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Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 2315–2322 (2002) Ó FEBS 2002 doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2002.02903.x PRIORITY PAPER A pool of Y2 neuropeptide Y receptors activated by modifiers of membrane sulfhydryl or cholesterol balance Steven L. Parker1, Michael S. Parker2, Justin K. Kane1 and Magnus M. Berglund3 1Department of Pharmacology, University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Memphis, TN, USA; 2 Department of Microbiology and Molecular Cell Sciences, University of Memphis, TN, USA; 3Unit of Pharmacology, Department of Neuroscience, University of Uppsala, Sweden The cloned guinea-pig Y2 neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptors expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, as well as the Y2 receptors natively expressed in rat forebrain, are distributed in two populations. A smaller population that is readily accessed by agonist peptides on the surface of intact cells constitutes less than 30% of Y2 receptors detected in particulates after cell homogenization. A much larger frac-tion of cell surface Y2 sites can be activated by sulfhydryl modifiers. A fast and large activation of these masked or cryptic sites could be obtained with membrane-permeating, vicinal cysteine-bridging arsenical phenylarsine oxide. A lower activation is effected by N-ethylmaleimide, an alkyla-torthatslowlypenetrateslipidbilayers.Therestricted-access Synaptic discharge of many neurotransmitters produces concentrations of these receptor agonists that saturate the respective binding sites, with a potential for prolonged and excessive signaling. With receptors characterized by high binding affinities, which represent a large fraction of rhodopsin-related neurotransmitter receptors, it may not be possible to adequately constrain the signaling by dissociation of the agonist. For neuropeptide receptors, a paracrine regulation via secretion of specific peptidases would meet large difficulties in both the selectivity and the economy of action. Scavenging by cell membrane- resident ectoproteinases by way of in situ encounters with extra-cellular agonists may not satisfy the clearance needs created by agonist discharge. A much more selective (and potentially quicker) regulation could be provided by sequestration or internalization of the receptor–ligand complex and further intramembrane or intracellular processing (reviewed in [1,2]). This could be accomplished Correspondence to S. L. Parker, Department of Pharmacology, University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Memphis, TN 38163, USA. Tel.: + 1 901 850 7617, E-mail: StevenLeonardParker@msn.com Abbreviations: NPY, neuropeptide Y; hNPY, human/rat NPY; hPYY(3–36), human peptide YY(3–36); PYY, peptide YY; NEM, N-ethylmaleimide; MTSET, 2-[(trimethylammonium)ethyl]methane-thiosulfonate bromide; PAO, phenylarsine oxide. (Received 22 February 2002, revised 18 March 2002, accepted 22 March 2002) alkylator, 2-[(trimethylammonium)ethyl]methanethiosulfo-nate, was not effective in unmasking these sites. Some of the hidden cell surface Y2 sites could be activated by polyene filipinIIIthroughcomplexingofmembranecholesterol.The results are consistent with the presence of a large Y2 reserve in a compartment that can be accessed by alteration of sulfhydryl balance or fluidity of the cell membrane, and by treatments that affect the anchoring and aggregation of membrane proteins. Keywords: receptor sequestration; receptor reserve; receptor signaling; receptor masking. by recycling sequestration (e.g. the m1 muscarinic receptor [3]), by recycling internalization (e.g. the m2 muscarinic receptor [4] or the neuropeptide Y (NPY) Y1 receptor [5]), and by lysosome-linked disposing internalization (e.g. the endothelin-B receptor [6]), all possibly enacted in relation to the prevailing levels