meetings with your American and British mon expressions in context. Try reading counterparts, or in negotiations, or even the examples in this book with the Span- at the dinner table. In circumstances like ish translations hidden. When you can do these, native English speakers will use idi- that with full understanding, you are omatic expressions as naturally and as of- ready to start inventing examples of your ten as you would use comparable idioms own. This is the best way (and also the in Spanish. only way) to incorporate them in your ac- Few English idioms can be translated tive vocabulary. You will find that your lis- word for word into Spanish, but some tening comprehension and oral English can, and others have near equivalents. improve dramatically as a result. Little by Most, however, express cultural concepts little you will find yourself using these idi- that can only be paraphrased or approxi- oms in conversation. mated, and so must be learned by heart At that point, you will start wondering and in some sort of context. The purpose how you ever managed to communicate of this book is to provide you with appro- without them. priate contexts. The expressions are loosely grouped in short manageable units, each dealing with a particular theme and consisting of 25 idioms.
  5. Introduction Este libro ha sido disenado para personas estudiante contextos apropiados. Las expre- con un nivel medio y avanzado de ingles, siones estan agrupadas informalmente en con objeto de aumentar su comprension pequenos capitulos manejables, que tra- tan cada uno de un tema en particular, del idioma, en particular, el que se usa en el mundo de los negocios. El libro te ayu- con un total de 25 modismos. Dentro de cada capitulo, cada modismo esta presen- dara a aprender 1 .000 expresiones tado en una situacion especifica y la ma- idiomaticas de uso corriente, empleadas yoria de las frases ilustrativas proceden de por gente de habla inglesa en todo el autenticas fuentes como el "Financial mundo. Es apropiado tanto para autodidactas como para su utilizacion en Times", "Fortune", "Business Week" y "Forbes". (Aunque los ejemplos vienen de clase con apoyo del profesorado. fuentes de todo el mundo, la ortografia bri- Mucha gente en el mundo empresarial tanica se utiliza en todo el libro por cues- piensa que el conocimiento del ingles tion de coherencia). idiomatico es un tipo de opcion linguistica adicional, que aporta riqueza al idioma La segunda parte de cada capitulo contie- pero que no es estrictamente esencial. Sin ne ejercicios, los cuales no solo ponen a lugar a dudas, este punto de vista esta prueba la comprension y asimilacion del equivocado, ya que se usan muchos material, sino que tambien ayudan a la modismos con la misma frecuencia y son comprension al facilitar definiciones litera- tan necesarios como las palabras mas basi- les de cada modismo en ingles, al igual cas. De hecho, los modismos estan com- que otros ejemplos mas breves sobre puestos con frecuencia por las palabras mas como utilizarlos. Para beneficio de las per- sonas autodidactas, se puede encontrar basicas, aunque esten agrupadas y reduci- das metaforicamente para formar ideas mas las respuestas a los ejercicios al final del complejas: "You're pulling my leg" (Me estas libro. Tambien se ha incluido un indice de tomando el pelo.), "He's cooking the books" palabras clave para ayudar a encontrar (Esta amanando las cuentas.), "It's gone to rapidamente cualquier modismo. the dogs", (Se ha arruinado), "There's more El idioma ingles contiene miles de to this than meets the eye". (Es mas compli- modismos, que revisten a menudo varias cado de lo que parece.), etc. Tomada por formas. Tal abundancia intimida; por ello al separado, cada palabra se entiende facil- estudiar los modismos es importante fijarse mente, pero salvo que se entienda la expre- metas razonables. Inicialmente se deberfa sion en su totalidad, no podra entender lo intentar adquirir un conocimiento pasivo y que esta ocurriendo en una reunion entre ser capaz de reconocer y comprender un americanos y britanicos, o en negociacio- numero limitado de las expresiones mas nes, o incluso en la mesa. En circunstancias comunes dentro de un contexto. El estu- como estas, los natives de habla inglesa uti- diante deberfa leer los ejemplos con las tra- lizaran modismos con la misma naturalidad ducciones al espanol ocultas. Cuando y frecuencia que uno usaria giros similares pueda hacerlos con una comprension total, en castellano. estara listo para inventar sus propios ejem- Hay pocos modismos en ingles que se pue- plos. Esta es la mejor forma (y tambien la den traducir literalmente al castellano, salvo unica) de introducirle en un vocabulario active. Se vera que la comprension auditiva unos pocos, y otros son muy parecidos. La mayoria, sin embargo, expresan conceptos y el ingles oral mejoran drasticamente. culturales que solo pueden ser Poco a poco ira utilizando estos modismos parafraseados aproximados, y por lo tanto en las conversaciones. han de ser aprendidos de memoria y den- A esas alturas, comenzara a preguntarse tro de un contexto determinado. El proposi- como conseguia comunicarse sin ellos. to de este libro es proporcionar al
