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English 12 I. WARM- UP 21. What do you tchailnl kthaebseouatntimheasles ainniEmnagllsis?h? panda elephant ENDANGERED ANIMALS tiger Picture 1 Picture 4 rhinoceros UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES PART D – WRITING Write a paragraph about measures to protect endangered Ianimals Write a paragraph about measures to protect endangered animals • I. Warm – up: •II. II. .Preparing for writing:ing: •1.ITask 1: Suggestrpossible measures that should be • 1. Crosscheck based on the following points:ems • - Supporting sentences • - Concluding sentence • 1.2- Contents (5points): • - The measures for 7 problems • 1.3- Grammar and expression (3 points) Unit 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES – Writing Vocabulary: - sufficient (a) [sə`fi∫nt] = enough Ex: Our government has sufficient food to support the flooded area. - living condition (n) - livelihood [`laivlihud](n) - To raise people’s awareness (n) - reserve (n) điều kiện sống kế sinh nhai, Nâng cao nhận thức của con người Ex: It is a place where plants and animals are protected from cutting or killing. ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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