of the respective agonists and the extent of preservation of the respective receptor molecules. Among neuropeptide transmitters, large levels of NPY are present in many areas of the forebrain [7], enabling an important regulation of feeding [8]. The forebrain NPY receptors include all principal Y receptor types [9], with Y1 and Y2 receptors detected at largest levels [10]. The slowly internalizing Y5 receptors [11] could represent a substantial component of sustained feeding regulation by NPY. However, both the Y5 and the feeding-coregulative [8] Y1 receptors (which could be strongly driven to internalize even by picomolar concentrations of NPY [5,12]) might be overwhelmed by large NPY release, in view of high nanomolar levels of the peptide in rodent [7] and even in human forebrain locations [13]. The discharge overloads could be handled through participation of another NPY receptor, the Y2 receptor. The Y2 receptor is strongly expressed especially in hypothalamic areas [10], and exists in two affinity states, one of which shows a very high binding affinity and is linked to a large degree of receptor aggregation [14]. The Y2 receptor is also distinguished by a low rate of internalization compared to the Y1 receptor when expressed in CHO cells [12]. A large portion of the Y2 complement is not detected on membranes of intact cells, but becomes accessible to agonist peptides upon cell homogenization, or upon treatment with a membrane-penetrating crosslinker of 2316 S. L. Parker et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) vicinal cysteines, phenylarsine oxide (PAO) [12]. This study presents evidence for activation of these sites by agents that affect the membrane sulfhydryl balance or cholesterol, and also the rate of internalization of the Y2 receptor. MATERIALS AND METHODS Chemicals TheYpeptideshPYY(3–36)andhNPYwereobtainedfrom the American Peptide Company (San Diego, CA, USA). Filipin III, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and phenylarsine oxide were purchased from Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA). Cholesteryl hemisuccinate was obtained from Calbiochem (La Jolla, CA, USA). Filipin III and PAO were dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide and stored in aliquots at )80 °C. Filipin complex (Sigma; a mixture of three isomers of filipin) was only about 25% as active as filipin III, and hence was not used. Cholesteryl hemisuccinate was prepared as a water emulsion and also stored at )80 °C. Restricted-access methanethiosulfonate MTSET (2-[(trimethylammo-nium)ethyl]methanethiosulfonate bromide) was obtained from Toronto Research Chemicals (North York, Ontario, Canada) Solutions of this agent and of NEM were made within 15 min before use. Labeled peptides All iodinations of Y peptides were performed as described previously [15]. The radioactive Y peptides were 75–90% monoiodinated and had specific activities in the range of 1500–1800 CiÆmmol)1 (70–80% theoretical), as deduced by comparison in saturation assays with HPLC-purified monoiodinated 125I-labeled Y peptides hNPY and hPYY(3–36) supplied by PerkinElmer/NEN, Cambridge, MA, USA (specific activity 2170 CiÆmmol)1). Cell cultures and labeling AllcelltypeswereculturedinF12/D-MEMmedium(Gibco, Long Island, NY, USA) at 250 lgÆmL)1 of geneticin and 2 mM GlutaMax1 (Gibco). The guinea-pig Y1 receptor (gpY1-CHO; [16]); and the guinea-pig Y2 receptor (gpY2-CHO;[17])wereexpressedinChinesehamsterovary(CHO) cells. The cell lines used in this study had stable particulate receptordensity,atthelevelof10–20 fmolper100 000 cells, over up to 40 passages in F12/D-MEM at 250 lgÆmL)1 of geneticin (Gibco). At full confluence, which was reached within 48 h with seeds of 25 000 cells per cm2 at 37 °C in 95% O2/5% CO2, the cell count was 200 000–235 000 per cm . After four washes with OptiMemÒ medium (Gibco, Long Island, NY, USA) to remove any external