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  7. 1,OOO everyday idioms in business
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  9. 1. Fundamentals 1 , 0 0 0 e veryday i dioms i n b u s i n e s s the ground rules las reglas basicas There are a lot of similarities between rearing Hay muchas similitudes entre formar una familia y crear un negocio: en ambos casos es esencial a family and starting a new business; in both establecer rapidamente las reglas basicas. cases it is essential to establish the ground rules early. time is money el tiempo es oro Segun las encuestas, hay gente que se queja Opinion polls show that more people com- plain about lack of time than about lack of mas por falta de tiempo que por falta de dine- ro. Con frecuencia se dice que el tiempo es money. It is often said that time is money, oro, pero de hecho, es mucho mas: el tiempo but in fact it is much more: time is life itself. es la vida misma. a los tontos no les dura a fool and his money are soon parted el dinero A fool and his money are nowhere more En ningun lugar les dura a los tontos tan quickly parted than on the stock exchange. poco tiempo el dinero como en la bolsa. a bird in the hand is worth two mas vale pajaro en mano que in the bush ciento volando Ya se que su oferta no es tan buena como I know their offer isn't as good as others we might receive in the future, but I think we otras que podamos recibir en el future, pero creo que aun asi deberiamos aceptarlo. Des- should accept it nevertheless. After all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. pues de todo, mas vale pajaro en mano que ciento volando. half a loaf is better than none a falta de pan, buenas son tortas I applied for two weeks' holiday, but we're so He solicitado unas vacaciones de dos sema- nas, pero en este momento andamos tan cor- short-handed at the moment that they al- lowed me only a week. Ah well, half a loaf's tos de personal que solo me han concedido better than none una semana. En fin, a falta de pan, buenas son tortas. he who pays the piper calls the el que paga tiene derecho a tune escoger Opino que tenemos todo el derecho del mundo It seems to me that we have every right to stipulate the contents of the course. We're a elegir el contenido del curso. El que paga tie- paying the piper, aren't we? ne derecho a escoger, ^no es asi? lo que se pierde en una cosa se what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts gana en otra It's a swings-and-roundabouts situation Es una situaci6n de "lo que se pierde aca, se An investment in new equipment will cost us gana alia". Invertir en equipo nuevo nos cos- a lot now, but it will also enable us to increase tara mucho ahora, pero tambien nos permitira incrementar de forma significativa nuestro ni- our output significantly over the next few years. vel de produccion en los proximos anos. easy come, easy go lo que facil viene, facil se va Our Asian investments had practically doubled Nuestras inversiones asiaticas practicarnente overnight. Hence, when the crash came, we se habian duplicado de la noche a la manana. could hardly complain. It was easy come, Por lo tanto, cuando Ileg6 la caida, realmente easy go no nos podiamos quejar. Lo que f^cil viene, facil se va. 1 Stanley
  10. 1,000 e v e r y d a y idioms i n b u s i n e s s Fundamentals hombre prevenido vale por dos forewarned is forearmed You must plan for trouble. No business is im- Hay que tener un plan para hacer frente a los mune to negative word-of-mouth, and fore- problemas. Ningun negocio es inmune a un warned is forearmed. boca-a-boca negative, y hombre prevenido vale por dos. take the rough with the smooth estar a las duras y a las maduras You'll get the opportunity in this job to travel Con este empleo tendras la oportunidad de all over the world. Of course, that means viajar por todo el mundo. Por supuesto, eso you'll often be separated from your family — significa que con frecuencia estaras separado but you have to take the rough with the de tu familia, pero hay que estar a las duras y smooth. a las maduras. ups and downs los pros y los contras Consulting has its ups and downs. Can you El trabajo de consultoria tiene sus pros y sus function without knowing where your next contras. ^Puedes vivir sin saber de donde van cheque is coming from? Are your comfortable a salir tus pr6ximos ingresos?