proteinase activity, the experimental incubations were car-ried in 48-well (0.8 cm2Æwell)1) plates, in a volume of 0.25 mL, using OptiMemÒ medium. The labeling of Y peptides was carried out at 50 pM of 125I-labeled peptide tyrosine, using 300 nM nonlabeled peptides for nonsaturat-ing (or nonspecific) binding correction. In all experiments, lessthan15%ofthelabeledpeptidesweredegradedoverthe incubation period, as verified by Bio-Gel P-4 chromatogra-phy[15].Theincubationswereterminatedbytheremovalof the medium by suction, two washes with cold Opti-Mem Ó FEBS 2002 buffer, and extraction for 12 min at 0–4 °Cwith ice-cold 0.2 M CH3COOH/0.5 M NaCl(pH 2.6),whichwasfoundto quantitativelydissociatethecell-surfaceattachedYpeptides, without significant extraction of internalized peptides [12,18]. The binding of Y peptides to particulates from gpY2-CHO cell or rat forebrain tissue particulates was, on theotherhand,morethan90%extractedbycoldacidsaline, as expected from the known importance of the arginine residues of NPY in Y2 (and Y1) receptor binding [19]. Ratforebraintissue(apoolofhypothalamicandpiriform cortex slices) was diced by scissors into fragments 1-mm in diameter, and then dispersed in 0.14 M NaCl/0.01 M Na phosphate/0.001 M EDTA (NaCl/Pi/EDTA buffer; final pH 7.4) at about 50 mg fresh tissue per ml, using five slow passages through a 12-gauge needle. The suspension was brought to 5 FALGPA units per mL (5 lmol of furyl-acroyl-Leu-Gly-Pro-Ala hydrolyzed per min at pH 7.5 and 25 °C) of Sigma collagenase and incubated for 60 min at 23–24 °Cwith five slow passages through 16-gauge and 18-gauge needles repeated at 10-min intervals. The suspension was then filtered through a 100-mesh sieve, and the filtrate sedimented for 5 min at 100 g to recover the cells. The cells (>95% excluding Trypan blue stain) were resuspended in Opti-Mem buffer, and 200 000 cells per well were imme-diately plated for experimental incubations. The density of Y2 receptors did not significantly change in the above dissociation procedure and the additional incubation of up to2hat37 °C.Attheendoftheincubationperiod,thecells were brought to 0–4 °C, harvested by sedimentation at 100 g for 5 min and surface-washed with cold Opti-Mem buffer. The pellets were then dispersed in ice-cold 0.2 M CH3COOH/0.5 M NaCl, and after 12 min at 0–4 °C sedimented for 5 min at 4000 g to separate the extracted (originally cell-surface attached) and the residual (internal-ized) radioactive peptide. Receptor characterization The homogenization or NPY receptor assay buffer con-tained 8% sucrose, 0.2% proteinase-free BSA (Sigma), 0.025% bacitracin, 1 mM diisopropylfluorophosphate (Sigma), 4 mM CaCl2, 2 mM MgCl2, 20 mM hepes.NaOH (pH 7.4) and 50 lM ATP. Particulates from gpY2-CHO cells or from dispersed rat forebrain cells were isolated by homogenization in the cold NPY receptor assay buffer, applying 12 complete strokes of a Teflon pestle (clearance 0.10 mm) in a Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer at about 800 r.p.m., followed by the removal of debris for 5 min at 100 g, and the sedimentation of particulates for 15 min at 16 000 g (all at 0–4 °C). The pelleted particulates were aliquoted and kept at )80 °C. Particulate receptors were assayed as described previously [20]. The particle concen-tration was 100–125 lgÆmL)1, the assay volume was 0.2 mL, and the incubation time was 90 min at 23–24 °C, with the appropriate competitors or inhibitors. The assay was terminated by centrifugation for 15 min at 12 000 g at 4 °C, the supernatants were discarded, and the pellets surface-washed by cold assay buffer prior to counting in a gamma-scintillation counter. The binding properties of the cell-surface receptors were characterized on monolayer cultures in Opti-Mem medium. Iodinated Y peptides were input at 50 pM, and competed by up to nine concentrations of homologous or isologous peptides in