  11. ,000 everyday idioms in business Fundamentals nunca dejes para manana lo que never put off till tomorrow what puedas hacer hoy you can do today Sabes que vas a tener que escribir ese informe You know you're going to have to write that report sooner or later. Why continue to put tarde o temprano.
  12. 1. Exercise 1 , 0 0 0 e veryday i dioms i n b u s i n e s s Encuentra los modismos presentados en este capitulo que mejor corresponden a las definiciones y descripciones que vienen a continuacion. Si una frase contiene un espacio en bianco, completalo con las palabras que faltan (poniendo atencion al tiempo del verbo, pronombres, e tc.). Si la frase esta en espanol, traducela al ingles. 1 (saying) A person who produces bad work 14 (saying) Disadvantages and setbacks in will blame the material he is using rather one area are compensated by advan- than admit his own responsibility. tages and progress in other areas. 2 (saying) When you know about a future 15 (saying) It is preferable to take a small danger, you can prepare for it, and so but certain advantage immediately, deal with it more effectively. rather than to hope for a greater ad- vantage later. 3 To survive by avoiding debt and other difficulties: We had serious cash flow 16 (saying) The p erson who pays for problems last year, but fortunately we something has the right to d ecide managed to until the situation what it should be like, how it should improved. be used, etc. 4 (saying) One should be grateful for what 17 (saying, often used to express uncon- one gets, even if it is very little, since it cern at losing something, e.g. money) is still better than nothing at all. What one gains or earns too easily is just as easily lost. 5 (saying) If a necessary task can be per- formed immediately, it should be. Oth- 18 (saying) Life always appears to be bet- erwise there is the risk it may never be ter somewhere else. done at all. 19 (saying) If you really want to do some- 6 The basic principles or rules of behaviour thing, no matter how difficult it ap- in a given situation: A estas alturas ya no pears, you will find a way to do it. se pueden cambiar las reglas basicas. 20 Periods of success and happiness alter- 7 (saying) It is better to work and earn nating with periods of unhappiness and money than to w aste your time: El failure: Su n egocio ha t enido sus tiempo es oro. altibajos. 8 (saying) No matter how many failures 21 To avoid looking for trouble, or to avoid you have encountered, keep trying and any action which is likely to cause dis- order. eventually you will be successful. 9 (saying) An unfortunate event is gener- 22 (saying) If you help me in some way, ally accompanied by other unfortunate it is only right that I help you when events. you need it. 23 (saying, usually employed when the 10 To accept the difficult or disagreeable speaker claims something that another part of something as well as the pleas- ant part: Hay que estar a las duras y a person has discarded) If you make las maduras. proper and careful use of the things you have, you will never be in need. 11 (saying) A foolish person cannot keep 24 (saying) Although this example is not in money long, because it is easy to take it away from him. accordance with the rule, it shows that the rule is still useful in most cases. 12 (saying) In every misfortune, there is something of benefit to someone. 25 (used when something unfortunate has just happened) This is the situation and 13 (saying) One should not w aste small we have no choice but to accept it: Asi amounts of money since many small es la vida. amounts quickly add up to a large amount. 4 Stanley
  13. 2. Time ,000 e veryday i dioms i n b usiness at the best of times con todo a favor Es dificil hacer negocios con los japoneses inclu- It's difficult to sell to the Japanese at the so con todo a favor, pero ahora, con el dolar co- best of times, but now, with the dollar at an tizando mas alto que nunca con respecto al all-time high against the yen, I think it would be quite impossible. yen, creo que seria casi imposible. against the clock contrarreloj Their oil reserves may last only another 20 Puede que sus reservas de petroleo solo les duren 20 anos mas. For lo tanto, han de tra- years. Consequently, they must work against bajar contrarreloj para diversificar su econo- the clock to diversify their economy before the oil revenues run out. mia antes de que se acaben sus ingresos del petroleo. round the clock dia y noche, las 24 horas Este es uno de los mayores pedidos que he- This is one of the largest orders we have mos recibido nunca. Necesitaremos tres tur- ever received. We will need three shifts nos que trabajen dia y noche si hemos de working round the clock if we are to meet the deadline. cumplir el plazo de entrega. till the cows come home hasta el dla del juicio final Podemos quedarnos a analizar nuestros meto- We can sit around analysing our production dos de produccion hasta el dia del juicio final, methods till the cows come home; but pero el analisis en si no va a incrementar la analysis in itself is not going to increase pro- ductivity. productividad. keep up to date w ith sth mantenerse al corriente de algo Una parte importante de mi trabajo es mante- An important part of my job is to keep up to date with the latest developments in the nerme al corriente de los ultimos avances de pharmaceutical industry. la industria farmaceutica. be out of date ser anticuado, obsoleto Este informe no sirve para nada. Analiza los This report is utterly worthless. It analyses cur- actuales problemas economicos utilizando rent economic problems using concepts that are at least thirty years out of date conceptos que quedaron obsoletos hace al menos 30 anos. to date hasta la fecha, hasta ahora Hasta la fecha, se han invertido m3s de To date, more than £100m has been in- vested in about 950 companies under the ElOOm en unas 950 empresas al amparo del Plan de Inversion Empresarial. terms of the Enterprise Investment Scheme. call it a day dar algo por concluido After disappointing ventures abroad, Israel's Tras realizar inversiones poco lucrativas en el extranjero, la mayor empresa Israeli de alimen- largest food retailer has decided to call it tacion ha decidido dar por concluidas sus in- a day. They are returning home and con- centrating on what they do best: selling versiones en el extranjero. Regresan a casa y se concentraran en lo que se les da mejor: food to Israelis. vender productos alimenticios a los israelies. tomarse su tiempo, hacer algo con caima take one's time There's no need to rush. Just take your time No hay prisa. Tomate tu tiempo y cuentame and tell me clearly what happened. con claridad lo ocurrido. 5 Stanley
  14. Time 1,000 everyday idioms in business desde hace siglos for donkey's years We've been doing business with them for Llevamos siglos trabajando con ellos y siempre nan sido puntuales en sus compro- donkey's years and have always found them completely reliable. mises. en punto on the dot The meeting will begin at 3:30 on the dot La reunion comenzara a las 3:30 en punto y me gustaria que todos hicierais un esfuerzo and I would appreciate it if you could all make especial por ser puntuales. a special effort to be on time. a ultima hora at the eleventh hour A strike was averted at the eleventh Se evit6 una huelga a ultima hora cuando la hour when management announced they directiva anunci6 que retirarian los planes para cerrar la fabrica de Longbridge. would withdraw plans to close the Longbridge factory. hacer algo cuando a uno le venga do sth at one's leisure bien Me gustaria tu opinion sobre este informe de I'd like your opinion on this safety report, but seguridad,,pero no corre prisa. £Por qu£ no te there's no great rush. Why don't you take it lo llevas a casa y le echas un vistazo cuando home with you and read it at your leisure? te venga bien? time flies el tiempo pasa volando My goodness, I had no idea it was so late. Cielos, no tenia ni idea de que fuera tan tar- Time simply flies when you're enjoying de. El tiempo pasa volando cuando uno se lo esta pasando bien. yourself. de una vez por todas once and for all Las empresas tabaqueras decidieron pagar de The tobacco companies decided to pay once una vez por todas, ofreciendo al gobierno and for all, offering the government a sum una cantidad superior a $ 250.000 millones en in excess of $ 250 billion rather than face an endless series of lawsuits. lugar de enfrentarse a una serie interminable de pleitos. a la larga in the long run La moneda unica puede ser a la larga una bue- The single currency may — in the long run na idea. Sin embargo, la uni6n monetaria impo- — be a good idea. However, monetary union ne un solo nivel de tipos de interes para todos y imposes one level of interest rates on every- por lo tanto amenaza con empeorar a corto pla- one and so threatens to make the jobless zo el problema del paro. problem even worse in the short term. de memento, por ahora for the time being Est3 claro que los americanos, quienes no tie- Clearly the Americans, who have no desire to nen ningun interes en enemistarse con un so- offend such an important trading partner as cio comercial como China, estan satisfechos China, are satisfied for the time being to let de momento con la continuacibn del statu the status quo continue. quo. it's high time that... es hora de que... Con el tipo de cambio apropiado e impuestos With the right exchange rate and lower taxes, mas bajos, Inglaterra podria ser un importante Britain could be an important offshore manu- centre industrial. Ya va siendo hora de que el facturing centre. It is high time the govern- gobierno comprenda esta realidad. ment understood this reality. 6 Stanley