the range of Ó FEBS 2002 3 · 10)11 to 1 · 10)6 M. Polyethyleneglycol precipitation of particulates was carried out as described previously [15]. Data evaluation Binding parameter calculations were carried out in the LIGAND program [21]. Multiple comparisons following a positive ANOVA were done in Tukey’s t-test [22]. RESULTS Activation of cell surface Y2 sites by phenylarsine oxide PAO inhibited the binding of Y2-selective agonist hPYY (3–36) to particulates from gpY2-expressing cells or rat forebrain only at concentrations above 1 mM (Table 1). Pretreatment with the arsenical at 100 lM decreased the affinity of the Y2 binding to CHO cell or forebrain Table 1. Inhibition of Y2 receptor binding by the agents used. Particu-lates from gpY2-CHO cells or rat piriform cortex were labeled over 90 min at 23–24 °Cby 50 p M 125I-labeled hPYY(3–36) in the presence of10–12differentconcentrationsoftherespectiveagents,between0.01 and 10 mM. The results are averages of three separate experiments, shown ±SEM. The assay conditions are specified in the Methods section. The nonspecific binding was defined at 300 nM of nonlabeled hPYY(3–36). Percent of the total specific binding displaced at 10 mM of an agent is shown in parenthesis after the corresponding KI value. KI, mM Masked Y2 NPY receptors (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 2317 particulates by not more than 40% (Table 2). However, PAO consistently increased the Y2 agonist binding to CHO cell monolayers by fourfold to fivefold (Fig. 1A), as previously shown [12]. This activation occurred with little change in Y2 site affinity (Fig. 1A). The binding of the Y2 agonist to dispersed rat forebrain cells was also increased by PAO up to fourfold (Fig. 1B), without a significant change in affinity (Fig. 1B). The activation by PAO saturated with increasing concentration of the arsenical between 10 and 30 lM with either the Y2-CHO cells (Fig. 1A), or with rat forebrain cells (Fig. 1B). Pretreatment of gpY1-CHO cells at 24 or 37 °Cwith 30 lM PAO did not produce significant change in subsequent surface labeling by 125I-labeled hNPY or 125I-labeled (Leu31,Pro34)hPYY (data not shown). The activation of Y2 sites on intact cells by PAO did not involve more than half of the receptors detectable in particulates after cell homogenization (Fig. 1A). Homoge-nization of gpY2-CHO cells alone resulted in a large activation of Y2 sites, to about twice the level measured after treatment of cell monolayers by PAO, and exceeding the monolayer control binding by a factor of at least four in theabsenceofPAOtreatment.Pretreatmentorcotreatment of either the cell monolayers or the isolated particulates by PAO (at 30 lM) did not produce a consistent increase in particulate Y2 binding relative to control preparations (Fig. 1A). Likewise, the Y2 binding to particulates isolated from homogenates of dispersed rat forebrain cells was increased more than sixfold relative to whole cells, but not Agent Dithiothreitol Phenylarsine oxide N-Ethylmaleimide MTSET Filipin III guinea pig Y2-CHO 3.37 ± 0.66 (46%) 2.24 ± 0.75 (78%) 0.146 ± 0.014 (75%) 0.264 ± 0.027 (72%) > 0.1 rat forebrain 3.35 ± 0.44 (34%) 1.51 ± 0.34 (94%) 0.708 ± 0.104 (73%) 1.86 ± 0.14 (65%) > 0.1 Table 2. Effect of pretreatment with various sulfhydryl-active agents on the affinity of Y2 binding. The Kd values are in pM hPYY(3–36), ± SEM.Theparticulateswerepreincubatedfor30 minat24 °Cinthe assaybufferinpresenceoftheindicatedmolaritiesofSH-activeagents, thensedimentedtoremovetheagents,surface-washedandassayed(see Materials and methods). Data represent triplicate competition assays employing 8–10 concentration points in the range of 10–30 000 pM nonlabeled Y2 agonist, and 50 pM 125I-labeled hPYY(3–36). Defining the nonspecific binding at 100 nM nonlabeled hPYY(3–36), more than 90% displacement of 125I-labeled hPYY(3–36) was observed at 30 nM unlabeled hPYY(3–36) after any treatment. Note that the Y2 binding in both C HO and rat forebrain cells could be resolved into two sig-nificant components with Kd values of 5–15 and 300–700 pM, respectively [14]. Kd, pM Agent and molarity used gpY2-CHO cells Rat forebrain cells Fig. 1. Effectsofphenylarsineoxide(PAO)onthebindingofY2agonist 125I-labeledhPYY(3–36)togpY2-CHOmonolayersorparticulates,and to dispersed rat forebrain cells. The labeled Y2 agonist was input at 50 pM in all cases. For assay details see Methods. All data, shown ±SEM, are averages of three experiments. Asterisks indicate differ-ences significant vs. the control binding in the Tukey t-test at the level of 95% (*) or 99% (**) confidence. (A) The surface binding to monolayers or particulates from gpY2-CHO cells as related to pre-treatment (30 min at 37 °C) of monolayers with PAO in the range of 3–100 lM, and pretreatment or cotreatment of particulates with 30 lM of the arsenical. Competition by nonlabeled hPYY(3–36) showed Kd of 442 ± 37 pM for control surface binding, and of 638 ± 74 pM for surface binding after pretreatment by 30 lM PAO (n ¼ 3). (B) The Control 422 ± 40 316 ± 43 Dithiothreitol (1 mM) 541 ± 70 Phenylarsine oxide (100 lM) 627 ± 70 334 ± 52 N-Ethylmaleimide (30 lM) 601 ± 72 MTSET (100 lM) 637 ± 46 surface binding to dispersed rat forebrain cells after pretreatment (30 min at 37 °C) with 3–100 lM PAO, and also the binding to par-ticulates from cells pretreated for 30 min at 37 °Cwith 30 lM PAO. Competition by nonlabeled hPYY(3–36) showed Kd of 407 ± 38 pM for control surface binding, and of 451 ± 24 pM for surface binding after pretreatment by 30 lM PAO (n ¼ 3). 2318 S. L. Parker et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Fig. 2. Unmasking of the binding sites for Y2 selective ligand 125I-labeled hPYY (3–36) on gpY2-CHO cells by phenylarsine oxide is prevented by dithiothreitol. The cells were pretreated for 30 min at 37 °Cwith30 lM PAOwithorwithoutdithiothreitol(100 lM)1 mM), orwith1 mM dithiothreitolalone,washedandlabeledwith125I-labeled hPYY(3–36) for 30 min at 37 °C , followed by extraction of surface-bound ligand with acid saline at 0–4 °C(see Materials and methods). The data are averages of three experiments. In this and further graphs, asterisks indicate differences significant vs. the control cell surface binding atthe levelof 95% (*)or99%(**)confidence in Tukeyt-tests, while ampersands (&, &&) show the corresponding differences for the internalized binding. DTT, dithiothreitol. further augmented significantly by a pretreatment with 30 lM PAO (Fig. 1B). The effect of 30 lM PAO could be largely suppressed by 100 lM sulfhydryl protector dithiothreitol, and was com-pletely prevented by 1 mM dithiothreitol (Fig. 2). Dithio-threitol reduced the binding of hPYY(3–36) to a fraction (<50%) of particulate Y2 sites at a KI value of about 3.5 mM with either the gpY2 or the rat forebrain Y2 receptor (Table 1). However, dithiothreitol did not affect the binding to cell surface sites at up to 1 mM (Fig. 2). Pretreatment with dithiothreitol at up to 1 mM did not affect gpY2 internalization relative to controls, and also neutralized any decrease in receptor- linked Y2 ligand internalization by PAO (Fig. 2). Effects of the alkylators NEM and MTSET Effects of alkylators on availability of Y2 sites were examined only with gpY2 receptor expressed in CHO cells. NEM, an alkylator slowly penetrating the lipid bilayer [23], also significantly activated the monolayer Y2 sites. The increase appeared to saturate between 10 and 100 lM (Fig. 3), and was followed by a significant decrease at 300 lM,reflectinginactivationofafractionoftheY2sitesat high concentrations of the alkylator [14]. The restricted-access alkylator MTSET [24] did not produce a significant stimulation of the gpY2 surface binding at 10–100 lM, and was inhibitory at 300 lM (Fig. 3). Both alkylators essen-tially prevented