  15. 1,000 everyday idioms in business Time ser cosa del pasado a thing of the past En los ultimos anos, los japoneses han tenido In recent years, the Japanese have had to ac- que aceptar que un empleo garantizado de cept that guaranteed employment for life is a por vida es cosa del pasado. thing of the past por los viejos tiempos for old time's sake Como fuimos al colegio juntos, era natural As we had been at school together, it was que pensara que veria su oferta con mejores natural he should think I would view his offer ojos que los demas, por los viejos tiempos. more favourably than the others, for old time's sake cuanto antes mejor the sooner the better Nuestra asociacion con Maxwell nos ha cos- Our association with Maxwell has cost us and tado y nos sigue costando mucho dinero. is still costing us a great deal of money. The Cuanto antes cortemos con la asociacion, sooner we end that association, the better mejor. adelantarse a su epoca be ahead of one's time Rockefeller, que fue quien creo la industria pe- Rockefeller, who really created the modern oil trolifera moderna, se adelanto a su epoca. industry, was years ahead of his time. He Normaliz6 el producto para que al encender standardised the product, so that when you lit la l^mpara de petrbleo no explotara; se trata- your oil lamp, it didn't explode; you had a ba de un producto de alta calidad. high-quality product. ir con los tiempos move with the times En un esfuerzo por ir con los tiempos y In an attempt to move with the times and reconvertirse en una empresa moderna de alta to reinvent itself as a modern high technology tecnologia, el grupo de defensa e ingenieria company, the defence and engineering group General Electric Company is to cut 1,500 jobs General Electric Company recortar^ 1.500 puestos de trabajo mediante un plan de jubi- through a voluntary redundancy scheme. laciones voluntaries. it was about time ya era hora Han estado discutiendo ese proyecto durante They've been discussing that project for the los dos ultimos anos. Ya era hora de que to- past two years. It was about time they took maran una decisi6n. a decision. in the nick of time en el ultimo momento Llegue al aeropuerto en el ultimo momento: I arrived at the airport in the nick of time: cinco minutos mas tarde y hubiese perdido el another five minutes and I'd have missed my flight. avi6n. Stanley 7
  16. 2. Exercise 1,000 e veryday i dioms i n b u s i n e s s Encuentra los modismos presentados en este capftulo que mejor corresponden a las definiciones y descripciones que vienen a continuacion. Si una frase contiene un espacio en bianco, completalo con las palabras que faltan (poniendo atencion al tiempo del verbo, pronombres, e tc.). Si la frase esta en espafiol, traducela al ingles. 1 Ultimately, not immediately but after a 14 To do something without hurrying, relatively long period of time: This item when one has plenty of time: Lealo is selling badly now, but we ex- cuando le venga bien. pect to break even and perhaps even 15 To stay abreast of current trends, to stay make a small profit. up-to-date: Any company that hasn't 2 Until the present situation changes, for the got a web site isn't . present: Dejalo ahl por el momento. 16 To stay aware of the present situation, 3 For an infinitely long period of time, for- to be modern in one's thinking and ever: You can talk to that man , practice: No matter how many maga- but it won't do any good: he simply zines you read, it's impossible to refuses to admit he's wrong. with what's happening in the compu- 4 (used to indicate that an action or deci- ter industry. sion must be taken immediately) It is 17 (used to refer to something which one necessary now...: Ya va siendo hora de feels should have been done much que alguien haga algo. sooner) Finally, at last: they re- 5 Exactly at the specified time: El tren salio placed those old 286 R C.s. a las dos y media en punto. 18 For a very long time: Hace siglos que 6 Because of happy times in the past, or as no la veo. a reminder of such times: Asi no lo haras, 19 When conditions are most favourable: ni siquiera por los viejos tiempos. This is hard work but it is par- 7 (saying, usually expressing surprise that ticularly difficult in these poor condi- so much time has passed while one was tions. working, talking, etc.) Time passes very 20 Just in time, before it would have been quickly: jQue rapido pasa el tiempo! too late: Llegue al aeropuerto justo a 8 It is preferable to take action as quickly tiempo. as possible: this decision is imple- 21 To be old-fashioned, not recent: These mented, . customer files are worthless, they're all 9 To stop doing something, especially to stop working: Obviamente no estaba 22 At the last possible moment: A strike logrando nada, asi que abandone y was narrowly avoided when manage- me fui. ment produced a better offer . 