internalization of hPYY(3–36) at 300 lM, and their activity at that concentration was fully neutralized by 1 mM dithiothreitol (Fig. 3); a highly selective blockade of internalization by NEM was also found for the gpY1-CHO receptor (data not shown). Ó FEBS 2002 Fig. 3. Effects of two alkylating agents on surface binding and inter-nalization of 125I-labeled hPYY (3–36) in gpY2-CHO cells. The labeling at 50 pM of the Y2 agonist was carried out for 40 min at 37 °C , in the presence of the indicated concentrations of NEM, MTSET or DTT. The separation of surface and internalized tracer was done as in Figs 1 and 2. In the same set of experiments (n ¼ 3), the surface binding of the Y2 agonist in the presence of 10 lM PAO was 101 ± 2.8 fmolÆmg)1 cell protein. Significance in Tukey t-tests is indicated in Fig. 2. DTT, dithiothreitol. Activation of Y2 sites by filipin III Possible effects of the cholesterol-complexing polyene filipin III on the availability of cell-surface Y2 receptors were also assessed in gpY2-CHO cells. A substantial increase in surface Y2 binding could be shown, dependent on concen-tration of the antibiotic. The increase reached about twice the control level at 3 lM was somewhat reduced at 10 lM, and then dropped to almost the control levels at 30 lM (Fig. 4). In the same set of experiments, the increase in surface Y2 binding at 10 lM PAO was, as routinely observed, close to five times the control value (Fig. 4). Stimulation of the binding by filipin was largely prevented by equimolar cholesterol, and was essentially cancelled at a cholesterol concentration three times in excess to that of filipin (Fig. 4). The unmasking of the Y2 sites by 10 lM PAO was not altered by equimolar cholesterol (Fig. 4). Cholesterol alone at 10 lM slightly increased the surface binding of the Y2 agonist (Fig. 4). Activation of the Y2 sites by nonionic detergents or emulsifiers could not be satisfactorily studied with cell monolayers, due to loss of cell attachment. With either gpY2-CHO or rat forebrain particulates, pretreatment with polyoxyethylene sorbitan emulsifiers Tween 40 (monopalm-itate) or Tween 80 (monooleate) at up to 10 mM produced less than 10% activation (data not shown). Dynamics of activation of the surface Y2 sites by phenylarsine oxide indicates little accumulation due to receptor externalization The dynamics of appearance of additional surface sites at 30 lM PAOindicateda fastactivation,as theincreaseinthe labeling by agonist peptides relative to control values Ó FEBS 2002 Fig. 4. Unmasking of surface Y2 sites in gpY2-CHO cells by filipin III and effect of cholesterol. The cell monolayers were labeled by 125I-labeled hNPY at 50 pM for 40 min at 37 °Cat 1, 3, 10 or 30 lM filipin III (FIII) without or with 10 lM cholesteryl hemisuccinate (Chol), and the tracer attached to surface receptors was extracted by acid saline at 0–4 °C(see Materials and methods). Unmasking by 10 lM PAO resulted in surface binding of 90 ± 1.47 fmolÆmg)1 pro-tein without Chol, and of 89.3 ± 0.9 fmolÆmg)1 protein with 10 lM Chol (n ¼ 3). Significance vs. the control binding was evaluated as in Fig. 1. saturated within 20 min at 24 °C, and in less than 10 min at 37 °C(Fig. 5A). More than 50% of the total increase in surface gpY2-CHO sites by PAO was observed within 3 min of labeling at any temperature (Fig. 5A). A similar fast activation was observed for Y2 receptors of rat forebrain cells (not shown). This was contrasted by a gradual, steady accumulation of surface Y1 sites in gpY1-CHO cells at 3 lM filipin or 10 lM PAO, related to inhibition of Y1 receptor internalization by these agents (Fig. 5B). With the gpY1-CHO receptor (which is inten-sively internalized and recycled, as different from the gpY2 receptor expressed in the same cell type [12]), there was a gradual relative increase (over eightfold) in labeled surface sites between 3 and 60 min of incubation at 24 °Cin the presence of either filipin III or PAO (Fig. 5B). DISCUSSION Several rhodopsin-family receptors were described as partly cryptic,hidden,masked,orcompartmentalized,forexample the pituitary LHRH [25], the protease-activated sevenfold receptors such as the thrombin receptor [26], the a2-adrenergic receptor reserve (60–70% of all sites [27]), and the 5-HT1B receptor reserve (up to 90% of the total receptor [28]). The muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, the classic example of an aggregated rhodopsin-like receptor, is usuallyexaminedinrelationtoitssequestrationbyagonists. However, its massive aggregation by agrins, which also involves cell-surface dystroglucans [29], could induce a Masked Y2 NPY receptors (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 2319 Fig. 5. ComparativedynamicsoflabelingofY2sitesingpY2-CHOcells and of Y1 sites in gpY1-CHO cells in the presence of phenylarsine oxide or filipin III. The ligands (see below) were used at 50 pM for the indi-cated periods of time. After removal of the unbound tracer and washing, the cells were extracted with cold acid saline to separate the cell surface-bound and internalized ligand (see Materials and meth-ods). The results are expressed as percent of control labeling. The data are averages of three experiments. (A) Surface labeling (ext) and internalization (int) of 125I-labeled hPYY(3–36) in gpY2-CHO cells at 10 lM PAO. The control labeling at 60 min was 20.3 ± 0.6 and 6.9 ± 0.23 (37 °C), and 24 ± 0.83 and 3.3 ± 0.15 fmolÆmg)1 total cell protein (24 °C) for the cell-surface and internalized fraction, respectively. For any time point, the elevation of Y2 binding in the presence of PAO was highly significant vs. the respective control binding in Tukey t-testing. (B) Surface labeling (ext) and internaliza-tion (int) of 125I-labeled hNPY in gpY1-CHO cells at 24 °Cin the presence of 10 lM PAO or 3 lM filipin III. After 60 min at 24 °C , the control labeling was 7.5 ± 0.23 and 37.7 ± 0.3 fmolÆmg)1 total cell protein for the cell-surface and internalized fraction, respectively. Note that the internalized fraction of the Y1 binding with either inhibitor was less than 5% of control values. degree of constitutive, agonist-unrelated sequestration. Among the Y receptors, the hypothalamic Y2 receptors induced by estrogen show fast density changes by pro-gesterone [30], possibly related to receptor masking. In this study, competition by Y2 agonist after treatment by PAO indicatedanessentiallynormalaffinityfortheunmaskedY2 sites, which should derive from a constitutively sequestered membrane compartment. This work finds a considerable activation of cell mem-braneY2sitesbyavicinaldithiol-bridgingagent,andalower activation by the alkylating agent NEM, or by the choles-terol-complexingagentfilipinIII.WithPAO,thecell-surface activation reaches 50% of the receptor numbers found in particulatesderived by mechanicaldisruptionofthecells.In cell cultures, many of the surface receptors may not be readily available for interaction with larger peptidic ligands due to cell–cell interactions or interactions with the substra-tum. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the arsenical wouldexposeamajorityofthesitesthatcanbelabeledinthe absenceofcelldisruptionby34–36-residuepeptidesusedfor the Y2 labeling. Lack of Y2 activation by the restricted membrane-access alkylator MTSET [24] indicates a large roleforacellmembranecompartmentinthemaskingofY2 sites. From our previous work [14], a substantial part of Y2 receptors in this compartment should be aggregated and anchored to cytoskeletal proteins, some of which contain PAO-sensitive vicinal dithiol and even trithiol motifs. Activation of masked populations of surface receptor sites by PAO was shown previously for macroglobulin, ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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