10 Finished, no longer appropriate: Los 23 To do something slowly and carefully: tranvias han pasado a la historia. Tomate todo el tiempo que necesites. 11 To have ideas which are so advanced 24 Twenty-four hours a day, without stop: or original that one's contemporaries We have three shifts working can't understand them: Se adelant6 a every day of the year. su epoca. 25 For the very last time: I'm warning you 12 Up to the present time, until today: I won't tolerate this kind of be- We've sold 5,000 units . haviour. 13 Within a limited period of time: We will be working to meet this deadine; we can't afford to waste a single minute. 8 Stanley
  17. 3. Money ,000 everyday idioms in business money talks poderoso caballero es don dinero When it comes to keeping high-performance Cuando se trata de retener a los empleados al- employees, money talks; the best way to re- tamente rentables, poderoso caballero es don ward them is with bonuses. dinero; la mejor forma de recompensarles es con un plus. make a bomb ganar una fortuna Speculators made a bomb as the price of Los especuladores ganaron una fortuna cuan- rubber increased by more than 200%. do el precio del caucho subio mas del 200%. cost a bomb costar un ojo de la cara An advertising campaign like that is out of the Una campana de publicidad como esa est3 question for a small firm like ours. For one fuera del alcance de una empresa pequena thing, it would cost a bomb. como la nuestra. Para empezar, costaria un ojo de la cara. be in the black ser solvente Although it has made heavy losses in the past Aunque ha sufrido grandes perdidas en los two years, Mr Bernhard said that the company dos ultimos anos, el Sr. Bernhard ha dicho was already back in the black after a restruc- que la empresa es ya solvente tras el progra- turing programme. ma de restructuracion. estar al descubierto be in the red o en numeros rojos All five of the country's biggest steel compa- Todas y cada una de las cinco grandes empre- nies are in the red. Bankruptcies are at sas del acero esta"n en numeros rojos. Hay un record levels, and the outlook is grim. numero record de quiebras y el pronostico no es favorable. Pagar foot the bill No one wants spending on product research Nadie quiere que se deje de invertir totalmen- to be cut completely. On the other hand, we te en la investigacion de productos. Por otra are not prepared to foot the bill of ever- parte, no estamos preparados para pagar la higher R & D costs. cuenta cada vez m3s elevada de los gastos de investigacion y desarrollo. throw good money after bad echar la soga tras el caldero We have already lost huge sums on this prod- Ya hemos perdido sumas enormes en este pro- uct. In my opinion, to attempt to develop it ducto. En mi opinion, intentar desarrollarlo any further will simply be throwing good significaria echar la soga tras el caldero. money after bad. pay cash on the nail pagar al contado We generally allow a 15% discount to custom- Generalmente concedemos un descuento del ers who pay cash on the nail. 1 5% a los clientes que pagan al contado. money is no object no importan los gastos Nuestros directives dan mucha importancia a Our management attaches great importance to this project. Money is no object whatsoever. este proyecto. No importan los gastos. be penny wise and pound foolish hacer economias de chicha y nabo Insisting that employees should not make pri- Insistir en que los empleados no realicen lla- vate telephone calls from the office is not re- madas privadas desde la oficina no va a redu- ally going to reduce the firm's losses, but it cir las perdidas de la empresa, pero afectara a will affect morale: it's being penny wise la moral: es hacer economias de chicha y and pound foolish. nabo. 9 Stanley
  18. Money ,000 e v e r y d a y i d i o m s i n b u s i n e s s at any price a cualquier precio, a ningun precio En una encuesta de 1997, el 47% de los con- In a 1997 survey, 47% of consumers said sumidores dijeron que estarian mucho mas they'd be much more likely to buy from a "good' company if quality, service and price dispuestos a comprar a una "buena" empresa were equal, and 70% said they would not buy si la calidad, el servicio y el precio fueran - at any price - from a company that wasn't iguales, y el 70% dijo que no compraria- a ningun precio- a una empresa que no fuera socially responsible. socialmente responsable. the sixty-four thousand dollar la pregunta del milldn question Hemos comentado el sueldo y las condicio- We've discussed the salary and conditions. That only leaves the sixty-four thousand nes. Ahora s6lo queda la pregunta del millon: ^estaria dispuesto a trabajar para nosotros en dollar question: would you be willing to esas condiciones? work for us on those terms? nadar en oro be rolling in it Pues dirfa que no estamos exactamente na- Well, I wouldn't say we're exactly rolling in dando en oro, pero tampoco tenemos que it, but we don't have to worry about cash preocuparnos por problemas de liquidez. flow problems either. subir por las nubes go through the roof Si la sequia en Assam y Bengala Occidental If the drought in Assam and West Bengal con- continua durante algun tiempo, la producci6n tinues for some time, Indian tea production india de te se vera seriamente afectada y los will be badly hit and prices will go through precios subiran por las nubes. the roof. hacer algo con poquisimo dinero do sth on a shoestring Marketing, even on a shoestring, is essen- El marketing es esencial, incluso con poquisi- mo dinero. Utiliza el ingenio y la perseveran- tial. Use ingenuity and persistence to make up cia para compensar lo que te falte en efectivo. for what you lack in cash. el dinero no nace en las macetas money doesn't grow on trees Tenemos que conseguir que los empleados se We have to make employees aware that un- den cuenta de que las fotocopias innecesarias necessary photocopying costs us an incredible nos cuestan una cantidad increible al ano y que amount annually - and that money doesn't el dinero no nace en las macetas. grow on trees. por un importe de ... to the tune of ... Su situaci6n financiera deja mucho que de- They are not at all financially sound. Rumour sear. Se rumorea que estan endeudados por has it that they are in debt to the tune of $500,000. un importe de $ 500.000. regalado for a song Compr6 la empresa casi regalada hace poco He bought the company for a song just over mas de diez anos. Ahora factura mas de ten years ago. Now it has an annual turnover $5.000.000 anuales. of more than $5,000,000. estar endeudado be deep in debt La fusion de las dos empresas no fue vista A merger of the two companies was not como una solucion ideal. Ninguna de las dos seen as the ideal solution. Neither had a tenia una buena linea de productos y ambas good "product pipeline" and both were estaban muy endeudadas. deep in debt. Stanley 10
  19. ,000 e v e r y d a y i d i o m s i n b u s i n e s s Money pay over the odds pagar mas de la cuenta Our regular supplier has not been able to Durante semanas, nuestro proveedor habitual furnish us with these items for weeks. We no nos ha podido suministrar estos articulos. therefore feel it's worth paying a bit over For lo tanto, creemos que merece la pena pa- the odds to stock up. gar un poco m3s para incrementar los stocks. be hard up estar en una situation limite More than half Britain's workers face being Mas de la mitad de los trabajadores britanicos hard-up in retirement, according to a new se enfrentan a una situacion limite al jubilarse, study published today. Some 13m people are segun un nuevo estudio publicado hoy. Se dice due to retire on £ 106 a week or less. que unos 13 millones de personas sejubilaran con £ 106 a la semana o incluso menos. not have a penny to one's name no tener donde caerse muerto I doubt if he'll be able to raise a loan. It's well Dudo que pueda conseguir un prestamo. En los circulos empresariales se sabe que no tiene known in business circles that he doesn't have a penny to his name. d6nde caerse muerto. see the colour off sb's money adelantar el dinero If your credit is good, no one asks to see the Si tu credito es bueno, nadie te pedira que colour of your money. adelantes el dinero. you can bet your bottom dollar that ... puedes apostar que ... You can bet your bottom dollar that their new Puedes apostar que ese nuevo hotel en el hotel on Lake Tahoe, with its combination of lago Tahoe, que combina el casino y el centra gambling and ski resort, is destined to be a de esqui, est3 destinado a ser un exito. success. a drop in the ocean una gota de a gua en el mar Lavery said he'd be prepared to invest Lavery dijo que estaria preparado a invertir £10,000. Unfortunately that's only a drop £10.000. Desgraciadamente eso es s6lo una in the ocean. We need a quarter of a mil- gota de agua en el mar. Necesitamos al me- lion at least. nos un cuarto de millon. Stanley 11
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